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1、小学五年级英语测试卷 Name(姓名):_ 一、请根据字母顺序,把所缺的字母填在横线上。(注意大小写!)(10分) 1. D F 2. X Z 3.Q R 4. U V 5. J K_ 6. a c 7. u w 8. l n 9.mn 10. g i二、圈出正确的单词或图片。(10分)1) rabbit 2) ice3)cat 4) nose 5 ) dog book bag 三、写出首字母。(6分)1. _ hat is my ball. ( 那是我的球。) 2. _his is a book. ( 这是一本书.) 3. _y name is Tim. ( 我叫Tim。) 四、把下列的英语

2、和中文意思连起来。(10分) your my it this she 我的 这个 她 他 它 that he I you what 我 你的 那个 你 什么五、把 is, am, are 填到合适的句子里。(12分)1. I a girl.2. It _ a car.3. I _ Pop.4. This my friend.5. My name Peter.6. They _ very good.六、填a或an.(10分) dog bed egg orange pig friend pen ruler apple ant 七、给下列的单词选择正确的意思,并把它圈出来。(16分)1. tea 钢

3、笔 茶2. sofa 沙发 姐妹3. ring 国王 戒指4. taxi 门 出租车5. lamp 灯 雨伞6. bike 汽车 自行车7. zoo 动物园 橡皮8. today 今天 昨天八、把下列词组的缩写形式写出来。(6分)it is _ that is _ what is _九、选择填空,把正确的序号填在括号里。(10分)( )1. Mrs. Chen is _ Dongdong to the shops. A. taking. B. reading. C. putting.( )2. Whats your name? _ A. My name is Jane. B. Your nam

4、e is Jane. C. His name is Jane.( )3. _ read in the bed. A. Not B. Dont C. No( ) 4. Happy birthday! _ A. Happy birthday, too. B. Thank you. C. Me, too. ( )5. Nice to meet you. _ A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you ,too. C. How old are you?十、把下列单词连成一个句子。(10分) 1. is Lingling a picture drawing (.) _ 2. you were Where (?) _3. Dont your feet on the seat put (.) _4. a policeman near the post office Theres (.) _ 5. your birthday Whens (?) _


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