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1、自我介绍英文版自我介绍英文版模板大全 篇一od mrin,eveyon Thayoufor tak your tie Is realy m hnorohave thisopprtnity to tk part n tis ntevie. w,I wod lik o intrduce myself briefly. My namei Doris. am 2 yers old adbon n Qingdao. I graduadfrm Hebi Uiversit of Sience and Tchnology. My mar is Egls. AnI ot my bachelordre afer

2、mgaduatio. I also stuie Adit inHebei Noral Uniersity cience and choo.I vry terete nEglish and udy vey ha on ths subje. I h d TEM-8an BVatage. Iworke an Amerian company athebegning fthis ya. Mypoken Enlish wasimproved a lot by communiting with mericans freqnt uring that ed.I very pimistic a esy tgeta

3、lng thIhave manyrinds.Temokpirt very importnt n hsae I think if we want toake ig ahievemet, itver imortatto ler ow to copeate withother poplMy moto is “cracterdetermn dstity”, o alry reind yself o be hons d moestto evne verdsa“ttitue is eeryhng”. IfI get is job, wil putl my heart in it and try my et

4、 o doiwel. 篇二 am Iwasborn i . I graduate r eni hih schoo and mjor innglish. I started arnig nglish sineI was12 yrsolMypretave alotof Aranfinds. ThatshyIav no bl communicatgith Ameins r other b seang ih. Iy spreme,Ilk todoanyhng relatntoEngish sucas listening to Eglishsgs, ati Elish movies orV pogras

5、, or even attnding acvitis hld y some English lubsor instites.I ue to goabrad o a short- trm Englih stuy. rig that time, Iearned alot o dailylif glish and saw lt of differnt thigs. I thik langage is rynterestig.I coulepresso sbstaceby using ifferent sous. I wishI ould study ad readmoreElish iterarsa

6、d enlargm knoldge 篇三 yname _.Ia gaduatfom _ snorhhschool ndmajor n_. Tre are _peplen y family. My fatr wrs in a cmper mpny. n my mtherisa huewife. I a the ounes o in my family. I my sar tim, Ilike tread novels I tnkreadi cou enlargmy knwlede As fornvel, oul imagi wteerI like c as awll-kow cetstr a k

7、un-fu mste. n diti o eadng, I alsoike to la PCae.A lot orowushnlayig C ges iners he students from leig. But I thik PC gaes cumtvate me to a soehingsuc as Englhor Japanes.My favoite rse EnlhcueI tk it sirsino syone hng via diferent ondsI wis m Engish culd be imoved n teext furearsa e abeo speak flt E

8、nglish in theuture. 篇四 Iam _.I wa born n _. I grdue from _senio high choo an major in Eish. starte eing Enlis sineI was2 yers old. M paent ha a ot of Amerian friends. Tha why hae norobemomnicain t Amei thers pekg Englih. y spare time, iketo o tig reang t Enlishsuh s litenin Eglis sngs, ating Englsh

9、mviesor V programs, r een attendighactivs hel y soe Enlish clubs o ittues I ued to go aoa f hrt-erm Engls sud. During tha tie, Ilearne a lotof aiyieEnlh ad saw alo o diffenthings. hin lngage isvy nteretin. ldpresone ubstaneb in differet sonds. o wish I couldstud nd read more ngis teratre an nlarg my kolee.


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