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1、生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。泰戈尔体发展的基础上。根据此课程目标的设定,教师在教学过程中不再充当单纯传授语言知识的角色,而是应新课标的倡导进行任务型教学。任务型教学模式(Task-based Approach)是20世纪80年代外语教学者经过大量实践和研究总结出的具有重大影响意义的语言教学模式。它将语言运用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式,其实质是交际教学思想的一种新的发展态势。任务型教学途径既有效地培养学生运用语言的基本能力,又充分体现了教师尊重学生的实际需求,本着以学生为主

2、体,以学生的发展为根本的教育理念,最大限度地发挥学生的主观能动性,切实提高英语学习的效率。新课标非常重视任务型的语言教学正是因为它符合全日制普通高级中学英语教材的教学目标的要求,即要求教师引导学生调整学习方式,提高他们的自主学习与合作学习的能力,鼓励学生动脑思考,主动参与,动手实践,以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。由此,笔者根据SEFC BOOK 1B unit 13 Healthy Eating的课堂教学实践试谈谈任务型教学在高中英语教学中的实施。本单元前2个课时侧重听说任务,后2个课时侧重读写任务。一 教学设计的实践探索1 教学任务设计Unit 13的中心话题是“健康饮食”,内容涉及“垃圾

3、食品和健康食品”,“饮食习惯与健康”,“营养小吃”与“美味食谱”等。因此根据这些中心话题,设计如下任务:(1) 设计调查问卷,以采访形式调查家庭成员的饮食习惯(2) 举行健康食物知识讲座(3) 设计健康食谱(4) 自己动手做美味食物2 教学目标设计(1) 了解,掌握与合理健康饮食有关的词汇(2) 了解健康食物与垃圾食品的概念,树立合理的饮食观念,帮助养成良好的饮食习惯。(3) 通过进行问卷调查,以学生自己家庭为样本,分析当前普通家庭饮食习惯,引导学生了解不同的饮食态度和主张,实践已学语言。(4) 通过收集资料开展食物讲座,以使学生了解健康饮食知识,激发学习兴趣。(5) 通过自己动手设计健康食谱

4、,自己动手做美味以开拓学生思维,丰富想象力,创造力;培养学生实际生活中的动脑,动手能力。3 教学辅助手段:PPT多媒体课件,实物投影仪。4 课堂活动方式:teacher-class,individuals,pairs,groups5 教学课时:4课时。6 教学程序:Step I:warming up & listeningWarming up这部分主要通过谈论食物,让学生了解哪些食物是healthy food,哪些是junk food,并在此基础上形成正确的饮食观。因此在进行家庭饮食习惯调查的主题任务的基础上,采取以下几个步骤:(1)师生户动:提出以下几个问题:What do your fam

5、ily memberseat for three meals? What do you like to eat best? What is your favourite food?让学生主动思考,根据收集的家庭饮食习惯调查的资料进行讨论。(2)Brainstorming:举出food这个单词,让学生尽可能多的说出食物的名称,根据学生的回答展示有关单词。(3)个人活动:参照展示的单词与PPT课件中展示的图片,模仿课文例句I think.because.造句,以此句型讨论食物。还可鼓励学生用I believebecause,In my opinion,etc.学生讨论完毕后可适当给出写好的例句学习

6、比较。如I think that ice cream is junk food beause it is rich in fat and sugar. I believe that vegetables and fruit are healthy food because they contain a lot of vitamins and fibre. In my opinion,junk food is usually the food that is rich in fat,sugar or so.Healthy food is the food that contains a lot

7、of fibre,vitamins and so on.(4)group work:分组讨论,了解其他组员的饮食情况,由此判断他们平常吃的食物属于junk food or healthy food. Listening部分是两段同一主题,不同场景的听力材料与相应问题。在此部分活动时,首先可以设计一些pre-listening的问题。如与学生讨论如下问题:Did you often have a stomachache? What caused it?How did you solve your problem?What lesson can you learn from that experi

8、ence?在完成课本的听力练习后,引导学生思考How important is it to control the amount of food for your meals? How de we keep a balanced diet?Step II:speaking(1) 利用前面的听力材料做铺垫和导入。回顾与听力有关的问题:a.Whats wrong with Mike?The left side of his stomach hurts. b.What might be the cause of his sickness?He ate too much that day. c.Wha

9、t did the doctor do at the beginning? - Asked some questions and checked him. d.What advice did the doctor give Mike? Take some pills and give him a call if he still doesnt feel better.(2) 收集好学生对以上问题的回答后,组织学生进行pair-work,两人一组,根据前面的信息,表演MIKE就医的情景,并上台展示。(3) 词汇扩展:提示学生在现实生活中除了有时胃部不适,还有很多其他的疾病和以外伤害。请同学罗列,

10、教师板书记录。例如headache,toothache,heart attack,insomnia,diarrhea等,学生开展小组讨论,收集可能的处理建议,进行对话。(4) 每一组的学生可以选定以上任何一个话题,分别扮演医生和病人,鼓励学生使用一些简单道具,充分展示他们的表演才能。Step III:Reading 首先确立本单元的阅读课目标是使学生了解protein,calcium等基本营养成分与食物和健康的关系,健康的饮食习惯是健康的保证,以及素食主义等信息。在阅读技能方面,在继续训练学生利用略读,查读,捕捉文章重要信息根据上下文猜测词义的技能的基础上,重点是培养他们归纳文章主题和段落大意

11、,以及理解文章的细节。针对这些目标,可以组织以下活动:(1).解读文章标题。阅读文章前,板书文章标题We are what we eat,让学生猜测意思,预测文章内容:In your opinion,what will the writer tell us in the passage? 在学生快速略读后,继续提问:What are mainly talked about in the passage? Do you understand why the writer uses this title now? If you are asked to give another title to

12、the passage,what will you use?Why?(2)段落主题归纳。学生重新阅读文章,理清文章思路,归纳各段主题句。Para 1:Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was.Para 2:When we choose what to buy and eat,wae had better think if the food will give us the nutrients we need.Para 3:Many people today make choices about their eating h

13、abits based on what they believe.Para 4:It is probably better if we spend our time and money on buying good food and keeping a balanced diet.Para 5:The best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits.(3)文章细节捕捉。设置如下表格NutrientsFunctionSources ProteinEggs, milk

14、 and other dairy productsMain fuel for our bodyVitamins,fibre and minerals(4)阅读后的讨论活动:先进行 free talk式的讨论活动,利用刚学到的与本单元有关的知识继续讨论食物。根据以下内容及学生准备好的资料做好一个小型的健康饮食知识讲座。In our daily life,when we want to persuade sb to have more of some food,most probably,we will say the food is full of nutrient which makes hi

15、m much healthier.Since the policy of one family one child,the parents pay more attention to their childrens growth.In order to make their childrens bones stronger,it is quite popular among the children to take supplement calcium pills.Nowadays people take more food rich in fat than vegetables rich i

16、n fibre,as a result,many people put on weight,and some of them have to be on diet to lose weight.They have to be very careful in taking in food full of sugar,although sugar produces more calories that people need especially in doing sports.By the way,we should try to eat more food rich in fibre which is good for our health especially for our diges


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