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1、江北巴川小学部英语1年级导学案课题Story课时1课型新授课年级1备课组成 员孙蔓 陈晓宇 陈乐倩 主备教 师孙蔓执教教师孙蔓时间40 min教材与学情分析教材分析:Big English教材注重学生听说能力培养,BE1-Unit3story部分与重大版教材内容体系完美整合,故事情景贴合生活实际,故事本身逻辑性很强,适用于书本内容的延伸拓展。学情分析:学生已经学习过了一些有关身体部位的词汇表达,能够认读身体部位的单词。教学目标At the end of this lesson. Students will be able to:1. identify the names of body par

2、ts and pronounce the key words correctly.(big,small,long,short,ears,legs)2. understand the meaning of the story.3. present the story in pairs.4. use “Thank you” in specific circumstances.教学重点Key words: big, small, long, short, ear, leg.Key sentences:Q: Is this your dog? A: Yes/No, my dog has . . My

3、dog is . .教学难点Describe the dogs. Plural form like “ears/legs”.课前准备Pictures, PPT, stickers.导学流程略图Greeting-warm&leadin-presentation-practice-production-sum-up导学具体流程环节导学流程课后调整建议Warm-up&lead in1. Say “Hello” to everyone. 2. Warm-up (Sing a “body song.” Free talk about “weather”.)3. Lead in main characte

4、rs “Michael and Tim”. Introduce the aim of this lesson. (Tim helps Michael to find his dog.)Presentation1. Following the teacher to understand the meaning of the key words “big/small/long/short” by using introduction of “teachers dog.” (TPR)2. Students will be the main character “Michael”. According

5、 the pictures to judge whether “Michael is happy or not.” 3. Answer the teachers question-Is this your dog? What color is it? Practice1. Judge the correct answer following the pictures one by one.2. Summarizing the characteristics of Michael s dog.3. Describe Michael s dog in learned words.4. Perfor

6、m the story according to ones own understanding.Sum up &production1. Invite a volunteer from each group to sum up what we have learned in this class.2. Make sure that students know we should help others when someones in trouble.3. Home work. (Tell this story to your parents.Finish students book.)板书设

7、计TimMichael教学反思 本节课教学目标突出,让学生在Tim帮助Michael找到他的狗这一情境中进行单词和巨型的学习。整个学习过程通过对主人公Michael的表情来初步判断是否为他的狗,再引导学生听读Michael的表述来确定。情感态度目标方面设定为:让学生有乐于助人的意识,同时,当你接受他人帮助时,需要跟他人说“Thank you.”。 教学过程中包含师生对话,生生对话。练习环节加入了pair work给予了学生自主学习的时间。教读环节融入进整个情景当中。让学生在不知不觉中习得知识点。 通过最后的展示环节,进行学习小结,发现学生在表达“has”这个单词发音还是有点不够准确,因此需要在教学过程中加以强调。



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