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1、课题Module10 Unit 1Sam fell off his bike 第 1 课时主备人: 丁雪花 教学内容分析本模块主要学习不规则动词的过去式,以及运用and thenso表达句子。教学目标1、掌握不规则动词的过去式。2、能够正确运用And thenso描述意外事件。3、兴趣为主,培养小学生运用英语进行交际的好习惯。教学重难点能准确理解对话的句子。掌握单词,并知道动词的不规则变化 动词的不规则过去式buy(bought),fall off(fell off),go(went),have(had)教具学具准备Tape-recorder, Word-cards, SB and so on

2、教学设计思路在教学中,运用新课改理念,关注体验性学习,提倡交流与合作,创设学生喜欢的情境,激活学生的思维,采取有效的评价方式,主要采取小组评价、口头评价等方式激发学生的学习兴趣,发展学生的听说能力。运用简笔画教学,使学生能够直观、形象的接受单词。教学环节教学内容与教师活动学生活动设计意图复 备Step 1Warm-upStep2New words1、Spokenlanguage.2、Speak sentences. T: I ask “what did you do yesterday?”(板书规则动词的过去式)3、Play a game.T: Do as I say ,not as I do

3、. Stand up, if you have mistakes, sit down . Point to your arm (head )1、教学fell off(1)T: Put your book on your arm. Oh! What happened?(2)T: Put your book on your head. Oh! What happened?(3)T: Put your book on your finger. Oh! What happened?T:The book fell off your arm.( head finger)多做同样的几组练习,教授生词happ

4、en fell off2、教学watermelon, carried, bumped。1、Spokenlanguage.2、One student answers and asks next one.3、Play a game.按指令做动作。(进行小组评价)做动作,认读新单词通过这一环节,可以提高学生的口语表达能力。复习规则动词的过去式,进行板书,提高学生的听力和口语水平,同时与新课将要学习的不规则动词过去式进行比较。Play a game环节为新课做准备。,教学环节教学内容与教师活动学生活动设计意图复 备Step3 TextStep4Extend T: whats the weat her

5、like today?T: Yes ,its very hot, I feel thirsty.(肢体语言,表现出口渴的样子) I want to eat a watermelon.(简笔画教学watermelon) Yesterday, I went to supermarket ,I bought a ball.(边说边做动作) Look ,I carry a ball. Just now ,I carried a ball. Oh! Sorry, the ball bumped(情境教学carried bumped)3. Practice(1) 将板书单词领读。(2) 认读卡片单词。1.

6、T: Yesterday, I went to supermarket. I bought a ball and a watermelon. And then I went home. I felt thirsty. So I ate a watermelon.解释 And thenSo 2.T: Look, this is Daming. Look here! What happened? Do you want to know? Today, Well learn Module 10 Unit 1 Sam fell off his bike.(板书课题)(1) T:Listen to th

7、e tape.and answer the question. What happened?(2) T:Listen to the tape and repeat one sentence by one.(underline and circle) Choose two words or phrases speak sentence.S: Its hot.能够正确说出老师板书单词的意思。齐读 排火车读 个人抽读)(3) 抽读卡片单词。(分组)(4) 原形、过去式反读。S: PracticeS1: I bought a watermelon.S2: And then I ate it. S1:

8、I got up at 9 this morning.S2: So I was late for my class. S1: I put on my clothes.S2: Then I washed face.S1: I was ill yesterday. S2: So I went to hospital.(对学生表现进行评价)S:Sam fell off his bike. The watermelon bumped Damings head.(3) Read by themselves.(4) Perform. 分组评价所有生词的引出都运用了情境教学,使学生能够更好的理解单词的意思。

9、从而能够在正确语境中运用。通过多种形式记忆单词,更能激发学生的兴趣和求知欲望。and thenso这一连接词的引出,运用情境教学,学生能够正确理解并可以正确应用。课文教学通过听录音、跟读、自由读,学生能够认知课文,最后的展示环节,提高了学生学习英语的积极性,增强了学生学习英语的自信心。通过这一拓展活动,学生可以巩固所学知识,提高语言运用能力。板书设计 Module 10 Unit 1 Sam fell off his bike.watched fell off-fall offtalked carried-carrylistened bought-buy helped watermelon played and then sobumped-bump happened-happen作业设计 1.讲述自己经历过的一件事。(使用一般过去式)2.预习unit2.教学反思 备注:教学环节为5号黑体,正文其他均为5号宋体。



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