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1、校园英语演讲稿范文 下面有范文大全小编整理的校园英语演讲稿范文,欢迎阅读! 英语演讲稿范文一t s undeniab that teworsningeironment has bece hebigest concrnofthe present-da word. Lnd resources aedwindln because owate lss nd soil esio stegass poiontheair breathe The rivrs n ke arolludby ast dumpd in them fom facories. irbly no aggertin osaytat det

2、erioation othe qualty ohe envron threaenstheeisteceof mankid itelf. Some eople re of th opiion thatthe envnenta prlemsheprice we have t pay for econm dvelpment. ButI dont hink that this rgumen ivli. After a, wtsthepoint o ecnmic rwth if epl&rquo;s lives areavesely letedbywosenin envronmntl polluio T

3、here s plety videnehow tt sustainabl deveopnt cneeved by baancgeonomc growthwith rtetionofhe envirnment. Te keytoacieigths i to make peopare otheeriouses of teproblemBoth gvrnmetsd odnary ciizens uld join hands o make hs orlda ter place t liv i, not only for ourselves, utalsor future geneations.英语演讲

4、稿范文二 Ladiesand Gentlmen, oo aftrnoon! &rsq;m ry glad o stand heand giveyou hort spec. oda top s&dquo;youth&rdqu;. I hope you ll lik it,and ound he iportane inyur ot so tht more eih tFst I want t sk you s quesios: 1、Doyokoht is uh2、Ho doou myo uh Yut ohis not aim oflife,tisa state on; ts not oycheks,

5、 relipsandsupple kees, its amatter of te emoion : iis thefrshnes ;iis the freshns of the depsprng oflife .You meas a eeramnta edomiance o courag oer timidity of thappette, dventrover h lovef eas. Tisten xissi a of 60 mre than a byf . bogows o merely by a numberofyears We roldydes our idels Yrswinket

6、he kin, but t give upenthusia winklesh soul. Wrry, er,lf&dh;distrt bow th hat nd turnhe sit backto ut.Whte60of 16, there is in every uanbeng&lqu;sert the lre of nders, the unilingcllik appetit of hatqo;sext andte joyo te gm of livig . In the en f our heart ndmy hearter&rquo;awireless stn: o lg asit

7、receives mssages of beauty,hoe ,heer,courage ndpowrfrom menn from the infnite, s lng a ou are youn . When he aeralare dwn,and yorspirt is coveed wi snowsf yniism a he ce fpessiism, ten you ar rown ol ,en at 0 ,ut a longas yorarial ae up ,t catch wves oims, thee is hopeyu may e young at 80.hankyo! 英语

8、演讲稿范文三M defintonofcess Today Iam ver gld to bhere to sar wit ouy ideassuccss. a isucs It i ht everyn is longngforSmeme suces wuld e ratheriple. ininga game is sucess; etin a hih rad inhe examis suces; makiga nw friend ssuces; even nw Iamstaing heregvin my speec is ehow alssucss.Howevr, as a prsnrqo;

9、s le lie is conrne,sucess beces rycompliated. fortune success Isfam successIs high soil stau uccess o, I onrsquo;tthinkso. Ibliesuccess i th ralizaton f eplersquo;shos an ideaswady,themoern soietyhee re manypeoplewho re regrdedasthscsful.And h most biuscharacterisiso hem are mony,hih poitio nd luxui

10、ous ife. o mot pepe eiv that uccesand allthaheydo s forhis uro.Butth polem is wethe it is re succes Weal nowthere aeays moeoey,higerpition d bette codioinfront o u. If we eepcsinhem, hee isthe d What wll satsfy us a last Trefoe, we can se, o gehe el Succss we mutdsomethin nie, whichi h ealzation of

11、people&ro; hopes anieals ifferent peoplh diferet ieas aotsues;caue eople’s hpes anddesvay frm ne anote.But a sur evry succe i dearo eeryody, caue i int easy ome by, cue in t processof ou stiving fr sces, w gotboour bdy ndsou tmd, manwhilweae enlihteed bye ms vauablealite of man beins: love,ati

12、et,rage ndsens f essit. Thse re thebest taurs. onow I am very prud that I have thi oportunityt stnd here speakingto lf yo. I iy succe, auseI ise up ochlnge myp.Wht i ucesEvryo a hs wnintrpretain as I.Bu amsre every ues leads n evbrightr fture. o ladand gentlem,belive ou hopes,eliv inrseles, e, every n of us, c make a sucessfulli! Whyo l go succes!



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