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1、出现以下的词汇,通常使用“现在完成时”结构。1)ever since, since, since then3个2)by now, so far, till/until now, up to now5个3)before, lately, recently3个4)in recent years;in the past2个5)in/for/over/during the last/past +时间段2个6)This/That/It is + 最高级结构 (that) +从句用现完1个7)This/That/It is the first/second time (that) +从句用现完1个8)Th

2、is/That/It is the only(that) +从句用现完1个9)不很常见的up to the present, to date, thus far3个10)不很常见的long ago, from2个以上的划分是为了讲解记忆的方便而已。1.ever since, since, since then3个ever since, since中的since可以是副词,也可以是介词、连词;since then为介词+名词(或副词)结构朗文英语语法第309页9.25.2与since和for连用的现在完成时since和for常与现在完成时连用,表示直到现在的时段。since(+时点)可用作:si

3、nce连词:Tom hasnt been home since he was a boy. 汤姆从小就不在家了。since副词:I saw Fiona in May and I havent seen her since.我5月份见过菲奥娜,此后我就没有再见过她了。since介词:Ive lived here since 1980. 自1980年起我就住在这儿。since用作连词时,后面可跟一般过去时或现在完成时:I retired in 1980 and came to live here. Ive lived here since I retired.我于1980年退休后就搬到这里。我自退

4、休后就一直住在这儿。(即我调休的时点:1980年)I have lived here for several years now and Ive made many new friends since I have lived here.我已在这里住了好多年。从我在这里住下到现在,我已交了许多新朋友。(即一直到现在)2.by now, so far, till/until now, up to now5个这几个是“到现在为止/到目前为主/迄今(为止)”,常使用现完中考考点。高阶英语语法(增补本 杜永文编著)第295页0433If he sent the letter to me last We

5、dnesday, why have not I received it by now?如果上个星期三他把信寄给我了,为什么到现在我还不曾收到?麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典第1420页now词条The meeting should have finished by now. 会议现在应该已经结束了。剑桥高阶英汉双解词典第785页far词条so far: until now迄今为止;到目前为止So far weve made thirty-two thousand pounds.到目前为止,我们已经赚了32 000英镑。麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典第738页far词条so far: until now迄今

6、为止So far we have restricted our attention to the local area.迄今为止,我们都把注意力局限在当地。麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典第1420页now词条up to now/ until nowUntil now, weve had very mild weather this winter.我们今年冬天的天气一直到现在都比较暖和。COBUILD英汉双解词典第2155页up词条Up to nowtheyve had very little say. 一直到现在他们还很少有发言权。3.before(now), lately, recently3个b

7、efore必须是副词词性,强调的是“从现在开始追溯到过去的一段时间”,使用现完;recently与lately相近,含义有两个“最近的/近来的,不久前的”,因此前者的含义大多使用现完结构,后者的含义使用一般过去时结构。朗文英语语法第308页9.25.1Olga hasnt appeared on TV before now. 奥尔加在此以前没有上过电视。韦氏高阶英汉双解词典第176页before词条before: adv. at an earlier time以前;过去Havent we met before? 我们以前没见过?We havent had these problems befo

8、re. 我们以前从未碰倒过这些问题。英语词汇用法手册(L. G. 亚历山大编著)第159页late, lately词条We havent seen you lately. 最近我们一直没见过你。(lately = 近来)朗文当代高级英语辞典第五版第2394页smile词条I havent had much to smile about lately. 近来我没什么开心的事情。葛传槼英语惯用法词典第475页recently词条5.recently可与修饰属于完成时态或过去时态的动词。例如:I (have) heard from him recently.COBUILD柯林斯 英汉双解词典辛克莱著

9、第1612页recently词条I havent heard from her recently. 近来我没有接到她的信。4.in recent years;in the past2个上海高考英语2015年考查过in recent years这个结构;in the past可以使用过去时与现在完成时等结构新概念英语第二册第58课 A blessing in disguise? 是因祸得福吗?The tree was planted near a church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained a

10、n evil reputation.后半句事实上是个强调句,可理解为that it has gained an evil reputation only in recent years. 这里把recent对应于现在完成时源于此。麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典第1059页in词条44c: within a period of time在(一段时间)之内:Unemployment has risen by over 15% in the past year.失业率在去年一年内上升了15%以上。现代英语用法词典(修订版 张道真主编)第1059页past词条In the past I have had m

11、any jobs. (DCE)In the past trains were pulled by steam-engines. (OSD)5.in/for/over/during the last/past +时间段2个这个大结构大多使用现完,高考英语考查两处:介词(与现完的搭配);现完(与介词结构的搭配)6.This/That/It is + 最高级结构 (that) +从句用现完1个事实上,实际应用中未见得完全如此,但考试还是一个要求。朗文英语语法第308页9.25.1Its the most interesting book Ive ever read. 这是我读过的最有意识的书。牛津英

12、语用法指南(第三版)第920页Its one of the most interesting books Ive ever read.这是我看过的最有意识的书中的一本。朗文英语语法第40页Its the silliest argument (that) Ive ever heard. 这是我听说过的最愚蠢的论点。Bachs the greatest composer thats (or whos) ever lived.巴赫是曾有过的最伟大的作曲家。朗文英语语法第219页6.28.1我们也可以在最高级之后用一关系从句。这种从句经常伴随着带有ever heard, met, read, seen

13、等词的现在完成时:War and Peace is the longest book (that) I have ever read.战争与和平是我所看过的书中最长的一部。Penfold is the most conceited man (that/whom) I have ever met.彭福尔德是我所遇到的人中最自负的一个。7.This/It/That is the first/second time (that) +从句用现完1个该条目算是硬性的规定。牛津英语语法:即学即练第30页在Its/This is the first/second time之后,用现在完成时。This is

14、the first time weve been to Scotland, so its all new to us.This is the second time Rachel has forgotten to give me a message.I love this film. I think its the fourth time Ive seen it.牛津英语用法指南(第三版)第920页This is the first that Ive heard her sing. 这是我第一次听见她唱歌。8.This/That/It is the only(that) +从句用现完1个本条目

15、属于语法结构上的规定。牛津英语用法指南(第三版)第920页在以this/it/that is the first/second/third/only/best/worst等构建的句子里,要用现在完成时。朗文英语语法第42页1.43关系从句之所指:一个句子可以包括一个以上的关系词:Its the only building (which) Ive ever seen which is made entirely of glass.这是我所见过的唯一的一座全部用玻璃造的建筑物。(第一个which一般可以省略。)9.不很常见的up to the present, to date, thus far3个相当于by now, so far结构,只是目前的教科书、语法书讲解得不多而已。韦氏高阶英汉双解词典第1633页present词条I have worked here from


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