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1、留学人员行政介绍信 下面网小编为大家提供了留学人员行政介绍信,仅供参考,欢迎阅读: 第一篇dea cleagues: a a teaher in epartmentof bioogy, nanka nivet, a leadg uniersityinchina, i m vry please o tke this oprtity torecommnd neof my favi studt o your phdprgra. in sepmber, XX,mis zhang wa m studentsn genera bilgy,the firstprofessoalcousetey tki th

2、efiel sh iks emu.i teah er in n oen and inteactive anner, sh is actie andpassionate aot answering class uestion ms zhanisbriht, nergetic nd hsc gr holvs seakigou eron ieas.senever escapes fo tose pits o which heis sepical. aprt fro tht, heotenps rwar erida upo qusionsa xchangsallof her novate iewith

3、 m aftr class upon endin generl biology course, ed my studentsto wrte n esay upn heirdrstandg f iology. i covedmss zngs essawass impressie adprusiv; her aul ay omsfo dozen of refereneooloy lterarsin essay mis zang stetche hereate thinng upon stus oof ioloclearch and brncs i the fld f bilogy. al of t

4、his peas t her eativand logial and scinti thikn apbility.imglalyto y that miss zhagha aclaunertanding about gneral biooy, tatcoprehensio has been efleted fully in r esay. teforemsshang got afullpoint fr heressay n her cas, an thr stuen took itodel essorratd. be m zhngsindususnes, assn and ddicaion w

5、iake her an iealanidate ouare sekg fr your rogram, so i ighly rcommend her itht any hesittio t yo. adiwill greatly pprcia i you cul acept itoyur progrm sicerey yors,第二篇 i aplased o write this ltteromy frer studet ss nan li,hogrdut fromthscollg i an lb.degr i jun 19.msliwasadmited to the depatent f l

6、awf thisclee n 14 trog highlyompeiivenrac eamination which i cnduct annly andisen t te wole atin.eveni suhaseletive grp.ms made hersef istingished.a pressr dean of e college,ihae acces to r recos o acadic wrk anmol cout,in her fourth yer sy,i intruced ein anloamercnlas n resps.soihaveo her uitewells

7、s li prformanc,like that in may other corses s taen,was xelnt ithasuerir grde f 86 orthe irstsemese,nd84 for he second semester. in ourunivesity ndinotuivesi her,80 s consdereda,te hghst eve.as f as inw,mis li wisesto continuhersuyin lafor n anced greeia sue sh hahd sufcint prreqiienwldge forthe ubect n eanlyhas the abilit o undetakhe sudy.i recommd mis i itot reervatiod ha appeiateyorfvoral cosieration ofher plcation



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