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1、Part 1: Avenue Flo第1部分:弗洛大街点击点插头,拿剪刀,用剪刀剪毛衣Exit the Dine出餐厅,按提示和东尼交谈,拿寻人启事,寻人启事给东尼,拿气球和瓶子向Proceed down the street to the left.左,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子进Enter the Boutique入童装店,拿10包婴儿口水巾(其中一个需要从钟上的鸟处取得钥匙,再开抽屉后得到),把口水巾给克洛伊挑Next, help arrange outfits for the various

2、photo customers according to their preference服装,点击检查衣服,通过后选下一位向左,到Darlas Caf咖啡馆,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子向下,到洗衣店,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子,和Talk to the Scrub Brothers, then click on the dirty tablecloths in the bin in front of the

3、m to add them to your inventory.兄弟俩交谈,拿脏桌布进入洗衣店,和Talk to mechanic Hal, and hell offer to fix the washer: however, you have to find his toolbox firs哈尔交谈,拿9只袜子,给右边的背心男,拿衣架到店外面,点击工具箱,点击车牌向Proceed down the street to the left.向左,到到图书馆,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子,和Talk to

4、the woman standing outside, then click on the table entitled “Free Minutes!” to pick up a pamphlet and add it to your inventory.和女人交谈,拿小册子到咖啡馆左边的Dessert Oasis甜品店,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子,进店和苗苗女孩交谈到左边的Subway Entrance地铁入口,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are s

5、hown below:气球和瓶子,和迭黎克交谈Talk to the man on the balcony: hes run out of clothespins and needs a substitute.到咖啡馆,拿33号排号券进入Proceed back down Readmore Rd to the Library and enter图书馆,和兰尼交谈,进入右侧的门,开始小游戏,得到,得到食谱食谱给兰Return to Lani拉尼,拿借书卡Oh, but it turns out your library card is expired!借书卡给兰尼,和右边的伯尼交谈,小册子给打电

6、话的人,拿奶嘴给婴儿,拿电子游戏书给左边的男孩,得到食谱,把车照片给兰尼看一下,拿柜台上的装订夹到甜品店,食谱和33号排号券给苗苗女孩,拿烤盘给苗苗女孩到地铁入口,装订夹给迭黎克,和迭黎克交谈,拿条纹袜子,进入地铁,拿徽章Return to the Dessert Oasis到甜品店,徽章给苗苗女孩,开始小游戏,得到小点心到弗洛The Mini Dessert mission is now complete!一对对到餐厅,车照片给西门到洗衣店,Pick up the toolbox sitting near the fire hydrant to add it to your inventor

7、y, then enter the laundromat.拿工具箱,进入洗衣店,工具箱给哈尔,点击洗衣机,洗涤剂机、代币机,拿6张纸币,纸币放入代币机到到咖啡馆,纸币给达拉,开始小游戏Once youve finished the task, give the bills to Darla.纸币给达拉,到洗衣店,纸币放入代币机,代币放入洗涤剂机,用衣架得到洗涤剂,洗涤剂、脏桌布、代币放入洗衣机,得到湿桌布,条纹袜子给背心男,湿桌布、代币放入干衣机,到地铁入口处,20个瓶子放入回收机,得到地铁代币,下地铁站,放入地铁代币,到美味广场Part 2: Yum Yum Square第2部分:美味广场上

8、上Subway Entrance地铁入口,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子Proceed to the left向左到Wilsons Daycare托儿中心,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子Proceed down the Veggie Ln向下到市场,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子,和奶奶Talk to Grandma: shes

9、 got the puree machine you need in the truck, but the police officer wont give you the keys to the trunk unless you can fix the cars broken tail light, and only a red light will do.交谈向左到画廊,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子,和牙医交谈,点击空篮子Enter the art gallery.进入画廊,拿杂志和绿色灯泡给哈曼尼

10、,得到红色灯泡到到市场,红色灯泡给警官,得到Hell give the keys to the car back.钥匙,用钥匙打开红车尾箱,得到搅拌机,Enter the Market.进入市场,和诺伯特交谈,拿10个奇异果给他小游戏You now have all the ingredients you need for the gourmet baby food.进入托儿中心,搅拌机给Wilsons Daycare威尔逊,拿牙线向Exit the Daycare and proceed left into the park左转进入公园,拿The balloon and bottle loc

11、ations here are shown below:气球、瓶子、橡子向左,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球、瓶子、橡子,牙线给乔拿小剪刀给乔返回,橡子给松鼠,拿食用色素到到面包店,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子,拿齿轮进进入面包店,和史黛拉交谈,到公园,和乔交谈,开始小游戏,得到曲奇模到、托儿中心,齿轮、篮子给威尔

12、逊,开始小游戏,得到婴儿餐到到面包店,曲奇模Give the cookie cutters to Stella, and youll enter a mini-game.给史黛拉,开始小游戏(可能非下列图示)拿Next, find 10 batteries hidden throughout the bakery.拿10个电池给史黛拉,食用色素给史黛拉进入后门,开始小游戏到地铁入口处,20个瓶子放入回收机,得到地铁代币,下地铁站,放入地铁代币,到酒馆湾Part 3: Bistro Bay第3部分:酒馆湾 出Subway Entrance地铁入口,拿The balloon and bottle

13、locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子,拿取物臂向右向右到Fantasy Eye-Land梦幻眼之地,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子向右到弗洛公寓,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子Click on the front door to have Flo enter, though shell have to find her keys first.点击门,拿钥匙Their locatio

14、n is shown below:When entering the apartment, click on the pair of shoes that Skillet the dog is chewing o点击狗,进入里间,鞋盒里拿骨头,打开抽屉点击书,拿吹风机Their locations are shown below:进入Click on the security code system, or the closet to gain access.进入衣柜,开始小游戏骨头Give the bone to Skillet, who will drop the shoes.给狗,用吹风

15、机吹干鞋,点击鞋Theres nothing left to do here, so exit the apartment back to Fantasy Eye-Land, then proceed up the street towards the traffic jam.梦幻眼之地向上,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子,把洗衣券给洗衣车兄弟俩向右到酒店,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子,拿帽子到梦幻眼之地,和缇珀交谈,用取物臂从车里拿裙子(或者完成眼镜任务后再做)进入进入梦幻眼之地,和斯特拉和伯尼交谈,拿太阳镜给伯尼。 拿6副Show Bernie the sunglasses.拿眼镜给伯尼,太阳镜给伯尼,太阳镜、帽子给斯特拉,得到玩具钥匙地铁入口向左,拿The balloon and bottle locations here are shown below:气球和瓶子,和欧Talk



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