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1、TEM-4模拟试题作文部分参考答案Model Test 1DictationMaking a ComplaintComplaning about faulty goods or bad services is never easy. / But if something you have bought is faulty or of poor quality, / you have to ask for a favor to get it right. / Complaints should be made to a responsible person. / Go back to the s

2、hop where you bought the goods, / taking with you any receipt you may have. / In a small store the assistant may also be the owner so youcan complain directly. / In a chain store, ask the manager. / If you telephone, ask the name of the person who handles your enquiry; / otherwise you may never find

3、 out who dealt with the complaint later. / If you do not want to do it in person, write a letter. / Stick to the facts and keep a copy of what you write. / At this stage you should give any receipt numbers, / but you do not need to give receipts or other papers to prove you bought the article.Compos

4、itionAn Electronic Dictionary or a Traditional Paper One? Dictionaries play a very important role in language study. When it comes to whether to choose an electronic dictionary or a traditional paper one, different people will offer different opinions. Though electronic dictionaries are more popular

5、 now and often quicker and easier to use, traditonal paper dictionaries are the better tool for study, especially of a foreign language. Traditional dictionaries, by providing more detailed definitions and examples, have greater capacity of vocabulary and better serve for study purposes. Some famous

6、 publishing houses have issued a lot of authoritative dictionaries like Oxford and Webster. People can choose any paper format from many different publishers as a study tool while there are frequently many errors in electronic ones. In addition, electronic dictionaries do not necessarily provide eno

7、ugh detail to provide accurate information. Though paper dictionaries are generally much heavier than electronic ones, students can use them at any time and in any place because they do not rely on electricity. Though the size of the letters in some dictionaries is very small, it does not consume en

8、ergy unless some count the energy a person uses to carry it around! Think of all the money people could save on batteries, too! When people travel, an electronic dictionary may be more convenient. However, if somebody wants to read a book in a foreign language, a traditional dictionary is the perfec

9、t tool. Paper dictionaries are not merely a tool to check the meaning of words, but also a book which can be used to increase your vocabulary. (252 words)Note-writing March 2, 2012Dear Mr. Maxim, I take great pleasure in sending my most ardent and earnest congratulations on your promotion to profess

10、or at the university! You are absolutely worthy of this new professional title since your lectures are always academically interesting and easy to understand. My best wishes for you continued success! Yours, John Model Test 2DictationComputersA computer is a machine that is able to handle informatio

11、n very quickly. / Hundreds of problems can be solved in just a few seconds with it. / The information that is needed to solve a problem is translated into numbers by the computer. / The computer solves the problem, and then the answer is translated into words. / Special machines are used to put info

12、rmation and instructions into the computer. / The computer records the information and stores it. / A large amount of information can be stored in a very small space. / This information is stored in the computers memeory unit. / Computers are used in many different ways. / Business and banks use com

13、puters to keep financial records. / In many industries computers are used to control other machines that make products. / Governments, hospitals, schools, and communication companies work with computers. / Special computers have been developed for rockets, airplanes, ships, and cars. / Some people h

14、ave small computer systems in their homes. / Because computers have so many uses, the computer industry has become one of the largest industries in the world.CompositionLiving on Campus or Living Outside School?Nowadays, choosing a right living place became an important issue for college students. S

15、ome of them prefer to live alone by renting a room near school, while others prefer to live with classmates on campus. As for me, I like to live with classmates in group domitory on campus.There are several vital reasons for my opinion. First, it is very convenient to ask classmates questions about courses and have various discussions with them. The main task of students is to achieve outstanding academic performance rather than anything else. Living on campus benefits not only me but also my classmates as we



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