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1、高考英语阅读理解标题主旨大意专项练习1The first organized system for sending messages began in Egypt around 1500 B. C. This system developed because the pharaohs frequently needed to send messages up and down the Nile River in order to keep their empire running smoothly. Later, the Persians developed a more efficient

2、system for sending messages using men and horses. Message carriers rode along the road system stretching from one end of the Persian Empire to the other. Along these roads, fresh men and horses waited at special stations to take and pass along any messages that needed to sent. The stations where rid

3、ers passed messages back and forth were built 23 kilometers apart, so the men and horses were able to travel quickly between them. The Romans later took up the idea and improved it by using a more advanced and extensive road system. In China, however, Kublai Khan had built up his own system for deli

4、vering messages. This system worked in the same basic way as the Roman system. The difference was that Kublai Khan kept 300,000 horses along the roads of his delivery lines. There were over 10,000 stations where a message would be passed from one rider to another with a fresh horse. In this way, Kub

5、lai Khan could receive messages from anywhere in the country in only a few days. It was not until the 1500s that a well-organized postal system appeared again in Europe. One family the von Taxis family, gained the right to deliver mail for the Holy Roman Empire and parts of Spain. This family contin

6、ued to carry mail, both government and private, throughout Europe for almost 300 years. In 1653, a Frenchman, Renouard de Velayer, estabLished a system for delivering post in Paris. Postal charges at that time were paid by the recipient, but de Velayers system was unique by allowing the sender to pr

7、e-pay the charges, in a similar way to the modern stamp. Unfortunately, de Velayers system came to an end when jealous competitors put live mice in his letter boxes, ruining his business. Eventually, government-controlled postal systems took over from private postal businesses, and by the 1700s gove

8、rnment ownership of most postal systems in Europe was an accepted fact of life. The thing that all these early systems had in common was that they were quite expensive for public use, and were intended for use by the government and the wealthy, However, in 1840, a British school-teacher named Roland

9、 Hill suggested introducing postage stamps, and a postal rate based on weight. This resulted in lowering postal rates, encouraging more people to use the system to stay in touch with each other, His idea helped the British postal system begin to earn profits as early as 1850. Soon after that many ot

10、her countries took up Mr, Hills idea, and letter writing became accessible to anyone who could write. Today, the Roland Hill awards are given each year to “encourage and reward fresh ideas which help promote philately”(stamp collecting).1. What is the main topic of the passage?A. How international l

11、etters travelB. A surprising method for delivering mail.C. The history of postal systems.D. Changes in the methods of communication.2. Which of the following statements about Renouard de Velayer is true?A. His system was a government-controlled system.B. His competitors destroyed his business.C. His

12、 system lasted for hundreds of years.D. In his system, the person who received the letter paid the postage fees.3. Which of the systems mentioned in the passage was most like the postal system today?A. Egyptian. B. Chinese. C. De Velayers. D. Von Taxiss.4. What was Roland Hills greatest achievement?

13、A. He made letter writing accessible to the average person.B. He made a lot of money for the British postal system.C. He made stamp collecting a popular hobby.D. He won an award for letter writing.2There are many ways we can enjoy sport watching it on TV or a smartphone, attending an event at a stad

14、ium or even playing the game. But for those who enjoy getting competitive with their computer gaming, there are realistic-looking games with lifelike graphics to be played without leaving home. Its this type of sport if thats what we can call it that has become big business. And interest in it has g

15、one to a new level.Initially, grabbing a joystick or controller and playing a game was a solitary activity. But around 20 years ago computers became cheaper and the internet became faster, which made it much easier for more people to get involved with computer gaming. This led to gamers connecting w

16、ith each other around the world, so they could go head-to-head online. It also became a spectator sport, with people watching others play. The whole experience has been given the name esports electronic sports.Now, huge esports tournaments take place all over the world in big arenas with large crowds. Die-hard enthusiasts, who have become first-rate players, are now well-known - some


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