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1、III交流电机软启动的技术原理与仿真摘 要本文首先阐述了交流电机的直接启动,论述了直接启动的危害如电网冲击,机械冲击,对生产机械的冲击等,叙述了交流电机直接启动的限制条件;并且将交流电机的直接启动和软启动进行比较,得出了软启动对电网冲击小,转矩冲击小且减少了对机器本身的损坏等优点。其次详细论述了几种主要的交流电机降压启动原理。在这基础上详述了软启动的启动原理,给出了限流软启动、电压斜坡启动、转矩控制启动、转矩加突跳控制启动、电压控制启动等几种启动方法和曲线图。然后分别对每种启动方式的优缺点进行了说明,得出了比较好的启动方式是电压控制启动、转矩控制启动和转矩加突跳控制启动,并且对变频调速做了浅谈

2、使之与软启动进行比较得出了软启动的优缺点。再次借助Matlab/Simulink工具箱和电气系统模块库(Power System Blockset)对交流电机的软启动过程进行仿真研究,建立了三相交流电压环节模块、同步环节模块、脉冲发生模块、三相交流调压模块、电机及测量模块、电流反馈、启动控制和电机切换等环节封装模块,构建了完整的仿真系统模型,并分析了每个模块的建立过程,参数设定及基本功能,给出了仿真结果,并对结果进行了分析和验证。最后归纳总结目前软启动技术的特性,指出目前软启动产品开发应考虑的因素以及软启动的发展,软启动的节能。关键字:交流电机,软启动,仿真,matlab,节能Simulati

3、ng and Analysis about Soft-starting Theory of Induction MotorABSTRACTThis article first elaborated the alternating current machine line start, elaborated the line start harm like electrical network impact, the machinery impact, to produces the machinery to have the impact and so on, narrated the alt

4、ernating current machine line start limiting condition; And the alternating current machine line start and the soft start will carry on the comparison, obtained the soft start to the electrical network impact, the torque has attacked small also reduced to machine itself merit and so on damage. Next

5、in detail elaborated several kind of main alternating current machine voltage dropping resistor start principle, has related in detail the soft start start principle in this foundation, gave has limited flows the soft start, the voltage pitch starts, the torque control started, torque Canada kicked

6、the control to start, voltage control start and so on several start methods and diagram of curves, Has separately carried on the explanation to each kind of start way good and bad points, has obtained the quite good start way is the voltage control starts, the torque control start and torque Canada

7、kicks the control start.Draws support from the Matlab/Simulink toolbox and the electrical system module storehouse once more (Power System Blockset) conducts the simulation research to the alternating current machine soft start process, Established the three-phase AC voltage link module, the synchro

8、nized link module, the pulse has had the module, the three-phase AC accent pressed the module, the electrical machinery and the survey module, the current feedback, link seal modules and so on start control and anxious link, Has constructed the integrity simulation system model, and has analyzed eac

9、h module establishment process, the parameter hypothesis and the basic function, has given the simulation result, and has carried on the analysis to the result, the confirmation.Finally induces the summary at present the soft start technology characteristic, pointed out the present soft start produc

10、t development should consider factor as well as soft start development, soft start energy conservation, and did to the frequency conversion velocity modulation discussed shallowly caused it to carry on the comparison with the soft start to obtain the soft start good and bad points.KEKWORDS: AC motor

11、,Soft-starting,simulating,matlab,energy saving目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII1 交流软启动概述11.1 交流电机启动方式简介11.1.1 交流电机直接启动的弊端及限制条件11.1.2 传统的启动技术21.1.3 晶闸管软启动技术31.1.4 交流电机启动方式选择31.2 型异步电动机减压启动方法41.2.1 定子串电阻或电抗器减压启动41.2.2 自耦变压器降压启动51.2.3 星形三角形(Y)启动71.3 变频软启动的原理及应用71.3.1 变频软启动的基本结构81.3.2 变频软启动的工作原理81.4 变频软启动与软启动的比较102 晶闸管

12、软启动技术原理与节能112.1 晶闸管软启动技术原理112.2 软启动节能技术及原理与软启动智能化发展142.2.1 异步电动机中的损耗142.2.2 异步电动机的节能原理142.2.3 软启动智能化发展162.3 软启动行业现状及发展方向172.3.1 软启动行业现状172.3.2 软启动的发展方向173 MATLAB/SIMULINK工具箱的简介193.1 matlab简介193.2 Simulink工具箱简介:213.3 电力系统模型库(simpowersysterm)工具箱简介234 交流电机软启动系统仿真建模244.1 交流电动机数学模型244.1.1 异步电动机在,0 坐标系统下的

13、数学模型244.1.2 异步电机在d,q,0坐标系统下的数学模型254.2 交流电机软启动基本模块仿真264.3 交流电机软启动系统仿真305 交流电机软启动系统仿真分析315.1 SIMULINK仿真分析315.1.1 转速315.1.2 转矩315.1.3 定子电流325.1.4 转子电流335.1.5 脉冲图像335.1.6 触发角alpha的变化345.1.7 电压345.2 分析小结356 总结36致 谢36参 考 文 献3837交流电机软启动的技术原理与仿真1 交流软启动概述1.1 交流电机启动方式简介交流电动机广泛应用于各行各业,但传统电机的直接启动、停止制动方式存在许多缺陷。启

14、动时电流很大,启动电流可高达额定电流的58倍,这对电网、负载机械和电动机造成巨大冲击,影响电动机和其拖动设备的使用寿命,也造成电网电压突降,直接影响在电网用电的其它用电设备的正常工作。传统的降压启动方式,无论是星三角启动或自耦变压器降压启动等启动方式,虽然减少了启动电流,但启动转矩也同时减少,只能应用在轻载或空载启动场合。传统的停止制动方式采用自然停止或抱闸制动等停止方式,自然停止对泵类负载“水锤”冲击严重,危害管网;抱闸制动,产生机械震动激烈,危害设备。无论是启动还是停止,均不能满足平稳平滑启动、停止的工业生产工艺要求1。1.1.1 交流电机直接启动的弊端及限制条件直接启动是最简便的启动方式




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