Unit 4 He lives in a village.docx

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1、Unit 4 He lives in a village(the third class)学习目标:1.阅读短文p28,掌握其意思并熟读短文。2. 听懂、会说、会回答下列问题:(1)Where does Lele live?(2)What do they grow on the farm?(3) What animals can Lele see?(4) Does he love his village?学习重难点重难点: 掌握28页的短文的意思并熟读短文,并会回答问题。教具学具:课本情境图 PPT Tape学习过程:一、Warming -up:1.Make a talk.2.Circle t

2、he animals you love.3.leading in.二、探究新知(New Presentation)1.Listen the text and answer the questions.Lele and his parents live in a village near a lake.They have a big house there.A river runs by.His parents work on a farm.In spring,they grow tomatoes,potatoes and other vegetables.They plant many tre

3、es,too.The trees are homes for birds and some wild animals.In spring,summer and autumn,Lele can see rabbits ,snakes and even monkeys.They live happily together year after year.Lele loves his home.He loves the animals,too.2.教师讲解重点句型及意思。3.学生分角色读课文。4.再读课文,回答问题。4.全班一起朗读课文。三、巩固练习:1、根据提示补全对话。(1)A:What is

4、in your town,Ma Wen?B: A s_and many m_.(2)A:How can I get to your c_?B:You can take a b_.2、Read and complete四、Sum up:谈谈这节课你有什么收获?五、Homework:1、Read and recite the dialogue.2、Preview the rest content of part B and part C.六板书TitleThe important sentencesUnit 4 He lives in a village The first class教学目标1.

5、听、说、读、写bird,snake,potato,tomato,river,village,lake等单词及短语:并能在日常生活中灵活使用。2.听懂、会说、会回答下列句型:(1)Where is your home?I live in.学习重难点:重点:单词及重点句型bird,snake,potato,tomato,river,village,lake(1) Where do you live?I live in.难点:单词的读音。教具学具:单词卡片、图片 PPT Tape学习过程:一、热身(Warming up)Sing an English Song together.二、探究新知(New

6、 Presentation)(一)、新知1、先出示准备好的图片讲解单词bird, snake, potato, tomato, river, village, lake老师领读。2、 学生跟老师一起看图片,边做动作边说单词。3.教师读单词,学生跟读单词并指出图片。4、再次,利用开火车的方式认读单词。5、开展争当小老师活动,看谁愿意主动来教单词。对于读得好的奖励小礼物。6、出示教师有图形的卡片,学生看图说单词。先齐读,再抽生读。在整个单词教学的过程中都要注意正音。(二)、展示表演:师生互动。1.T:Where is your home?S:_2.T:Do you live in the city?S:_三、强化训练,当堂达标:1、利用已所学的知识,编写简单的英语对话,加入本节课的单词和句型。2、展示作业,师生共同评价。四、小结:谈谈这节课你有什么收获?五、Homework: 1.Copy the new words on your paper. 2.Preview the dialogue we will learn.六板书TitleWord cards the sentences



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