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1、学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名: _ 座号:_装订线2010年诗山中心小学四年级上学期英语学习目标检测卷 (考试时间:60分钟,总分:100分) 成绩_Listening Part听力部分(30分)I、Listen and choose.听录音,选择你所听到的单词,将其序号填在括号内。每个单词听两遍。(10分)( )1、A.read B.ride C.red( )2、A.purple B.people C.pink( )3、A.three B.thirteen C.thirty( )4、A.write B.winner C.watch( )5、A.boat B.ball C.bookII、Liste

2、n and match.听音,连线。每个句子听三遍。(10分)Xiao yong Mao mao lan lan Xiao yingIII、Listen and choose.听句子,选择恰当的答语,将其序号填在括号内。每个句子听三遍。(10)分( )1、A.Yes,l have. B.Yes,l do.( )2、A.Yes,l can. B.Yes,piease.四年英语 第1页(共4页)( )3、A.Shes swimming B.Hes singing.( )4、A.NO,thank you. B.Go straight on.( )5、A.Yes, I do. B.Yes,I can.

3、Written Part笔试部分(70分)I、Read and fill in the blanks.根据中文提示补全单词,每个空格填一个字母。(10分)1、tw_ _ty(二十) 2、par_ (公园) 3、l_v_(居住) 4、c_ _k(烹饪) 5、st_ _e(石头) 6、m_y(5月)II、Read and choose.给下列短语选择恰当的中文意思,将其序号填在括号内。(10分) A.请进 B.不用谢 C.好运气 D.快点,赶快 E.下象棋 F.打开 G.上(车) H.跳高I.许多 J.起床1、high jump( ) 6、come in( )2、play chess( ) 7、c

4、ome on( )3、get on( ) 8、lots of( )4、get up( ) 9、good luck( )5、Youre welcome( ) 10、turn on( )III、Read and Find.找出不同类的单词。(5分)( )1、A.bear B.lion C.fast food D.monkey( )2、A.row B.boat C.talk D.listen( )3、A.fast B.far C.high D.ride( )4、A.park B.hill C.near D.house( )5、A.pink B.winner C.purple D.white四年英语

5、第2页(共4页)IV、Read and choose.读句子,选择恰当的答案,将其序号填在括号内。(5分)( )1、Nine and ten is_. A.seventeen B.eighteen C.nineteen( )2、I live_No.3,Zhongshan Road. A.on B.in C.under( )3、My house is_the supermarket. A.left B.by C.near( )4、We are going to go to Xianmen_car. A.on B.by C.with( )5、I dont like_.Its cold. A.May

6、 B.July C.DecemberV、Read and write.在四线三格里正确抄写下列单词和句子。(15分) November vegetable hungry We can see lots of interesting things. VI、Read and choose.看图,配对。(5分) A B C D E( )1、Go up the stairs. ( )2、Turn left.四年英语 第3页(共4页) ( )3、Turn right. ( )4.Go straight on. ( )5、Go down the stairs.VII、Read and choose.请帮下

7、面的问句找到答句。(10分)1、Where is he going? ( )2、What are you doing? ( )3、Do you want some milk? ( )4、Can you write a letter? ( )5、Have you got a dog? ( )A.Yes,I can. B.No,thank you.C.He is going to go to the zoo. D.No,I havent.E.Im watching TV.VIII、Read and judge.读短文,并根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分)We a

8、re going to have a Sports Meet in November.Sam can jump very high.He is going to do the high jump .Lingling can run fast.She is going to to run the 100-meters.Daming cant jump high,but he can jump very far .He is going to do the long jump.And Xiaoyong is good at running.He is going to run the 400-me

9、ters.( )1、There is a Sports Meet in November.( )2、Daming is going to run the 100-meters.( )3、Lingling can run fast.( )4、Sam is going to do the long jump.( )5、Xiaoyong cant run fast.四年英语 第4页(共4页)2010年诗山中心小学四年级上学期英语学习目标检测卷参考答案及评分说明听力部分(30分)I、Listen and choose.每题2分,共10分1.(B) 2.(C) 3.(B) 4.(A) 5.(A)II、L

10、isten and match.正确连线每条2.5分,共10分 III、Listen and choose.每题2分,共10分1.(A) 2.(B) 3.(A) 4.(B) 5.(B)笔试部分I、Read and fill in the blanks.每格1分,共10分1.twenty 2.park 3. live 4. cook 5. stone 6.mayII、Read and choose.每题1分,共10分1.(H) 2.(E) 3.(G) 4.(J) 5.(B) 6.(A)7.(D) 8.(I) 9.(C) 10(F)III、Read and Find.每题1分,共5分。1.(C)

11、2.(B) 3.(D) 4.(C) 5.(B)IV、Read and choose.每题1分,共5分。1.(C) 2.(B) 3.(C) 4.(B) 5.(C)V、Read and write.正确书写单词每个3分;句子6分。大小写字母书写错误或不规范每个扣0.5分。共15分。VI、Read and choose.每题1分,共5分。1.(D) 2.(A) 3.(E) 4.(C) 5.(B)VII、Read and choose.每题2分,共10分。1.(C)2.(E)3.(B)4.(A)5.(D)VIII、Read and judge. 每题2分,共10分1.()2.()3.()4.()5.(

12、)2010年诗山中心小学四年级上学期英语学习目标检测卷听力内容I、Listen and choose.每个单词听两遍。1.ride 2.pink 3.thirteen 4.write 5.boatII、Listen and match.每个句子听三遍1.Xiao yong is playing table tennis.2.Mao mao is skipping rope.3.Lan lan is writing a letler.4.Xiao ying is listening to music.III、Listen and choose.每个句子听三遍。1.Have you got a book?2.


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