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1、2022年人教版四年级英语上册期中模拟考试(及答案) 题序一二三四五六七八总分得分(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)一、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分)1、( )Afarmer BbrotherCfather2( )Aspoon BnoodlesCbowl3( )AChinese book BEnglishCmaths book4( )Aquiet BfriendCstrong5( )Adesk BchairCclassroom二、选出下列各组单词中画线部分的读音不同的一项。(10分)1、.1( )A these Bthirty Cthose2( )Awho Bwhose Cwha

2、t3( )Aworld Bhorse Cwork4( )Acloudy Bfly Ctry5( )Amusic Bmum Cus三、给下列图片选择对应的单词。(10分)1、.Ateachers deskBfloorCblackboardDcomputerE. wall1 ( )2 ( )3 ( )4 ( )5 ( )四、单项选择。(20分)1、How many days are there in a week?( )_AExcellent!BSunday.CSeven.2、Pass _ the knife and fork please. ()AmyBmeCI3、Its six in the

3、morning. Its time for _.( )AbreakfastBlunchCdinner4、This is my _. She is very quiet. ( )AuncleBauntCfather5、_ they want a rest? ( )ADoBDoesCAre6、_ is the toilet? ( )AWhoBWhereCWhen7、Do you want _ apple or _ banana? ( )Aa; anBan; aCa; a8、Dont _ on the grass. ( )AwalkingBwalkCto walk9、You can use a _

4、for soup. ( )AforkBspoonCknife10、Its _ in Beijing.( )ArainBweatherCrainy五、情景交际,选出正确的一项。(10分)1、你想看一看别人的东西,你会说:( )ACanIhavealook? BCanIhaveone?2、李老师留着短头发,你应该说:( )AMrLihaslonghair.BMissLihasshorthair.3、打电话时,询问对方是否是奇奇时,应说:( )AIsthatQiqi?BAreyouQiqi?4、想告诉对方自己的爸爸又高又壮,你说:( )AHeistallandstrong.BSheisshortan

5、dthin.5、你想问对方家里有几口人,应该说:( )AHowmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily? BWhoarethey?六、 连词成句。(10分)1ten, is, oclock, it(.)_2sing, lets, dance, and(.)_3for, class, time, English, its (.)_4is, time, it, what (?)_5to, time, school, to, its, go (.)_七、 给下列句子找出相应的答语。(10分)AIts a computer.BOK.CIts near the door.DThank

6、 you.E. A blackboard, two lights. 1Whats in the classroom? ( )2Whats this? ( )3Lets clean the classroom! ( )4Where is the picture? ( )5Let me help you. ( )八、 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(20分)Pluto is a black and white dog. We all like him. He is a member of our family. Pluto is 2 years old. He usually gets up

7、 at about 7:00 a.m. At about 7:30, he has his breakfast. He likes bones. Sometimes he has meat. After that he goes out and brings bags of milk for us to drink. At about 9:00 he goes out to meet his friend, a brown dog next door. He comes back at about 12:00 and sleeps for three hours. At about 3:30

8、p.m., he goes out and brings us the evening newspaper. Then I walk him in the park. We often play frisbee(飞盘) together there. At about 6:00 p.m., he has his dinner.Every day at 7:00 p.m., Pluto and I sit together on the sofa to watch TV. Then he sleeps. That is Plutos day.1Pluto is a lovely cat. ( )

9、2Hes two now. ( )3He likes bones and milk. ( )4Hes a good helper(帮手)in the family. ( )5He watches TV on the sofa every day. ( )参考答案一、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分)1、1A2B3B4B5C二、选出下列各组单词中画线部分的读音不同的一项。(10分)1、1B2C3B4A5A三、给下列图片选择对应的单词。(10分)1、1C2A3B4E5D四、单项选择。(20分)1、C2、B3、A4、B5、A6、B7、B8、B9、B10、C五、情景交际,选出正确的一项。(10分)1、A2、B3、A4、A5、A六、 连词成句。(10分)1、1Its ten oclock.2Lets sing and dance.3Its time for English class.4What time is it?5Its time to go to school.七、 给下列句子找出相应的答语。(10分)1、1E2A3B4C5D八、 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(20分)2、1F2T3F4T5T页码 / 总页数


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