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1、完形填空 阅读理解综合测试(含答案)(word)一、完形填空1阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city. You hop on(跨上)it and 1 . But wait-isnt this stealing? No, it isnt. 2 shouts, Stop! Thief! That is 3 this free ride is just fine with the city. You 4 find hundreds o

2、f free yellow bikes in some US cities. The idea began in Portland, Oregon, in 1994. People saw a need for 5 transportation, and they wanted to help 6 pollution. So, to get citizens(市民) 7 their cars and onto pollution-free bikes, they 8 the Yellow Bike Project. The 9 bikes are painted bright yellow a

3、nd placed throughout the city. People can hop on the yellow bike and ride to run errands(短程差事), to work 10 to school. Then, they leave the bike for the 11 rider. There have been times when bikes have been stolen, but most people 12 the rules, because they think it is not wise to 13 the bike thats al

4、ready free. Portlands 14 was quickly loved by a lot of people. Within two years of its start, similar programs were 15 in cities in six other states.1. A. drive awayB. ride awayC. ride backD. run away2. A. No oneB. SomeoneC. AnyoneD. Everyone3. A. whetherB. soC. becauseD. though4. A. have toB. dont

5、have toC. cantD. can5. A. expensiveB. crowdedC. freeD. common6. A. protectB. controlC. makeD. bring7. A. out ofB. intoC. upD. near8. A. endedB. startedC. changedD. refused9. A. publicB. privateC. cleanD. dirty10. A. butB. asC. untilD. or11. A. nextB. lastC. bestD. first12. A. breakB. makeC. discussD

6、. follow13. A. buyB. repairC. produceD. steal14. A. citizenB. streetC. ideaD. school15. A. looked upB. made upC. put upD. set up【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)D;(5)C;(6)B;(7)A;(8)B;(9)A;(10)D;(11)A;(12)D;(13)D;(14)C;(15)D; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了美国的免费自行车,这种想法起源于1994年,为了帮着减少少污染。自行车被漆成黄色,放在城市的各个地方,供人们方便骑行,人们骑自行车去上

7、班上学,有时候自行车也会被偷,但是但多数人左手规则,认为已经免费骑车了,偷车是不明智的。该项目在波特兰启动之后,现在已经有六个州有了这种免费的自行车了。 (1)句意:你可以跨上去骑走。A.开走;B.骑走;C.骑回来;D.跑走,短文在介绍的是免费自行车,所以说是跨上去骑走,故答案是B。 (2)句意:没有人会喊“停下来,小偷。A.没有人;B.某人;C.任何人;D.每个人。根据 No, it isnt. 可知自行车不会被偷,也不会有人喊着抓小偷,故答案是A。 (3)句意:那是因为这趟免费的骑行对这个城市很好。A.是否;B.因此;C.因为;D.尽管,本句在解释为什么自行车不会被偷,因此使用becaus

8、e,故答案是C。 (4)句意:你可以看到成千上百的免费的黄色的自行车在一些美国城市里。A.必须;B.不必;C.不能;D.能,文章在讲述美国的免费自行车的事,所以说能够看到,故答案是D。 (5)句意:人们看到了对于免费交通工具的需求。A.昂贵的;B.拥挤的;C.免费的;D.普通的,因为有了对免费交通工具的需求才会有免费自行车的出现,故答案是C。 (6)句意:他们想帮着控制污染。A.保护;B.控制;C.制造;D.带来,免费自行车的推出,可以减少污染空气的排放,这样就帮着控制了污染,故答案是B。 (7)句意:因此为了让市民从车里出来,骑上免费的无污染的自行车,他们开始了黄色自行车项目。A.外;B.里

9、面;C.上面;D.附近,get out of,从里面出来,固定搭配,故答案是A。 (8)句意:因此为了让市民从车里出来,骑上免费的无污染的自行车,他们开始了黄色自行车项目。A.结束;B.开始;C.改变;D.拒绝,因为原来没有这个项目,这个是新开始的项目,应使用start,故答案是B。 (9)句意:公共自行车被油漆成鲜亮的黄色。A.公共的;B.私人的;C.干净的;D.脏的,因为自行车是免费的的,所以它是公共的,故答案是A。 (10)句意:人们可以跨上自行车去做短程差事,去上班或者去上学。A.但是;B.因为;C.直到;D.或者,上班,和上学是具有选择关系的选择,应使用or。故答案是D。 (11)句

10、意:然后他们把自行车留给下一个骑行者。A.下一个;B.上一个;C.最好的;D.第一,他把车放在那里之后为了让想一个人骑,故答案是A。 (12)句意:有时自行车被偷了,但是大多数人是遵守规矩的,A.弄坏;B.制造;C.讨论;D.遵守,根据句意可知,有时候会被偷,没大多数人是守规矩的,因此使用follow,故答案是D。 (13)句意:因为他们认为偷免费的自行车不明智。A.买;B.修理;C.生产;D.偷盗,本句是在解释大多数人为什么会守规矩,因为偷免费自行车不明智。故答案是C。 (14)句意:波特兰的想法很快被很多人所喜欢。A.市民;B.街道;C.想法;D.学校,因为免费自行车是首先在波特兰试实施的

11、。所以说是他们的主意或者想法,故答案是D。 (15)句意:它开始两年之内,类似的项目已经在其他六个城市建立起来了。A.向上看;B.组成;C.搭起,建造;D创建,建立,这里指的是建立了一个项目,而不是有形的建筑物,应使用set up。故答案是D。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2完形填空 Cartoon films have very few limits(限制). If you can draw something, then you can make it

12、1 on the cinema screen. The use of new ideas and modern computer programs means that cartoons are becoming exciting again for people of 2 ages. By the 1970s,the cinema world had decided that cartoons were 3 for children. But soon after that, one or two film makers had some new ideas. They proved tha

13、t it was 4 to make films which both grownups and children would enjoy. However, not every cartoon film was 5 . The Black Cauldron, for example, failed, mainly because it was too 6 for children and too childish for grownups. Film makers learnt a lesson from this 7 , and then cartoons were welcomed 8

14、both children and grownups and 9 the film companies began to make large amounts(大量的) of 10 . 1. A. arriveB. stayC. moveD. reach2. A. someB. eitherC. allD. both3. A. onlyB. alreadyC. stillD. never4. A. difficultB. possibleC. completeD. interesting5. A. successfulB. badC. lovelyD. amazed6. A. interestingB. popularC. relaxingD. scaring7. A. successB. mistakeC. bookD. information8. A. toB. forC. byD. with9. A. onceB. howeverC. againD. too10. A. moneyB.


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