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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!2009年临沂市中考模拟英语试题(三)说明:本试题满分120分,考试时间100分钟。第卷(选择题 共55分)一、听力部分听句子。选出一个与你听到的句子意义最接近的选项。每个句子读一遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)1AOur TV was broken by JohnBJohn brought the TV to us last weekCJohn is going to fix our broken TV2AThe weather in Guilin is neither hot nor coldBThe weather in Guilin colder

2、 than any other city of China in winterCThe weather in Guilin is very bad3AMary isnt angry with us BMary is fullCMary is very hungry4AI dont buy any booksBI have enough money for these booksCI cant buy these interesting books without money5AAll the students have passed the examBJim passed the exam,b

3、uy the others failedCOnly Jim failed in the exam听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)6AThe woman should watch the program tooBThe program will be over soonCThe woman should leave the TV on7AHe doesnt have time to look at the giftBHe is eager to see Teds reaction to the giftCHe cant imagine what his fri

4、ends got for him8AA retirement party BA birthday partyCA class union9AJim is probably nearbyBJim broke his racketCJim might be playing tennis right now10AHe thought she hadnt seen ConnieBHe thought she hadnt returned to her seatCHe thought she had sent Connie another umbrella听短文。选择正确答案,每段对话读两遍。(共5小题

5、,每小题1分)A11Jacks family Was very poor,so he has to _Astudy harder then find a good jobBleave school to crake moneyCbecome a famous writer12To be a famous writer like Jack London,youre supposed to _Aleave school to make moneyBbe in bad health and take your own life when youre youngCwork hard at differ

6、ent jobs to find ideas for voter life13Which is NOT trueAJack London went to Alaska and found a lot of goldBJack London is a famous writer but his lire was shortCJack London was not happy though his hook was successfulB14If your English friend invites you home,youd better to _Aask what time you shou

7、ld arriveBask what clothes you should wearCask what present you should take15In America or Britainyoure not supposed to _Asay how much you like the house,the root,or the things in the roomBtake a small present when you goCask how much the things cost听短文,选择正确答案,每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)16Bob was supposed

8、to obey the school rules,that is,_Astudents shouldnt walk to the townBstudents mustnt get up lateCStudents must return to school before six oclock17Bob was a little worried because _Ahe went to the cinema Bhe broke the school rulesCthe school gate was closed18At last,Bob went into the school through

9、 _Athe gate Bthe ground floor Can open window19Bob _ when he heard a voiceAhid under the sofa Bturned off the lightClooked at the headmasters foot20At the end of this story,_ABob asked Mr. Scott to rum off the light when he leftBMr. Scott asked Bob to turn off the light when he leftCB0b didnt turn o

10、ff the light when he left二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)21Once there was a carpenter who worked hard his whole life _ houses for his companyAbuilt Bbuilds Cbuilding22-Lucy is quite a nice girlShe is clever and always ready to help others-I couldnt agree with you _Amore Bmost Cmust23-I jumped _ than Tom in the lo

11、ng jump-CongratulationsAhigher Bfarther Clonger24-What happened just now?-I dont knowHardly _ knows what happenedAnobody Banybody Csomebody25-The film that _ me a lot recently is Journey to the Centre of the Earth-Yes,its also very _ to our studentsAattract,attraction Battracts,attractiveCattracted,

12、attracted26The baby is sleepingYoud _ any noiseAbetter not make Bnot better make Cbetter not to make27-Do you think there are big _ between Chinese and American cultures?-Yes,I think soAdifferent Bdifference Cdifferences28Mrs. Yang,the oldest woman in the village,_ for one monthAhas died Bhas been d

13、ead Cdied29The teacher said there _ no classes the next SundayAis going to be Bis going to haveCwere going to be30The old woman walked along the river slowly,_ about somethingAthinking Bthought Cthinks31-Please keep quiet in the classroom,our classmates are all concentrating on their lessons- _AOK,I will BSorry,I wont CId like to32Do you remember the boy _ mother works in our school?Awho Bwhose Cthat33If you were at home when an earthquake happened,what should you do to keep yourself safe?ACall 110 at onceBRun out through the windowCFind a bed or other things strong enough to hi


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