英语口语 日常篇 米饭.docx

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《英语口语 日常篇 米饭.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语口语 日常篇 米饭.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语口语 日常篇 米饭-单数部落a grain of rice(一粒米饭)a scoop of rice(一勺米饭)a bowl of rice(一碗米饭 )a pot of rice(一锅米饭)-复数部落two grains of rice(两粒米饭)three scoops of rice(三勺米饭)two bowls of rice(四碗米饭)two pots of rice(五锅米饭)(注解:grain n.(指粮食、沙子等的)粒;scoop n.(用来盛食物的)勺;pot n.(圆形较深的)锅;)-会话急救包measure rice with a cup(用杯子量米)A:How mu

2、ch rice should I cook?(我该煮多少米呢?)B:You can measure it with a cup. Three cups of it would be fine.(你可以用杯子量米。三杯米就可以了。)(注解:measure v量,测量)stir-fry rice(炒米饭)A:What do you want to eat for breakfast?(早饭你想吃什么?)B:Hmm, do you know how to stir-fry rice?(嗯,你会炒米饭吗?)(注解:stir-fry /st fra/ v翻炒)cook rice(煮米饭)A:How mu

3、ch water should I pour into the pot when I cook rice?(我煮米饭的时候该往锅里倒多少水呢?)B:It depends on the amount of rice.(那要看有多少米了。)(注解:cook /kk/ v煮,烹调 n厨师;pour /p(r)/ v灌,倒,注;倾泻;depend on 取决于,由而定)cook rice with a rice cooker(用电饭煲煮米饭)A:How long does it take to cook rice with a rice cooker?(用电饭煲煮米饭要花多长时间?)B:It take

4、s about 30 minutes.(大约需要30分钟。)(注解:cooker /kk(r)/ n炊具,厨灶;rice cooker 电饭煲)fill the bowl half full with rice(盛半碗米饭 )A:Let me fill your bowl with rice.(让我给你盛碗米饭吧。)B:Thanks. Just fill the bowl half full with rice.(谢谢。盛半碗米饭就行。)(注解:fill A with B 用B装满A)eat rice(吃米饭)A: dont eat noodles.(我不吃面条。)B:Oh, sorry. I forgot you only eat rice.(哦,对不起。我忘了你只吃米饭的。)


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