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1、BOOK7 UNIT11. Although these certificates may not guarantee a great career, they can provide you with _ to a wider range of opportunities.A. approachB. accessC. accentD. account2. The faculty will assess the financial situation of each candidate and only those from the poorest backgrounds will be gi

2、ven _ over well-being ones.A. profitB. benefitC. advantageD. preference3. If my doctor is _ this afternoon , I will take my daughter to him for a thorough checkup.A. availableB. accessibleC. convenientD. handy4.The American Red Cross is completely _ of the government , with transparent financial con

3、ditions.A. appropriateB. suitableC. independentD. absent5.Opportunity never greets anyone but the minds _ prepared.A. attentivelyB. readilyC. activelyD. adequately6.When the relationship between the grown-ups in a family is _ satisfying , the children within the boundaries of that relationship devel

4、op healthily.A. physicallyB. beneficiallyC. psychologicallyD. ambitiously7.Many young people , especially on the mainland of China , tend to _ a “ no house , no marriage ” attitude , contributing to house price rise and the pressure on themselves.A. adaptB. adjustC. advanceD. adopt8.After the deadly

5、 train crash on July , 23 , many a netizen called on relevant senior officials to _ their directorship.A. resignB. retireC. abolishD. abandon9.Having put on much weight , she was strongly demanded to _ on sweet and fast food.A. cut offB. cut downC. cut upD. cut in10.While designing a place of recrea

6、tion , an architect is to consider adequate access , parking lot , and toilets , etc , _ , his design should take into account the convenience of all citizens.A. in other wordsB. in wordsC. in a wordD. in all1. Had it not been for students constant absences, the teacher _ _.(annoy)如果不是因为学生经常迟到,老师不会如

7、此生气。2. He tried enthusiastically to join the army but to his disappointment ended up _ because of poor eyesight他积极报名参军,让他失望的是,最终却以视力差而被拒绝。3. After a fire broke out in the workshop, a lot of equipment _. (damage)车间经历了一场火灾后,很多设备严重地损坏了。4. Our teacher told us again and again that our spare time _ so as

8、to make a difference. (make)老师一次次地说,要有所影响我们的业余时间必须很好的利用。5. The new MP4 player, if _, will work for at least five years. (use)这个新MP4播放器,如果恰当的使用,能够使用至少五年。6. Large quantities of money _ to help the girl suffering from heart disease during the past two months. (raise)在过去的两个月中筹集到了大笔的钱来帮助这个患心脏病的女孩。7. The

9、Chinese government insists that _ to help the worlds economy grow steadily. (measure)中国政府坚持要求采取不同的措施来帮助世界经济稳定发展。8. The company is said _ using false advertisements to mislead customers. (charge)据说这家公司曾被指控利用虚假广告来误导顾客。9. Can you think of some cases _to achieve a common goal.(help)你能否想一些人们应互相帮助来实现共同目标的

10、情况?10. Not only _ in singing, but she is also devoted to her singing career, both of which have made her a great success. (gifted)她不仅唱歌有天赋,而且致力于她的演唱事业,从而获得了成功。KeysBDACD CDABC1. wouldnt have been so annoyed. 2being turned down 3 was badly damaged4 must be made good use of 5 (it is) properly used 6 ha

11、ve been raised7 different measures should be taken 8 to have been charged with9 where/ in which people should help each other 10 is she giftedB00K7 UNIT21 Sara obviously had no _ of undertaking any work then , though it was only a week before the final examination.A. ambitionB. desireC. intentionD.

12、wish2 People from all directions reached out helping hands out of _ for the victims in the tsunami-stricken area.A. passionB. affectionC. sympathyD. obligation3It seems somewhat _ of a sensible man to drive 3 hours just for a 10-minute face-to-face talk, but I did that to interview Justin Bieber.A.

13、absurdB. uniqueC. clumsyD. abrupt4 A healthy life is frequently thought to be _ with the open countryside and homegrown food.A. tiedB. boundC. involvedD. associated5 This new drug may prove _ effective, but we should wait and see if it has any side effect in clinic experiments.A. practicallyB. absol

14、utelyC. rationallyD. theoretically6 While no doubt this device is _ convenient for many of us, what about those who dont have a consistent Internet connection, or the ability to get online at all?A. speciallyB. probablyC. awfullyD. possibly7 The instructions to the amusement facilities state that no child shall be, unless _ by an adult, allowed to operate the machines.A. accompanied B. acknowledged C. accomplished D. appreciated8. The new colleague _ to have



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