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1、、这足以使任何一个孩子冲昏头脑.不会走路、不会说话的时候就一举成名!甚至为他根本不记得的事情而成名!让他在远离过去的地方成长,直到他能接受这一切,再让他知道,不是更好吗? (邓布利多,魔法石,1 大难不死的男孩) It would be enough to turn any boys head。 Famous before he can walk and talk! Famous for something he wont even remember! Cant you see how much better off hell be, growing up away from all that

2、 until hes ready to take it? (Dumbledore,chpt1,THE BOY WHO LIVED. PS) 2、沉湎于虚幻的梦想,而忘记现实的生活,这是毫无益处的,千万记住. (邓布利多,魔法石,12 厄里斯魔镜) It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that. (Dumbledore,chpt12,THE MIRROR OF ERISED。 PS) 3、死亡实际上就像是经过漫长的一天之后,终于上床休息了。而且,对于头脑十分清醒的人来说,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险。 (邓布

3、利多,魔法石,17 双面人) It really is like going to bed after a very, very long day. After all, to the wellorganised mind, death is but the next great adventure。 (Dumbledore,chpt17,THE MAN WITH TWO FACES 。 PS) 4、对事物永远使用正确的称呼。对一个名称的恐惧,会强化对这个事物本身的恐惧。 (邓布利多,魔法石,17 双面人) Always use the proper name for things。 Fear

4、 of a name increases fear of the thing itself。 (Dumbledore,chpt17,THE MAN WITH TWO FACES . PS) 5、真相,这是一种美丽而可怕的东西,需要格外谨慎的对待。 (邓布利多,魔法石,17 双面人) The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution。 (Dumbledore,chpt17,THE MAN WITH TWO FACES 。 PS) 6、被一个人这样深

5、深地爱过,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符. (邓布利多,魔法石,17 双面人) To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection for ever。 (Dumbledore,chpt17,THE MAN WITH TWO FACES 。 PS) 7、人的思想确实非常奇妙,是吗? (邓布利多,魔法石,17 双面人) Funny, the way peoples minds work, isnt it? (Dumb

6、ledore,chpt17,THE MAN WITH TWO FACES 。 PS) 8、表现我们真正的自我,是我们自己的选择,这比我们所具有的能力更重要. (邓布利多,密室,18 多比的报偿) It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities。 (Dumbledore,chpt18,DOBBYS REWARD. CS ) 9、他们看到了不祥然后就吓死了。不祥不是凶兆,而是死亡的原因! (赫敏,囚徒,6 猎鹰和茶叶) They see the Grim and die of fr

7、ight. The Grims not an omen, its the cause of death! (Hermione,chpt6,TALONS AND TEA LEAVES。 POA ) 10、这说明你最害怕的东西是恐惧。 (卢平,囚徒,8 胖夫人逃走) That suggests that what you fear most of all is fear. (Lupin, chpt8, FLIGHT OF THE FAT LADY. POA ) 11、一个巫师救了另外一个巫师的命。他们之间就有了某种联系这是魔法的最高、最无法渗透的境界,哈利. (邓布利多,囚徒,22 又见猫头鹰邮递

8、) When one wizard saves another wizards life, it creates a certain bond between them 。. This is magic at its deepest, its most impenetrable, Harry (Dumbledore, chpt22, OWL POST AGAIN。 POA ) 12、你以为我们爱过的死者会真正离开我们吗?你以为在有大麻烦的时候我们就不会比以前更加清楚地回忆起他们来吗? (邓布利多,囚徒,22 又见猫头鹰邮递) You think the dead we have loved e

9、ver truly leave us? You think that we dont recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? (Dumbledore, chpt22, OWL POST AGAIN. POA ) 回复收起回复 2楼 2012-0328 22:45 举报个人企业举报垃圾信息举报 我也说一句 snapeonly 吧主1225、年轻人不知道上了年纪的人是怎么想的,也不知道他们的感受,但是如果上了年纪的人忘记了年轻时是怎样的情形,那就大错特错了 (邓布利多,凤凰社,37 失落的预言) Youth can

10、not know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young。 (Dumbledore, chpt37, THE LOST PROPHECY. OOTP ) 26、但是我忘记了老年人的另一个错误有些伤口太深,不容易愈合。 (邓布利多,凤凰社,37 失落的预言) But I forgot another old mans mistake that some wounds run too deep for the healing。 (Dumbledore, chpt3

11、7, THE LOST PROPHECY。 OOTP ) 27、神秘事物司里有一间屋子,始终锁着.那里面有一种力量,比死亡,比人类的智慧,比自然的力量更神奇,更可怕。 最后,你没有办法封闭你的大脑并没有什么大碍,是你的心救了你。 (邓布利多,凤凰社,37 失落的预言) There is a room in the Department of Mysteries, interrupted Dumbledore, that is kept locked at all times. It contains a force that is at once more wonderful and more

12、 terrible than death, than human intelligence, than the forces of nature。 In the end, it mattered not that you could not close your mind. It was your heart that saved you. (Dumbledore, chpt37, THE LOST PROPHECY。 OOTP ) 28、在那间有拱门的屋子里。他们只是暗暗藏在我们眼睛看不到的地方,就是这样。 (卢娜,凤凰社,38 第二场战争打响了) They were just lurkin

13、g out of sight, thats all。 (Luna, chpt38, THE SECOND WAR BEGINS。 OOTP ) 29、人们容易原谅别人的错误,却很难原谅别人的正确. (赫敏引邓布利多语,混血王子,5 黏痰过多) Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right。 (HDumbledore, chpt5, AN EXCESS OF PHLEGM. HBP ) 30、黑魔法,五花八门,种类繁多,变化多端,永无止境.与它们搏斗,就像与

14、一只多头怪物搏斗,刚砍掉一个脑袋,立刻又冒出一个新的脑袋,比原先那个更凶狠、更狡猾。你们所面对的是一种变幻莫测、不可毁灭的东西。 因此,你们的防御,也必须像你们需要对付的黑魔法一样灵活多变,富有创新。 这需要很强的注意力和意志力。 (斯内普,混血王子,9 混血王子) The Dark Arts, are many, varied, everchanging and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head ev

15、en fiercer and cleverer than before。 You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible. Your defences, must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the Arts you seek to undo. It is a question of concentration and mind power。 (Snape, chpt9, THE HALFBLOOD PRINCE. HBP ) 31、爱情是不可能制造或仿造的. (斯拉格霍恩,混血王子,9 混血王子) It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. (Snape, chpt9, THE HALFBLOOD PRINCE. HBP ) 回复收起回复 4楼 201203-28 22:46 举报个人企业举报垃圾信息举报 我也说一句 snapeonly 吧主1232、由于我比大多数人聪明的多



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