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1、一、英语语言中的强调语气的表达英语作为交际工具的一门语言,语气显得尤为重要,不同人的表达方式,体现出来的语言有所不同,这种语言表达出来的效果、目的也就不同。笔者在长期的教学实践中,从多方位、多角度对英语语言中的强调语气的表达进行了归纳总结,也许对同行们有所帮助。一、强调句型:It is /was+强调部分+that1、陈述句:注明:这种句式只能用来强调主语、宾语和状语。若被强调的部分是“人”的话,that完全可以用who代替。例如:He saw Li Ping in the school last week.我们可以对这个句子中的主语He, 宾语Li Ping, 状语in the school

2、,last week分别做以强调。1)It was he that/who saw Li Ping in the school last week.2) It was Li Ping that/who he saw in the school last week.3) It was in the school that he saw Li Ping last week.4) It was last week that he saw Li Ping in the school.2、一般疑问句:句式:Is/Was it + 强调部分 + that 例如:Do you often study Eng

3、lish in the dormitory?1) Is it you that/who often study English in the dormitory?2) Is it English that you often study in the dormitory?3) Is it in the dormitory that you often study English?3、特殊疑问句:句式WH is /was it that例如1:When did you go to Beijing last year?强调句是:When was it that you went to Beijin

4、g last year?例如2:Who was it that brought a call from remote antiquity ?二、always与现在进行时表示“总是”的意思,通常强调活动特征,表达说话人的态度具有感情色彩。句式:be always doing例如1. He is always making trouble in class.他总是上课捣乱。(表示讨厌)2. My brother is always helping others.我的弟弟总是帮助别人。(表示赞扬)三、on earth, under the sun, in the world用在特殊疑问句词后面表示(

5、究竟,到底)的意思例如:1. What on earth are you doing there? 你究竟在那儿做什么?2. Where in the world did you go? 你到底哪里去了? 3. When under the sun did you go? 你到底什么时候去?四、if any(若有的话), if ever(曾经), ifat all(根本)用在省略的从句加强主句语气例如:1. Correct the errors in his composition, if any.如果他的作文里有错误,请改正。 2. He has been there once, if ev

6、er.如果说他去过那里的话,也只是一次。3. Do it well if you do it at all. 要做就要做得好。五、all(完全地,十分地)例如:1. 1)I am all for adopting the new technique.我十分赞成采用这项新技术。2)I am all for missing my mother.我十分想念我的母亲。2. 接the和比较级表示“更加”。例如:Well I know that theres danger ahead but I am all the more set on driving forward.明知征途有艰险,越是艰险越向前六

7、、if only(只要,要是就好了)例如:1. If only it clears up well go.只要天一放晴我们就去。2. If only you had worked with greater care!你要是更仔细些该多好啊!七、The +比较级, the+比较级(越越)例如:1.The higher you stand, the farther you can see.站得高看得远。2.The more you eat, the fatter you become.吃得越多就会越胖 3.The more you practise, the easier you will fee

8、l it.你练习得越多就会觉得越容易。八、much, even, by far, a great deal, 等用在比较级前,表示加强语气例如: 1. He now feels much better.他现在感觉好多了。2. This applies even more to physics.这一点对物理学甚至更适用。3. He is by far taller among us.他在我们当中高多了。九、even if/even though用在让步从句中表示加强语气例如: 1.Even if we achieve great success in our work we should not

9、 be conceited.即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成绩,也不应该自满。2.Even though we have many difficulties we still finish the task.即使我们有很多困难,我们也要完成这项任务。十、notat all (根本不,一点儿也不), not a little(很,十分) 例如:1.He does not eat meat at all.他根本就不吃肉。2.Tom is a little ashamed of his overweight.汤姆对自己过重的体重非常害羞 3.They gave us not a little troub

10、le last year.他们给我们添了许多的麻烦。十一、the last, the very, the only, the same后接名词表示加强语气例如: 1.He is the very person you are looking for.他就是你寻找的人。 2.This is the same pen as I lost last week.这与我上周丢的那支钢笔是一模一样。3.He is the last man I want to see.他是我最不想见的人。十二、not to speak of,not to mention,to say nothing of表示“更不用说”,

11、 “更何况”例如:1.The teacher has much experience in teaching to say nothing of knowledge.这个老师教学经验丰富,更何况知识了。2.He doesnt know English not to speak of reading articles written in English.他不懂英语更不用说用英语写文章了。十三、do/does/did用在动词之前表示“的确,确实”的意思例如:1.She does sing well.她确实唱得好。2.I do hope that you can go to college in

12、the future.我真诚得希望你将来能上大学。3.The boy did tell a lie to his father to avoid punishment.这个小孩为了避免他爸爸的惩罚确实说了谎话。 4.The old man does take exercises every day to keep fit.这个老人为了身体健康每天都锻炼。十四、indeed(确实,实在), really(真正地,确实地),truly(真正地,确实地)用于加强语气例如:1.The garden is indeed beautiful.这个花园实在漂亮。2.Afriend in need is a

13、friend indeed.患难见真情。3.He is a truly brave man.他真是个勇敢的人。4.He is a truly good man.他是个地地道道的好人。5.It was really not his fault but mine.这真的不是他的错而是我的错。十五、感叹词在句中表达加强语气例如:1.Oh, what a wonder!(表示惊讶,意外兴奋)嗬,真是奇迹! 2.Hey, I have found you!(表示喜悦、高兴)嗨,我可算找到你了!3.Ah, I have a pain in the leg.(表示惊喜、恐惧、高兴)哎呀,我腿疼。 4.His

14、 mother, alas, isnt out of danger yet!(表示痛苦焦急)唉,他妈妈还没有脱离危险期。5.Well, what shall we do next?(表示惊异犹豫)好了,下步怎么办?综上所述,都在英语语言中强调了语气的表达,在句中都有不同的效果。但总结归纳的还很不完善,还有待于进一步总结,使之完美,充实英语语言运用之中。二、(强调)连接词表示强调的连接词:still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above

15、all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially. Obviously, clearly.表示比较的连接词:like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally.表示对比的连接词:by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast.表示列举的连接词:for example, for instance, such as, take for example. Except (for), to il


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