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1、一、单项选择。( )1The elephants are great danger Thailand Ain;in Bat;at Cin;on Don;in( )2There is elephant in the zoo elephant is from Africa Aa;The Ban;The Can; D;An( )3-What animals do you like? - . AI like koalas BI like red CI like apples DI like maths and English( )4. - do you like koalas? -Because th

2、ey are cute. A. Where B. Why C. How( )5. The book is interesting. A. kind of B. kinds of C. a kind of D. kind( )6. Lets the zoo now. A. go B. to go C. go to D. going to( )7- does he like maths? -Because its very interesting AWhat BHow CWhy DWhen( )8Lions usually come from AAfrica BChina CJapan DAmer

3、ica( )9He neednt go to work on Sundays, he often gets up late Abut Bso Cbecause Dor( )10. Tom is very . He doesnt like work. A. smart B. cute C. lazy D. busy( )11. -I like rain it makes me feel cool and relaxed. -So do I. A.because B. So C.that D.Why( )12Our English teacher is kind us,but sometimes

4、she is kind serious(严肃的) Aof;to Bto;to Cto;of Dof;of( )13We must save elephants and not buy thing ivory Amade of Bmade from Cmake of Dmake from( )14- the girl like elephants? -Yes, ADoes;she does BDoes;she do CDo;she do DDo;she does( )15This is good luck Asymbol Bsymbol of Csymbols Da symbol of二、完形填

5、空。 Many children like to go to the zoo 1 their parents on 2 In the zoo,there are many 3 ,like elephants,pandas,monkeys,tigers and 4 animals 5 are the biggest animals on land(陆地上最大的动物)I like them very muchThey have 4 strong 6 and a long trunkThey eat 7 There is a baby elephant in the zooSoI want to h

6、ave a look at 8 next SundayMy friend,Linda,will go with meI think we can enjoy 9 in the zooBut I must finish my homework 10 ( )1Aand Bwith Cfor Dat( )2Aweekdays Bweekends Csummer Dmorning( )3Apeople Bchildren Canimals Dwomen( )4Aother Belse Cothers Dthe others( )5APandas BElephants CGiraffes DTigers

7、( )6Alegs Beyes Cheads Dears( )7Agrass Bgrasses Cbamboo D1eafs( )8Ashe Bthem Cit Dhe( )9Amyself Bourselves Cthemselves Dyourselves( )10Athe first Bfirst Cone Dfirst one三、阅读理解。A There are many kinds of animals in the zooLook!There are two lionsThey are very big and smartNear them there is a tigerHe i

8、s not friendly but scaryThe lions and the tiger are in cages(笼子) People think they are dangerous(危险)But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in cagesThey should be free(自由)The animals in cages cant be happy Do you like koalas?There is a two-year-old koala in the zooHe always sleeps in the d

9、ay and at night he gets up and eats leavesI like dolphins best,There are two dolphins in the zooThey like swimming and j umping in the waterThey swim so fast. and jump so high.They can play with a ballThey can stand up and walk on water.They are very friendly to people( )1What animals are in the zoo

10、? ALions BA tiger CDolphins DA,B and C( )2The lions are very Abeautiful Bsmart Cfriendly Dshy( )3Where are the lions and the tiger? AOn mountains BIn the forest(森林) CIn cages DIn the water( )4How old is the koala? AFive BFour CThree DTwo( )5What animals does the writer like best? AKoalas BLions CDol

11、phins DTigersB The wolves(狼) are very hungry. They go out to look for food. There are many sheep(羊) near the hill(山). There are also a few sheepdogs(牧羊犬) with them. The wolves think of an idea. They speak to the sheepdogs, “You are like us and we are brothers. But we have a very different life. We d

12、o what we like, and you must work for men. They make you look after their sheep. They eat meat and give you the bones(骨头). If you listen to us and give us the sheep , we can eat them together. All of us will be happy, right?” The dogs are happy and do like this. The wolves ask the dogs to go to their house. The sheepdogs go to the wolves home. But the wolves eat them and then eat the sheep. 1.The wolves go out for food because _. A. they see the sheep near



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