【英语】大纲版第2册 课课练Unit13:Warming up, Listening and Speaking

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1、Unit 13The water planet训练七Warming up, Listening and Speaking课前预习.汉英互译1. cover.with._2. upside down _3. fill.with._4. come up with _5. 因得到利益,受惠_ 6. 每一个玻璃杯内放入一冰块_7. 记录,记下_答案:1. 掩盖2. 颠倒地, 翻倒过来地3. 用填充4. 提出, 提供5. benefit from/by6. put an ice cube in each glass7. make notes of.单词拼写1. We shall get much bfr

2、om reading good novels. 2. When you visit France, it is a d if you cannot speak French.3. The cof 3 is 27. 4. Fill one glass with f water and another glass with salt water.5. He turned off the light to save _(电).6. They are _(运输)the bricks in a lorry now.答案:1. benefit2. disadvantage3. cube4. fresh5.

3、 electricity6. transporting课堂巩固.选词填空 come up withhappen toget startedbenefit.from/bycover.withfill.withturn.upside down1. If anything _ the machine, please tell me.2. I hope you can _ a better plan than this.3. This announcement _ her _ excitement.4. He _ the room _ yesterday.5. Our apple tree _ fru

4、it.6. I _ greatly _ my fathers advice.7. You have _ a good idea.8. The car couldnt _ because of the cold weather.答案:1. happens to2. come up with3. filled; with4. turned; upside down5. is covered with6. benefit; from/by7. come up with8. get started.用介词、副词填空1. It is _ great benefit _ everyone.2. A cha

5、nge in the law will be _ everyones benefit. 3. His broken English when talking with natives puts him _ a disadvantage.4. Dont hold the box _ _.5. The mother covered her baby _ a blanket.6. The longest coral bed _ the world is one which lies _ the northeast coast _ Australia.7. Dont shout _ hershes v

6、ery sensitive _ a shout.8. The ticket is available _ three days. 9. The temperature ranges _ ten _ thirty degrees.答案:1. of; to2. to3. at4. upside down5. with6. in; off; of7. at/to8. for9. from.单句翻译1. 这样用水谁受益?(benefit from)答案:Who benefits from using water in this way?2. 这样用水有哪些不利之处?(disadvantage of)答

7、案:What are some disadvantages of using water in this way?3. 这水是如何正在被使用的?(进行时)答案:How is the water being used?4. 用一张厚纸盖住一玻璃杯水。(cover.with)答案:Cover a glass of water with a piece of thick paper.5. 把一只手放在纸上,然后把玻璃杯颠倒过来。(turn.upside down)答案:Put one hand on the paper and turn the glass upside down.6. 你可以从下列

8、问题着手。(get started)答案:You may use the following questions to get started.7. 麦子有许多新品种。(variety)答案:There are new varieties of wheat.8. 从加拿大到墨西哥这种植物都有分布。(range)答案:This plant ranges from Canada to Mexico.9. 他的工作占了他全部精神。(absorb)答案:His task absorbs him.10. 他们在招待外宾。(entertainment)答案:They are giving an enter

9、tainment to their foreign guests.课后检测.单项选择1. The road was muddy and narrow. The fog _ our trouble and danger.A. came up withB. added up toC. added toD. added in答案:C 2. It _ that I met her on my way home.A. took placeB. occurredC. happenedD. broke out答案:C3. Being able to speak another language fluent

10、ly is a great _ when you are looking for a job.A. advantageB. chanceC. assistantD. importance答案:A4. Any applicant form _ properly will not be accepted by the company.A. not to be filledB. not filledC. not being filledD. not having been filled 答案:B5. (2006山东实验中学高三三模)Lucy doesnt mind lending you her d

11、ictionary.She _. I have already borrowed one.A. cantB. mustntC. neednt D. shouldnt答案:C6. A large sum of money has been raised for the _ of the poorly-educated children in the mountainous districts. A. profitB. favourC. advantageD. benefit答案:D.单句翻译1. 把蛋糕翻过来抹上奶油。(turn.upside down)答案:Turn the cake upsi

12、de down and cover it with cream.2. 他想出了增加销售的新主意。(come up with)答案:He came up with a new idea for increasing sales.3. 看你能不能把我从这张照片上认出来。(pick out)答案:See if you can pick me out in this photo.4. 回家的路上,她没有对我说过一句话。(all the way)答案:She didnt speak a word to me all the way back home.5. 他一周之后,也就是5月1日回来。(that i

13、s)答案:He will be back in a week, that is, May 1st.同步阅读用所给动词的正确形式填空 There are two general types of plants1 (find) in the ocean, those having roots that2(attach)to the ocean bottom and those not having roots which simply drift about with the water. The 3(root) plants in the ocean are only found in shal

14、low water because there is not enough sunlight to sustain photosynthesis(n.光合作用)in deeper waters. Since sunlight can not penetrate(vt.穿透)more than a few hundred feet into the ocean, most of the ocean is not capable of 4(support) rooted plants. Nevertheless, plants are found throughout most of the oceanic surface waters.The most abundant plants in the ocean 5(know) as phytoplankton(n.浮游植物).These are usually single-celled, minute floating plants that



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