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1、沪教版四年级英语下册语法填空专项调研班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据中文意思,完成句子。每空一词。1What day is it_(今天)?2Its_(星期三)today. I have an Art lesson.3My cousin_(有) an English book.4_(何时)does your father get up every day?At five.5There are two basketball_(比赛) On TV.2. 写出单词的正确形式填空,并将其填在横线上。1-How many_(orange/oranges)do you have?-I have one ora

2、nge.2Look at_(that/those)animals.3- Can Wang Biang_(skates/skate)Well? -Yes, he can.4Have a birthday cake_(with/at) a cherry.5They_(is/are) tigers.3. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Its hot and _ (sun) today.2February is the _ (two) month of the year.3How many _ (book) are there on the desk?4I like _ (snowy).5There a

3、re twelve _ (month) in a year.4. 从方框中选择合适的单词或短语补全句子。open, turn on, sweep, you, clean, put up, Wheres, near1Lets_theclassroom.2Myseatis_thedoor.3Letme_thefloor.4_theTV. Letswatchafootballmatch(足球赛).5We_anewpictureeveryyear.6_thedoor.7_myschoolbag?8Thank_somuch!5. 选择正确的疑问词完成下列句子。(每词只限用一次)How How many

4、What Where When1_girls are there in your class?2_subject do you like best?3_shall we go on weekends?4_about some pork?5_do you have English lessons?6. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1This is your classroom,_classroom is over there.(we)2What are_?(that)They are grape cakes.3We have six_(subject) this term.4Ther

5、e_(be) some milk in the glass.5Its time for a P.E lesson. Lets_(go ) to the playground.6What can you_(see) in the picture? Some birds.7I_(not like) Math. What about you?8How many_(sandwich) do you have?Three.7. 重新排列方框内的字母,组成尽可能多的月份单词。(每个字母可重复出现)1MAYRCHDEB2AJNPIGURTLESY3OCTBERNVMFUAYSP8. 看图完成句子。1Go t

6、o the study and_.2Go to the bathroom and_.3Go to the bedroom and_.4Go to the living room and_.5Go to the kitchen and_.9. 用a, an, a glass of或a cup of填空。1_egg 2_orange3_juice 4_milk5_coffee 6_tea7_hot dog 8_apple10. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1Look! My hand_(hurt).2Whose_(jean)are these?3Your_(trouser)are too long.

7、4This dress is my_(mother).5_(who)sweater is this?11. 选词填空。Sports Centre classroom shop plus minus1This is the place where children can buy things._2It is the English for “jia”._3This is the place where children can have sports games._4This is the place where children can have classes._5It is the En

8、glish for “jian”._12. 选词填空。nice clever shy naughty1. Ms Smart is a_teacher.2.Parrot is very_.3. This is Maomao. Shes a bit_.4. This is Yixiu. Hes very_.13. 读一读,补全句子。1-Where are the pens?-They are_(在书桌底下).2-Whats in the classroom?-Lets_(去看看).3-What colour is your notebook?-Its_(黑白色).4-Who is Zhang Pe

9、ng?-He_(带眼镜).5-Would you like a_(刀叉)?-No, thanks.14. 根据中文意思,完成句子。每空一词。1What does your mother do on Sunday?She_(通常)goes shopping.2What do you have for_(晚饭)?I often have some noodles.3Jim likes_(看) TV very much. How about you?4My cousin often_(吃)lunch at school.5There is too much_(家庭作业) today. I am to

10、o tired.15. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1She is a_(出租车司机).2My father ia a_(工人).3I want to be a_(公交车司机)in the future.4Are you want to be a_(教师)in the future?5Is he a_(农民)?16. 写出单词的现在分词形式。1. dance- 2. swim-3. sing- 4. draw-5. see-17. 根据提示完成下列句子。1Its warm inside._(脱下) your shoes.2Good morning. This is the_(天气预报).3It

11、s cold outside._(戴上) a hat.4_(几点) is it?5Whats the weather like_(在伦敦)?18. 选词填空。have look go close come try1Its seven oclock. Its time to_home.2Open your books. Dont_your books.3-Can I_a look?-Sure, here you are.4_here, Helen. Is this your rubber?5-_at my shoes.-Theyre nice!6Can you make a fruit salad? Have a_!19. 从括号内选择正确的单词填空。1The_(pencil/pencils) are in the bedroom.2Id like some_(crayon/crayons).3Id like some_(tea/teas).4Here_(am/is/are) a fan for you.5Here_(am/is/are) some cats.6-Do you have_



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