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1、七上英语unit1话题作文教案Introduce yourself and others-介绍自己和他人教学内容:七上英语unit1话题作文,介绍自己和他人.教学重点:注意人称代词的用法以及句型的灵活运用。学会审题并正确使用人称,时态,连词,成句成篇.教学难点:学会审题并正确使用人称,时态,连词,成句成篇.教学过程:一:Greeting Nice to meet you.二:认识我1. Introduce myself to all the students.Today I am your new friend.My name is Yang Xuwang. My first name is

2、Xuwang,and my last name is Yang. My telephone number is 18975222425.My QQ number is 415553570.I like English .Explanation通过自我介绍,直奔本节课的主题,呈现本单元的主要内容及句型。2. Kimi (林嘉荣)(我为Kimi来配音)Say: Kimi has a sore throat,can you help him?Ask several students to stand up and read the sentences.Hi, Im Lin Jiarong.Im a

3、boy.My first name is Jiarong, and my last name is Lin.Kimi Lin is my English name.Do you have an English name?Im 6 years old now.Do you love me?Explanation通过让学生来为Kimi 配音,练习自我介绍。3. Peng JiayiShow the photo of Peng Jiayi,and ask her to introduce herself to all the students.Hello, Im a girl of 12.My na

4、me is Peng Jiayi.I am at Jiangsheng Middle School.I am in Class1511,Grade7.Explanation用本班学生的照片及学生证,让学生练习自我介绍,同时过度到下一环节。三认识你Say :Now,I want to make friends with you ,please introduce yourself to me.Then ask several students to introduce themselves to the class.Explanation本环节的设置,不仅是师生之间情感的交流,更是对自我介绍的进

5、一步练习。四:认识他/她Show the photos of Wang Junkai and Mary Brown,let the students to practice introducing others.First ,ask several students to introduce WangJunkai 1. 王俊凯His name is Wang Junkai.He is a Chinese boy.His first name is Junkai ,his last name is Wang. Hes in “The Fighting Boys(TFBoys)”.Hes 16 y

6、ears old.He likes playing the guitar.Then ask them to introduce Mary Brown.2. Mary BrownShe is a girl.Her full name is Mary Brown.She is a student .Shes in Class Two,Grade Seven.Her first name is Mary,and her last name is Brown.Her telephone number is 535-2375.Explanation此环节练习介绍他人。四 分析总结1. 姓名My name

7、s Jenny. /Im Gina./My full name is分别介绍姓和名My first name is -,my last name is-还可以介绍自己的英文名字2. 介绍性别3. 介绍所在学校、年级,班级,团体Im /study at Jiangsheng Middle School.I study in Class Two,Grade SevenIm in “The Fighting Boys(TFBoys)”.4. 介绍联系方式电话号码、QQ号码My telephone/QQ number is5.介绍年龄-years old.-6.介绍个人喜好I like sthdoin

8、g sth.Explanation通过对之前练习的句子进行分门别类的分析,发现并总结在进行自我介绍和介绍他人的时候该注意哪些要素。五 旺旺微课Let the students watch my micro class.【三步五要素法】写作思路分三步第一步:认真审题,根据写作要点提示确定文章格式,体裁,人称,时态等。第二步:根据文章要点,编写提纲,列出重点词句,尽量使用自己熟悉的句型,并学会正确使用连词,使行文流畅。第三步:成句成篇,仔细检查,谨防遗漏内容要点,尽量减少语法错误,并且书写要规范。文章内容五要素 1姓名:(姓、名、中文名英文名)My name isMy first/last nam

9、e is 2年龄:I amyears old. 3性别:I am a girl/ boy. 4所在学校和班级:I am atMiddle School, I am in Class,Grade 5联系方式(电话号码、QQ号码、邮箱等):My telephone number is 可拓展内容:生日、出生地、职业、兴趣爱好等。Explanation微课的呈现,向学生介绍写作的三步五要素法。六 【典型例题】Show the example to the students .新学期开学了,请你在同学们面前做一个自我介绍。 要求:1词数60左右。 2介绍中包括你的姓名、年龄、联系方式等。 3可适当发挥

10、。【参考词汇】 单词:and, but, student, my, old 短语:first name, phone number, last name, full name 句子:I am .years old. I am a boy/girl.拓展:I am a girl named我是一个叫的女孩。 I am at the age of我岁了。Teach them how to think about it and show the steps they must follow.【审题思路】1.根据写作对象,确定人称用第一人称.2.文章需要介绍姓名,年龄,联系方式等,用一般现在时,句子之

11、间要恰当的使用连词,使上下文连贯通畅.3.文章的词数60左右.Explanation通过典型例题,引领学生如何审题。【佳作欣赏】:Share the article with all the students.Hello, everyone, now I want to make friends with you. My name is Gina Green. Gina is my first name and Green is my family name. I am a girl at the age of 12, I like chatting(聊天) on the Internet(上

12、网),and my QQ number is 7845362. Whats yours?【赏析点评】:Analyse this article sentence by sentence.【朗读感知:Let the students read the article together.Explanation通过对文章的整体感知,赏析,学会正确使用人称,时态,连词,成句成篇。【温馨提示】:Say: Before writing ,I will give you some advice.Then play the recording.1代词的使用 形容词性物主代词my/his/her一定要放在名词之

13、前。如My name is,her telephone number is;人称代词的主格和宾格一定要正确使用:主格作主语,宾格用作宾语跟在动词之后。如:I am a middle school student. Please tell me your name.2句型的灵活运用 在介绍自己的时候,有很多方面的内容可以写,也有很多种不同的句型可以表达同一个意思,在写作时要选择句型相对复杂但是自己绝对有把握的句子使用,使文章结构看起来层次更分明,更高于同等水平。 如:我叫吉娜。My name is Gina. Im Gina. Gina is my name. I am a girl named

14、我是一个叫的女孩。 我是一个中学生。I am a middle school student.I study at a middle school.我12岁了。I am 12.I am 12 years old.I am at the age of 12.I am a girl of 12.I am a 12-year-old girl.Explanation此处的提示是为了让学生更好的进行写作,写出自己的特色。七. 【写作训练】 假设你刚刚结交了一位新的笔友Jennifer。请写信告诉她你的个人情况和在校的情况。要求:1.词数60左右。 2. 叙事清楚,语句通顺,语意连贯。参考词汇 1单词:and,but,student,my,old 2短语:first name,phone number, last name, middle name, full name 3句子:I am .years old. I am a girl.【审题思路】1.根据写作对象,确定人称用第一人称。2.文章用一般现在时介绍自己,句子之间要恰当的使用连词,使上下文连贯通畅3.文章的词数60左右Dear Jennifer,_


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