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1、苏教版六年级英语下册期中模拟考试及参考答案题序一二三四五六七八九十总分得分(满分:100分 时间:60分钟) (听力部分40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,听两遍。(10分)1、( ) Atomorrow Btonight Ctoday2. ( ) Ahobby Bhospital Chelmet3. ( ) Ahead teacher Bget together Cpolice officer4. ( ) Aturn right Btake a deep breathCtraffic lights5. ( ) Amake salad Bmake robots Cmake moonc

2、akes二、听录音,给下列图片排序。每小题读两遍。(10分)1、. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子,读两遍。(10分)1、.( ) 1. AWhere is the science museum?BWhere is the bookstore?( ) 2. AStop and wait at a red light. BGo at a green light. ( ) 3. AIm going to take a trip. BIm going to see a film. ( ) 4. AHe likes reading stories. BHe lik

3、es singing. ( ) 5. AYou should see a doctor. BThe cat is worried.四、听录音,选出正确的答句,每小题读两遍。(10分)1、.( ) 1. ASu Hai lost her watch.BI have the matter.CIm tall and strong.( ) 2. ASure, she can. BNo, she couldnt.CYes, she did.( ) 3.AReally? I dont think so.BThats great.CSorry to hear that.( ) 4.AYes, its a n

4、ew bag. BOh, it is yellow.CHow beautiful!( ) 5. ATom likes sweets.BJim is fat now. CHe got up late. (笔试部分60分)五、单项选择,将正确答案序号填在括号里。(10分)1、She is talking _ her friends. ( )AwithBinCat2、_ turn yellow in autumn. ( )ALeafBLeavesCLeaveDLeafs3、Amy can play _ pipa.( )AaBanCthe4、My mother often _ me about my

5、studies. ( )AasksBaskingCask5、Dont talk here. The students _. ( )Ais sleepingBare sleepingCwere sleeping6、Go _this road and turn left _ the traffic lights. ( )Aat; downBdown; onCdown; at7、Itstheseconddayoftheweek.Its _. ( )AMondayBSundayCTuesdayDWednesday8、Did you help clean room? ( )Atheir, themBth

6、em, themCthem, their9、My mother is _ English teacher. ( )AaBanC/10、Christmas is December 25th. ( )AinBatConDfor六、 AhotelBhospitalCpost officer2Aby shipBby subwayCbetter3Adining hallBreadCgym4AsleepBrodeChad5AsmallerBbiggerCfarmer七、 按要求改写句子。(10分)1What do you usually do?(改为一般过去式)What_ you _?2Wu Yifan

7、went to Hainan.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Wu Yifan _?3We went to Hong Kong by plane.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ to Hong Kong?4They had a good time on their holiday.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ a good time on their holiday?5will, be, till, August, ready, not, they (.)(连词成句)_八、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1Dont _ (throw) away waste paper.2Kitty

8、 _ (not) live in the Garden City in the future.3Mr. Wang _ (drive) a street sweeper to clean the streets every day.4In the past, there _ (be) no computer.5Do more exercise and you will become _ (strong).九、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。(10分).( )1. Does Mr Gao often call you? A. Yes, I was.( )2. Do you often help you

9、r parents? B. Yes, I did.( )3. Are you preparing todays lesson? C. No, he doesnt.( )4. Were you in Cuangzhou last month? D. Yes, I do.( )5. Did you finish your English homework? E. Yes, we are.十、 根据短文内容判断下列说法的正误。(10分)Mr Black is a careful driver. One day he is driving home. When he gets to a crossin

10、g, he sees a slow sign. So he slows down. He looks both ways. No car is coming, so he is ready to drive away.Just then, he hears a whistle (哨子声), so he stops by the side of the road. A policeman walks to him and says, “You should stop at the crossing. Mr Black says, “Its a slow sign, not a stop sign

11、. The policeman looks at the sign and says,” Well, I am very sorry. I am in the wrong street.1Mr Black is a careful driver. ( )2Mr Black stops his car at the crossing. ( )3There is a stop sign at the crossing. ( )4Mr Black stops because he hears a whistle. ( )5The policeman is in the right street. (

12、 )参考答案 (听力部分40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,听两遍。(10分)1、 B A C C B二、听录音,给下列图片排序。每小题读两遍。(10分)1、 2 5 3 4 1三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子,读两遍。(10分)1、 B A A B B四、听录音,选出正确的答句,每小题读两遍。(10分)1、 A B B C C (笔试部分60分)五、单项选择,将正确答案序号填在括号里。(10分)1、A2、B3、C4、A5、B6、C7、A8、C9、B10、C六、 AhotelBhospitalCpost officer1、6C2C3B4A5C七、 按要求改写句子。(10分)1、1 did do2 Where did go3 How did go4 Did have5They will not be ready till August.八、 用所给单词的



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