【最新】外研版高中英语选修八课时作业:Module 6 The Tang Poems Section Ⅱ Grammar 含答案

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《【最新】外研版高中英语选修八课时作业:Module 6 The Tang Poems Section Ⅱ Grammar 含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】外研版高中英语选修八课时作业:Module 6 The Tang Poems Section Ⅱ Grammar 含答案(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、最新版英语学习资料课时作业17.单句语法填空1Isnt that Anns husband over there?No, it _ be him. Im sure he doesnt wear glasses.2You _(come) to the meeting tomorrow if you have something important to do.3He _(give) you more help, even though he was very busy.4_ I help you with some shoes, madam?Yes, I would like to try on

2、 those brown ones.5The reason why they _ leave wasnt explained to us.6I searched for my wallet and it wasnt there. I thought I _(leave) it at home.7I _(fall) asleep because it took me a long time to realize that the telephone was ringing.8The only thing that really matters to the children is how soo

3、n they _ return to their school.9I want to go to the chemists, but you _ go with me.10I thought it over, but _ come to no conclusion.11What we _ get seems better than what we have.12My goodness! Ive just missed the train.Thats too bad. I am sure you _(catch) it, if you had hurried.13Look what youve

4、done! You _(be) more careful.14_ I repeat the question?15Professor Li, many students want to see you. _ they wait here or outside?答案:1.cant2.neednt come3.should have given4.May5.had to6.might have left7.must have fallen8.can9.neednt10.could11.cant12.could have caught13.should have been14Shall15.Shal

5、l.完成句子1希望你不要介意我把宠物带在身边。I hope you _ mind me bringing my pet with me.2你昨天放学后想必是见到她了吧,是吗?You _ her after school yesterday, did you?3到现在还没到或许他没赶上火车吧。He has not shown up by now and he _ the train.4你昨天事故后本来就该给她打电话了。You _ her yesterday after the accident.5你本来没有必要浇花,因为就要下雨了。You _ the flowers for it is goin

6、g to rain.6如果你早点来,你就会见到大明星成龙了。Had you been here earlier, you _ Jacky Chen, the famous star.7他可能及时来到这里,不过我不能肯定。He _ get here in time, but I cant be sure.8我要是看见那个广告了,我就申请那份工作了。If I had seen the advertisement I _ the job.9你走了那么长的路,一定饿了吧。You _ hungry after your long walk.10那不可能是玛丽她住院了。That _ Mary shes i

7、n hospital.答案:1.wouldnt2.must have seen3.might not have caught4.should have called5.neednt have watered6would have seen7.might8.would have applied for9must be10.cant be.单句改错1You must go on foot, mustnt you?No, I mustnt._2Might that day come soon._3If you feel really bad, you will talk to the doctor.

8、_4He shouldnt have finished the work on time without your help._5He must have finished his homework so far, mustnt he?_6My son could pass the examination, but he wasnt careful enough._7If I shall fail next time, I would try again._8Some people advise that handguns will be controlled._答案:1.第二个mustntn

9、eednt2.MightMay3.willcan/should4.shouldntcouldnt5.mustnthasnt6.passhave passed7.shallshould8.willshould.语法填空M: That is all your fault! This wouldnt have happened if you hadnt tried to give money to that policeman!W: Well, if youd listened to me when I suggested _1_(ask) someone for directions, we wo

10、uldnt have got lost in _2_ first place, would we?M: Oh, go on! Blame it all _3_ me! You were the one who was driving when we got stopped by the police. If you _4_ speeding, we wouldnt have been stopped at all! Then _5_ of these would have happened.W: Thats _6_ (fair) . If we had not taken your stupi

11、d short cut, we would have been OK. We were doing fine until you suddenly decided you knew a _7_ (quick) way! You idiot!M: Oh, come on! I only suggest it _8_ we were running so late. We would have been fine if you hadnt suggested driving _9_ taking the train.W: No! We would have been fine if you had

12、 remembered _10_ (book) tickets!答案:1.asking2.the3.on4.havent been5.none6unfair7.quicker8.because9.instead of10.to book.阅读理解I began writing poems fifteen years ago while I was in college. One day I was in the library, working on a term paper,when I came across a book of contemporary poetry. I dont re

13、member the title of the book or any of the titles of the poems except one: “Frankensteins Daughter.” The poem was wild, almost rude, and nothing like the rhymeandmeter poetry I had read in high school. I had always thought that poetry was flowery writing about sunsets and walks on the beach,but that library bo



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