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1、1. gliding descent=drift descent 无功率下滑,飘降2. fin 垂尾3. pilot-in-command 机长4. retard 收光油门5. control column 操纵杆6. depict 显示,描绘7. rotors 转子8. stream 引气9. cylinder head temperature 汽缸头温度 CHT10. ammeter 电流表11. ASI airspeed indicator12. AI attitude indicator13. VSI vertical speed indicator14. HI heading ind

2、icator15. Deflect 倾斜,偏转16. Ventilation 通风17. aerofoil 翼面18. angle of incidence 机翼安装角19. laminar 层状的20. contour 外形21. stationary 稳定的22. counteract 抵消23. exert 产生24. optimum 最佳的25. swirl/vortex 涡流26. EAD engine&alert display27. Configuration 结构28. CRT cathode ray tube29. assembly组装。装置30. submerged 浸在水

3、中的31. CDU control display unit32. Well-thought-out 精心的33. knob旋钮 lever手柄 button 按钮 switch电门34. thrust lever 推力杆35. central console 中央控制台36. ADF automatic direction finder37. INS inertial navigation system38. ILS instrument landing system39. glare shield 遮光板40. superimposed附加的41. artificial 人工的42. sw

4、ivel 使旋转43. HIS horizontal situation indicator44. Aisle stand 边台.45. Panoramic 全景的46. Peripheral 外围的47. RMI radio magnetic indicator48. IRS Inertial Reference System 惯性基准系统49. NORM基准50. TRUE 休整51. Bearing 方位52. EIS electronic instrument system53. DU display unit54. ECP electronic control panels飞机电子中

5、央监控控制面板55. SDCP system display control panel56. RLS remote light sensor57. DEU display electronic units58. SD system display59. Synoptic 概要的60. Miscellaneous 各种各样的61. Closed-loop 闭环的62. Plenum 压力通风系统63. Bulkhead 隔板64. Ducting 管道65. SAE Society of Automotive Engineers66. Complement 定员67. Shear 修剪68.

6、Lumbar 腰部的69. Curve 使弯曲70. FAR federal aviation regulations71. Common practice 实践72. Gust locks 舵面锁73. Wheel skirts 机轮整流罩74. NOTAM notices to airmen75. Useful load 有效载重76. Empty weight 空重77. Gross weight 全重78. C.G. center of gravity79. Field elevation 机场标高80. POH pilots operating handbook81. Headwin

7、d 逆风82. Tailwind 顺风83. Spin 螺旋84. Rough air 颠簸85. Configuration 结构,外形86. Longevity 长寿,长期供职87. Modify 修改,更改88. Malfunction 故障89. Impending 即将来临的90. Climbout 初始上升91. Cardinal 最重要的92. Runup试车93. Troubleshoot 寻找故障94. Synoptic 摘要的95. Parameter 参数96. ECAM electronic centralized aircraft monitor97. WLDP wa

8、rning light display panel98. Flap-less/no flap landing 无襟翼着陆99. Round out拉平100. Float/flare 平飘101. Aerobatic 特技飞行的102. Versatile 多方面适用的103. Tight-roll 急速横滚 barrel roll 划大圈的横滚104. Hair-rising 令人恐怖的105. Pull away=departure106. Pivoted 绕枢轴转动的107. Tilt 倾斜108. Redundantly 过多的109. EICAS Engine Indication

9、And Crew Alerting System 发动机指示和机组警告系统110. Pedal 踏板111. Speculate 思考112. Falter 摇晃113. Toll 损失114. Grill 烧 115. Wreckage 残骸116. Alloy 合金117. Rib 翼肋118. Fabric 蒙皮119. Punch 打孔120. Flaperon 襟副翼121. Elevon 升降副翼122. Servo tab 伺服调整片123. Dimension 面积124. Wing span 翼展125. Clip 撞击126. Lamp post 灯柱127. Land o

10、r take-off into the wind 迎风起降128. Prevailing wind 盛行风129. Dictate 指挥130. In parallel pairs 两两平行的131. Intersecting runway交叉跑道132. Contend 竞争133. Hamper 妨碍134. Negligible 微不足道的135. Slush 雪水136. Precipitation 降雨(量)137. Compressor压气机138. Inadvertently 不当心的139. Penetration 穿越140. Lavatory 厕所141. Door-kno

11、b 门把手142. Ventilation 换气通风143. Bolt 插销144. Posture 姿态145. Takeoff abort=abandon takeoff=reject takeoff146. Fraction 小部分147. Inspect 检查148. Override 超控149. Antiskid 防滑150. Spray 喷雾,雾化151. Viscosity 粘性152. Penalize 处罚153. Onset 开始154. Retardation 延迟155. Ambient 周围的156. Carburetor 汽化器157. Overshoot/und

12、ershoot 目测过高/过低158. Manual extension 手动放下159. Jar 甩(起落架)160. Altimeter setting 高度表拔正161. Radio beacons 无线电波162. Interval 间隔163. Stack盘旋等待164. VOR very high frequency omnidirectional165. Subscale 气压分刻度166. Perimeter 周长167. Philosophy 原理168. Strap 用皮带束住169. Tackle 对付;解决170. Foam 泡沫171. AFDS Autopilot

13、Flight Director System172. MCP Main Control Display173. Servo 伺服174. Alignment 准线,对准175. Triplicate 三倍的176. Discrepancy 差异177. Disengage 使脱离,断开178. Boast 自夸179. Literally 真正的180. FCP Function Control Package 操作控制包181. GCP glareshield control panel182. Intervention 干涉183. Symbology 象征184. Pointer 指针1

14、85. AGL above ground level 离地高度186. POB person on board187. Nose over 拿大顶188. Tires blow out/get tires float 爆胎189. Ditching 水上迫降190. Strut 支柱191. Cowling 整流罩192. Fairing 减阻装置193. A tricycle/tailwheel gear arrangement 前/后三点式194. Ground-looping 打地转195. Safety margin 安全裕度196. Bogie 轮轴架197. Air/oil sho

15、ck strut 油气减震支柱198. Build in/integral 内置的199. Bracket 支架200. Torque 扭矩201. Solenoid 电磁圈202. Streamer 飘带,风标203. Tail skid 尾橇,尾撑204. Component 组成205. Actuate 开动,驱使206. Hydraulic fluid 液压油207. Proximity 最近208. Swarms of 一群209. Network of hydrants 抽油网栓210. Replenish 在充满211. Special insulation lines 特殊绝缘材料内衬212. Incur 招致213. Wrath 愤怒214. Strain 使过劳215. Sealed 密闭的21



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