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1、高考词汇表重点词汇讲解撰稿:王俊宏 审稿:牛新革 责编:陈玉莲高考词汇表重点词汇讲解givevt. & vi. (gave, given) 给;赠与;授予;献出;提出;举行Give our best wishes to your father. (给)He was given the award of Best Actor last year. (授予)Liu Hulan gave her life to the motherland. (献出)give advice on (提出);give a concert / talk / lecture (举行)词组:give away 分发;泄露g

2、ive back 归还give in 屈服,让步give off 发出give out 发出;分发;耗尽,筋疲力尽give up 让;放弃govi. (went, gone) 去;离开;属于;运转;进行;变成Where does this road go? (通向)Everything went well with me. (运转,进行)词组:go fishing / hunting / shopping / sightseeing / skating / boatinggo to school / church go mad 发疯go bad 变质go about 从事go after 追求

3、go against 违反;不利于go ahead 前进;可以go by 走过;过去go down 下去;下降go for 去取;努力获取go in for 从事;酷爱go on 进行;继续(可以接with sth. 或doing sth.)go out 出去;熄灭go over 仔细检查;复习go round/around 四处走动;流传go through 经历;浏览;做完go up 上升;增长go with 与相配go wrong 出毛病goodadj. 好的;有益的;擅长的 n. 利益,好处;好,善good eyesight a good many Its good for your

4、health to take a walk in the morning.He is good at painting.Its no good arguing with him 跟他争吵没有用。词组:be no good 没有用;不好do good to / do sb good对有益graden. 等级;年级;评分 vt. 给评分The jewels are of the highest grade.He is in Grade 3.The papers are being graded. 正在评卷。graduaten. 毕业生 vi. 毕业 (和from连用) adj. 研究生的He is

5、 a graduate of Yale.He graduated from Oxford University. take a graduate course in physics 攻读研究生物理课程a graduate student 研究生扩展: graduation n. 毕业graspvt. 抓住;理解 n. 抓;掌握Grasp all, lose all. 贪多必失。He is ready to grasp any opportunity. I didnt grasp his meaning.词组:have a thorough grasp of 彻底了解beyond / withi

6、n sb.s grasp 为某人所不能 / 能够理解growvi. (grew, grown) 生长;变得;产生 vt. 种植;留(须、发等)Rice grows in warm climates. (vi.)He has grown six inches taller. (vi.)It began to grow dark. (vi.)Rice is grown in the south. (vt.)词组: grow up 成熟;长大扩展:growth n. 生长;发展habitn. 习惯Habit is second nature.词组:be in the habit of 有的习惯fal

7、l into / get into the habit of 沾染上的习惯form / develop / have the/a habit of 养成/有的习惯halfn. 一半 adj. 一半的 adv. 一半地;差不多Cut the apple in half (=into halves).one hour and a half = one and a half hourshalf an hour 半个小时Dont leave the work half done. 工作不要半途而废。handn. 手;指针;人手;帮助;方面 vt. 传递Many hands make light wor

8、k. 人多好办事。Please hand me the book. / Please hand the book to me.词组:at hand 在手边;在附近;即将到来by hand 用手,手工give / lend sb. a hand 伸手相助on (the) one hand on the other hand 一方面另一方面hand down 把传下来hand in 交上hand in hand 手拉手hand out 分发hand over 移交hangvt. 悬挂(hung, hung);绞死(hanged, hanged) vi. 挂着;吊着(hung, hung) He h

9、anged himself in sorrow after his wife died.His picture is hanging in the living room. (表示东西挂在某处,通常用主动式)词组:hang on 坚持下去;不挂断hang up 挂断happenvi. 发生;碰巧(接不定式或从句)Nobody expected such a thing would happen to him. (happen不用于被动语态;后接介词to)Do you happen to know whats on after the new?He happened to be passing

10、by when the accident happened. (happen后的不定式使用进行式表示正在发生,使用完成式表示发生过)It happened that he was passing by when it happened.hardadj. 硬的;困难的 adv. 努力地;猛烈地The wood is hard. (adj.)He is hard to get along with. (adj.)He works hard for the examination. (adv.)It is raining hard (=heavily). (adv.)注意:不可以说 He is ha

11、rd to learn English well. 应该为:It is hard for him to learn English well.比较:hardly adv. 几乎不hardlyadv. 几乎不;简直不She could hardly keep her eyes open.注意:hardly用作否定词。He can hardly walk, can he?句式:hardly when 刚就 He had hardly got to the station when it began to rain. =Hardly had he got to the station when it

12、 began to rain. (hardly位于句首,句子要倒装)harmn. 伤害;危害 vt. 损害He protected his son from any harm.Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim light.词组:do harm to / do sb. harm 对有害扩展:harmful adj. 有害的 harmless adj. 无害的be harmful to 对 有害harmonyn. 一致;和睦词组:in / out of harmony with 与协调/不协调扩展:harmonious adj. 和谐的 harmoniou

13、s societyhavevt. (had, had) 有;进行;从事;患有;经历;吃,喝;使have a try 试一试;have a walk / bath / drink / look / rest / swim / talk have a meeting / holiday / an operationhave a cold / fever / headache have a good journey / time 后接复合宾语:have sb. do 让某人做某事;have sth. done 让/找人做某事;have sb./sth. doing 让持续地做某事;have sth.

14、 to do 有某事要做词组:have a time (doing sth.) 过得 have on 穿着;有事have something / nothing / a lot / a great deal to do with 与有关/无关/关系很大have to (=have got to)不得不headn. 头,前头;领导;头脑 v. 前进(和for连用)Hit the snake on the head.stand on ones head 倒立use your head 动动脑筋They headed for the village immediately. The car head



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