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1、Reading of Unit 6 and Unit 7一周强化一、一周课程概述本次课要完成Unit 6和Unit 7两个单元的阅读。二、重难点提示Unit 6 I only eat food that tastes good.通过对这篇文章的阅读,我们要完成以下两个任务:1学习和了解英语口语和笔头英语之间的区别。2学习讨论什么是健康的饮食。英语在笔头和口头上都有许多不同的表达方式。在不同的场合下要采用正确的表达方式,我们需要正确模仿。要讲地道的英语,我们需要多读一些戏剧、小说,因为这些体裁包含了许多口头语言。要写出好的英语,我们需要多读报刊、杂志上的文章,因为这些文章中包含了许多书面语言的句

2、式结构和词汇。这篇阅读文章是一些学生的对话,口语性较强。里面包含了许多语气词,如表示感叹,表示犹豫,表示反问等。表示感叹:Really?Never.Oh!Yes, it is!表示思考:er.Hm.Um.表示反问:isnt it?dont you?is it?shouldnt they?1How important is keeping healthy to you?对你来说保持健康有多重要?keeping healthy 是动名词作主语。e.g. Keeping healthy is important to you.2 to be honest, I only eat food that

3、tastes good.坦率地说,我只吃味道好的食物。(1)to be honest 用作插入成份,通常位于句首。e.g. To be honest, I dont like this music. 坦白地说,我不喜欢这音乐。(2)that tastes good 是定语从句,修饰food.(3)taste vi. 尝起来(用作连系动词,其后接形容词做表语。)e.g. The dishes taste delicious. 这些菜肴尝起来很可口。类似的连系动词有:sound 听起来smell 闻起来feel 摸上去e.g. This story sounds interesting. The

4、flowers smell nice. This kind of cloth feels soft.3Its usually bad for you, isnt it? 这对你通常是不好的,对吗?It is good /bad for sb.对某人好/不好通常it是用作形式主语,真正的主语不定式放在后面。e.g. It is good for you to read English loudly every day. 每天大声朗读英语对你有好处。4But I prefer not to eat too much food that is fried. 我宁愿不吃太多的油炸食品。(1)prefe

5、r not to do sth. 宁愿不做某事prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事不定式的否定式是在不定式前加not。e.g. Tell him not to play soccer in the classroom. 告诉他别在教室里踢足球。(2)too much food that is fried food是不可数名词,用too much来修饰。that引导的是定语从句,修饰food , that在从句中作主语。5And I stay away form sugar, you do too, dont you? 我不吃糖,你也不吃,是吗?(1)stay away from意为“

6、离开,缺席,不在家,外出”,这里指“远离糖,不吃糖”。(2)You do too, dont you? 你也一样(不吃糖),是吗?在反意疑问句中,前面肯定,后面用否定。6And I think most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for health.我认为大多数人都赞同水果和蔬菜对健康有好处。(1)agreement 是 agree 的名词,其反义词是disagreement。be in agreement同意,赞成(相当于agree)e.g. Im quite in agreement with y

7、our decision. =I agree with your decision.我赞成你的决定。(2)that引导的是同位语从句,用来解释、补充说明agreement的内容。that引导同位语从句时在从句中不充当任何句子成份,也没有任何意义,只起引导词的作用。7I have heard eating burnt food like this can increase the risk of cancer.我听说吃这种烧焦的食物会增加得癌症的危险性。increase vt. 增加,使增大(反义词decrease)e.g. The number of the students has incr

8、eased. 学生的数量增加了。8 and meat isnt really dangerous, is it? 肉并不真的危险,是吗?Oh, yes, it is!啊,不,有危险。当反意疑问句的陈述部分是否定时,注意其回答的翻译。e.g. You are not a teacher, are you? 你不是个教师,是吗? No, Im not. 是的,我不是。e.g. She doesnt like fruit, does she? 她不喜欢水果,是吗? No, she doesnt. 是的,她不喜欢。Unit 7 Id live to sail across the Pacific学习这

9、篇文章我们要达到两个目的:1学习和了解梦想与希望之间的区别。2学习一些重要的词、词组和句型。1We all dream about things that we would like to do, and things we hope to achieve in the future.(1)dream的用法v.(dreamed, dreamed或dreamt dreamt)幻想,想像dream of (about) sth. /doing sth. 梦见(做)e.g. I often dream of (about) becoming a dancer. 我时常梦想成为一个舞蹈家。 I dre

10、amed about you last night. 我昨晚梦见你了。 She dreams of running her own business. 她梦想自己开业做生意。vi. & vt. 做梦,梦见e.g. I didnt dream last night. 我昨晚没做梦。(vi.) Dream a happy dream!做个好梦!(vt.)dreamthat从句想到,梦见e.g. I never dreamt that I should see you here. 我从未想到(做梦也没想到)会在这儿看见你。 He dreamt that he was flying in the sl

11、eep. 他梦见自己在空中飞翔。n. 梦想,假想,理想e.g. To sail across the Pacific is his dream. 横渡太平洋是他的梦想。 I realized my dream of becoming a teacher. 我实现了当老师的梦想。(2)hope v. & n. 希望,期望;所期待的事物,寄希望的人物e.g. He has hope of becoming a singer.他有个当歌手的希望。(n.) She is the hope of our class.她是我们班的希望。(n.)hope 用作动词的搭配:hope to do sth.希望做

12、某事e.g. We hope to come here again. 我们希望能再来此地。hope that-从句希望e.g. I hope that he will pass the exam. 我希望他这次能通过考试。表示预测令人满意的事物时用“I hope that”,担心不好的事物发生时用“I am afraid that”that通常被省略,that从句可用so或not代替。e.g. Is there a movie tonight? 今晚有电影吗? I hope so. 希望如此。e.g. Do we have an exam today? 我们今天有考试吗? I hope not

13、. 希望没有。2Here are some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams, in which thousands of students across China took part.in which引导的是一个非限定性定语从句,修饰先行词survey。which引导从句,在从句中作介词in的宾语。介词in也可移至句末(take part in),意为“是数千遍及中国的学生参加的一个调查。”3It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possibl

14、e.(1)It seems后是省掉了that的从句,相当于some students seem to like to start work as soon as possible.(2)as soon as possible=as soon as they cane.g. Please come here as soon as possible. =Please come here as soon as you can. 请尽快来这儿。4Although money is important, many teenagers said they want to do jobs they enjo

15、y.Although引导的是让步状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管”。e.g. Although he is young, he works very hard. 虽然他年幼,但他工作很努力。although和though同义并不互换。although的语气比though更强一些,通常位于句首。在句中although和though都不能与but同时使用。e.g. Although /Though it is late, they still wait. =It is late, but they still wait. 尽管很晚,他们还在等。5And quite a few said they dream of going to the moon one day.(1)quite a few 相当于 not a


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