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2、课堂始终。一切教学活动都围绕这一主线展开。在设计每一环节的活动时,都采用了适时适度的评价方式,激发了学生的学习兴趣。教学内容本节课是Can He Speak Chinese?。在教学过程中,围绕这一课题,我设计了以下五个部分的学习内容:行为动词的总结复习;情态动词can的用法归纳;对话教学;扩展训练,通过问答,完成调查表,并进行相关的写作训练;结合生活实际,巩固can的用法。在处理这五部分的教学内容时,我把重点放在了情态动词can的用法上,让学生通过看、听、说、写等练习,巩固句型及其用法。在对话教学中,注重对学生听音能力的培养,并对学法进行了指导,加深了学生对对话的理解和运用。此外,在评价方法

3、的选择上,我采用了小组评价和个人评价相结合的评价方法,极大的调动了学生的学习热情。教学项目new words:daddy, culture, beginnerbasic sentences:What can you do?I can.教学方法任务型教学法、多媒体教学教学手段利用图片、多媒体课件等辅助教学,充分调动全体学生参与课堂活动,从而提高课堂教学效率。教学目标语言知识复习巩固情态动词can的用法,达到准确运用;学习对话中的新单词daddy, culture, beginner,做到能够准确理解词义,读准字音。能 力能够准确运用情态动词can进行相关的能力问答;通过学习,提高学生的听力水平和


5、用法时比较容易,加上这个班上个学期刚刚开完有关奥运知识的班会,我把本节课和学生已有的奥运知识联系起来,极大地调动了学生的积极性。为了调动学生参与课堂,我设计了多种评价方式,有个人评价,也有小组评价,并针对学生在课堂上的表现,及时进行表扬,虽然时间有限,但是,我让学生参与评价,不但节约了时间,而且使评价更具有公正性。问题框架如何使学生掌握复习的技巧?如何运用对话教学进行听力训练?如何在有限时间里对全体学生进行评价?三、Flow Chart of TeachingStep Two: Review ( review and set up the sentences ) Step One: Warm-

6、up (review and set up the sentences ) 1) What can you do? I can dance.2) Can he swim?Yes, he can.Step Three: Presentation ( teach the new dialogue ) 1) Listen and answer the questions according to the dialogue.2) Teach the new words.Step Four: Extension( Use the sentence to ask and answer. ) Make a

7、survey in the class. Then:1) Read aloud the survey. 2) Write a short passage.Step Five: Self-assignment( Summary the activities in the class. ) Count the stars that they have got. Then, give the winner award.Step Six: Summary( Summary the class and set the homework. )1) Summary the class with the st

8、udents.2) Set homework.四、Teaching processTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityPurpose of DesignStep 1: Warm-up:1) Ask some questions about their names, ages, and some information about the personal life.Q: Whats your name?May I have your name?How old are you?Where are you from?Whats the date?What day i

9、s today?2)Take out the pictures of FuWa. Ask: Do you know their names?Show every FuWa on the screen. Introduce them one by one. Elicit “can”.Say: Beibei is a fish. She said: “I can swim.”( Broadcast from the PPT.)Jingjing is a panda. He said: “I can walk.”Huanhuan is fire.She said: “I can dance.”Yin

10、gying is a Tibet antelope.She said: “I can run.”Nini is a bird.She said: “I can fly.”Next, point to each FuWa on the blackboard. Ask: What can they do?Point to each picture, have them read the verbs again.Listen and answer the teachers questions according to their real life.A: My names.Im.Im.Im from

11、.I come from.Its .Look at the pictures and answer the name of each FuWa. ( Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, Nini )Look at the pictures and listen to the teachers introduction carefully.Look at the FuWa and answer the teachers question.Beibei can swim.Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, and Nini.Read

12、the verbs together.引领学生进入英语学习状态,为课上的练习作好铺垫。利用福娃引入复习要点,既向学生渗透了奥运知识,又能充分调动起学生学习的兴趣。逐一播放图片,讲述奥运福娃知识,引出本课教学重点can课件播出“I can”图形与声音配合,给学生直观印象,又给学生做出示范。结合图片,复习涉及的5个动词,加深学生印象。Say: Each animal has its own ability, too. Listen to the rhyme and remember these words.Display the cartoons of the rhyme.Then, the te

13、acher read a part of the sentences. Have them listen and complete together. An elephant can .A frog can .A fish can .An egg can .Step 2: Review:Say: What can you do? ( Write down this question on the blackboard. )Have someone answer the question. Then, help them summary the words on the PPT.Make mod

14、els on the blackboard. I can walk. I can read. I can sing. I can play basketball.Then, have them use these words ask and answer in groups.( Ordered everyone must use different words.)Have one or two groups do the chain-game.Have the good color the stars.( five, four, three,)Review: What can he do?Wh

15、at can she do?Show some famous sportsmen and sportswomen on the screen.Ask: Do you know their names?Next, ask again: What can he do?What can she do?Point some of them and ask again:Can he swim?Can she run?Step 3: Presentation:Put on the picture of the dialogue on the screen. Introduce it to the students:Look at the picture here. How many girls can you see in the picture?Yes, they are Mary and Liu Hong. Now they are talking about Mary


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