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1、20X年北京市中等学校招生考试第卷(机读卷 共2分)第一部分听力(4分)一、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话和对话后的问题朗读两遍)(共6分,每小题1分)ASprg BSmmr. C.Autum2At sen. BAt levn CtenJff. Mar. C.The boy.A.Geen. BBlue. CYelow5.A.e is il. .Blu. C.low.6A.Writeto Lc nd Lly. Bat r Lcy nd Lily CLok afte Luyad Lily.二、听对话和短文,根据对话和短文后的问题,选择正确答案。(对话和短文以及后面的问题朗读两遍)(

2、共18分,每小题1.分)请听第7段材料,回答第7、8、9小题。.AMaking aphoecl. BGivin a lson. Ckng hwa.A.A scoo. A ciema. C.A p.9ABy a. .By bs By bike.请听第8段材料,回答第0、1、12小题。10.A.Ina hoel. In fmer houe. CIn the pena.11A.I themorn B.n thefternoon. C.Ihe vening.2.AInereting .Har. Ca.请听第9段材料,回答第1、4、15小题1A.oes o school. BLoos fr job. C

3、.Hsa holi.4A.oert. BWag Pn. Davd.15.A.hy. BFrendly. .Crf.请听第10段材料,回答第16、7、1小题。16Asuent BTe montor. A tache17ASeve days. B.Tendys. C.Sixteen days.1.Aost leters and brow bok. BUse cmpues ndgo aci. C.Buy shool tinsad ave mls.第二部分笔试(54分)三、语言知识运用(1)(一)单项填空(共0分,每小题分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。19Mary, les

4、e how yu pictur.my B.mi C.I Dme20-henwil Mr. Bla coe to Bei - Septmber . B.To At Dn21hch s , he sun, te oonr the earth -Of coure, the oon is.A.smal B.maller Csmalles Dthe smllst2.Som boys of lassOne njo music.A.litn o B.listens o Citeing o D.stened to23- d o hav an Engli party -cea mnt.AHw ld BHow r

5、 C. often .Hon2.Ftherissleping. Yod bter uieA.tokep kep Cepi kept25-Whts on TV toniht I tere inersng -Iafraid nt.Aomethin .anytn C.nothg D.vrything26.We are you gong-Im ing to t o l a iteA.op bray Crk .oofice27.-Sal we go soingnow-Sorry, I ant. I m shirts.s .whs C.ahed Dam washg8.Whe he home, e saw

6、hs moer cleanin the room.A.tu Bot back C.got of Dgt on2-Is Toa school tday-N. Hs at home e has bd cld.A.becauBi C.utl D.before30.If he harde, he l at up witus soon.Asty Btudies C.wilstd Duded.-ay pu y ike here-o, ou Youshld put it over ter.Acouldt nedn Cmust .wont3.-Yor r , rent you-Yes r ta won teg

7、meppy .woried C.a D.afrd3.-What a ice bie! How ong o it-ust twoweek.A.wi; bu B.did; uy C.re;having Dhae; had4.Cies ymo an more pelei th worl n.i sen i akin speaks D.spoe35Misreendidtell us in 02XA.where dos shelive Bwhrsh ivsCwhe did e lie Dwhre shelived6.At L ofteasks hr son too mch met. Itsbadfor

8、his helth.A.dnt et B.no to eatC.ot a Dtont eat3.-o ou ike togoout for wal wit u- , ut ust fnih my omewokfrs.A.Ofcours not B.That all rghtCId loe Ds, o8We ofen ee thsg n musems.It mean .AN POTOS .O IHNGCMOKIN O SWIMIN(二)完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)通过下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Johny yestr, eleen y

9、ears l,wasin bein the hospitl Several days before, hilehwas 3 in footbl game, he llad ishea hi th ground The octors believe ht 0 igt nver getwell.“He ems to havegien up 1 . So mediie wont 42 . Perp e ees sethielse,” said on f the octors“Whe Ivisit ohny, all h 43 ss isthathe wou l tomet Bab Ruth. ”T

10、ee BabeRuth, ofcurs, was nt possible. ae Ruth ws s 44 am in Amricaa he resident himelf, 4 h ws he most fmou basll(棒球)layer in teame.The next d Jhnnysfaher aage to tell Bae u aout thetoryo onny on te pone ey-our our latr, s Jonny 6 his hospitl oo, in walked a uth. Young Jonn cldnt 7 iraly ws te BabBa

11、bRt satdo aJohnsdside ad sid, “w liten, ki, yove ot to gt wel. Iverght ou a new Aricaneaguebasbal. Youmut start troingt”Sylveter justsayd there, ayng nohing, ad his swere 8 inwe(敬慕)ahe reat man.or John this as te beinnin o a nw if, onhe thought he ulvr 49 T th urpise of hs oor,youg yleterwaked o f t hospial onhis own fewweeks ater. Hews also ab o liv a ealt



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