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1、科教版五年级下学期英语填空题专项水平练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选择恰当的单词将下列句子补充完整。lookhelpfulcookingfreshbut1Id like some_tomatoes.2You_tired. Please go to bed.3Tom is_. He always helps his mother cook meals.4I often play basketball_I dont play ping-pong.5We have a_class on Wednesdays.2. 根据括号里单词的适当形式填空。1The desk_(be) Toms.2Somebod

2、y_(do) her homework.3Everybody_(be ) OK!4Nobody_(be) in the park.5There_(be)someone in the classroom.6That cat_( be ) mine.7A little water_(be) in the cup.8Cheese_(taste)well.9The letter “O”_(look) like zero.10“4”_(be) a bad number in China.3. 选择适当的词填空。1Lets go and_(play / playing) table tennis.Good

3、 idea.2Are you from different_(country / countries)?Yes.3Peter is_(on / in) duty today.4Touch your shoulders_(on / with) your hands.5My mother usually_(watch / watches) TV in the evenings.6Mr White is from_(UK / the UK), he is visiting Nanjing now.7Show_(we / us) how to make a model plane.OK.8This i

4、s_(the first / first) lesson of the new term.4. 用所给单词的适当形式补全句子。1Dad is_(write)an email.2We must take good care of young_(child).3This is_(we)library.4What are you_(do)?5How many English_(lesson)do you have in a week?5. 根据答句写问句。1When_?I get up at 6:00.2What_Saturdays?I often go hiking.6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

5、1My brother_(have) a new bike. He can_(ride) a bike_(good). He_(like)_(ride) bikes.2Mike, please_(show) the pictures to_(we).3The skirt_(not) fit you. How about_(buy) a new one?4My uncle_(live) in Wuxi. He_(visit) many places every year.5Helen, lets_(go) to the park!6Why_(be) you so sad? Because I_(

6、be) old.7Why_(not) you go by bus? Because_(walk) is_(well) for us.8Look! The boy is_(play) football now.7. 根据首字母提示,完成句子。1Beijing is f_f_Wuxi. We can go t_by t_.2Look, there is a cat in the b_.3Its late. We can go there by t_.4This b_is for school. Lets go!5I dont live near school, so I h_t_get up ea

7、rly in the morning.6Tom l_near school. He goes to school o_f_every day. His father is a teacher, he w_to work with Tom.7I like basketball. I want to watch the b_m_in the gym.8. 选择词填空。(每词限用一次)about for from to on1. Can you give us more information_this topic?2. This is a book_maths.3. There is a guid

8、e_us.4. We can get information_e-books and televisions.5. There are many different ways_answer this question.9. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1The English test is on June_(eight).2Sarahs cat_(have) two kittens.3When is_(you) birthday?4I see_(ten) kids in the garden.5Its_(six) oclock.6My birthday is on August_(two).1

9、0. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1There are many_(taxi) on the street.2Jim wants_(help)me.3A fairy_(get) to the party.4Where_(be) your shoes?Under the bed.5Bobby likes_(play) football. Look, He_(play) on the playground.6They go there on_(feet).7Lets_(go) fishing now.8How_your mother_(come) here? By car.9Can y

10、ou_(pick) flowers on the farm? No, we cant.10These mushrooms are bad for us. We cant eat_(they)11. 按要求写词。1make(现在分词)2fly(第三人称单数形式)3help(第三人称单数形式)4teach(第三人称单数形式)5watch(第三人称单数形式)12. 根据句意及首字母或中文完成句子。1What are you doing the kitchen?Im_(烧饭) for my family.2She is_(帮助) Miss Li in the teachers office.3Can

11、you_(洗) it some fruit for me, Helen?Sure.4Many children are in the_(商店) today.5What are you doing? Im_(看) TV.6You shouldnt eat anything_(甜的).7These_(葡萄) are not good. I dont like to eat them.8His brother is doing the d_.13. 按要求写词。make(现在分词) dish(复数)pest(复数) child(复数)clean(现在分词) wash(第三人称单数形式)do(现在分词

12、) dancing(动词原形)parent(复数) swim(现在分词)14. 根据句意选择合适的单词填空。1Ben likes these_(card) very much.2Mr. White_(go) to work on foot every day.3Wang Bing usually_(visit) his grandparents on Saturdays.4_(final), they go home together.5Lets_(take) the bird to the forest.15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1He_(not understand) my words.2Can she_(go) to the party?


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