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1、神经科学导论1. 你如何理解特定的脑功能定位于不同的脑区?不同的功能定位于不同的神经根,那么不同的功能也很有可能定位于不同的脑部位。这是有很多实验证明的:有人曾通过系统的摧毁闹得特定部位,并检查由此引起的而感觉和运动缺陷(Flourens);broca遇到的一个病人(左额叶上发现了损伤,自己无法说话,但是能够理解别人的言语)总结:特定脑功能定位于不同的脑部位Flourens 否定了Gall 的颅相说,Paul Broca 大脑分区, 建立神经心理学2. 脑有哪些组织层次?你如何理解神经元是脑的基本功能单元?神经元,突触,3.举例说明神经系统结构和功能在进化上的保守性及对环境适应性;保守性:1.

2、For example, similar fear reaction for many different species (the same behavioral trait) which evolved from a common ancestor. Advantageous presumably because it facilitated escape from predators.Because behavior reflects the activity of the nervous system, we can infer that the brain mechanisms th

3、at underlie this fear reaction may be similar across these species.2. 抢乌贼巨大轴突,神经电冲动传导,适用于人类3. 如大鼠有机会重复自我摄取可卡因,也会明显成瘾。环境适应性: 猴在树梢上跳跃与敏锐视觉,大鼠虽然“鼠目寸光”在洞中穿行与嘴边的触须。突触传递1. 电突触的结构和功能特征;无脊椎动物电突触生理功能举例;结构:Six connexins form a channel (connexon接合质), and two connexons (one from each cell) form a gap junction c

4、hannel. 功能特性:Functional properties of electrical synapses:Equally pass in both directionElectrically coupledVery fast, and if the synapse is large, fail-safe. Thus, an AP in the presynaptic neuron can produce, almost instantaneously, an AP in the postsynaptic neuron.举例:In invertebrate species, such

5、as the crayfish小龙虾, electrical synapses are sometimes found between sensory and motor neurons in neural pathways mediating escape reflexes. 2. 化学突触的基本结构:相关结构名词的中英文及其意义;突触囊泡(synaptic vesicle)和分泌颗粒(secretory granule)的比较;突触前后组分的比较;基于结构的突触分类;外周化学突触神经肌接头的结构特征及功能意义;相关结构名词的中英文与意义: synaptic cleft突触间隙 (2050

6、nm ), filled with a matrix of fibrous extracellular protein. One function of this matrix is to make the pre- and postsynaptic membranes adhere to each other. presynaptic element突触前部, is usually an axon terminal. synaptic vesicles (50 nm in diameter), store neurotransmitter used to communicate with t

7、he postsynaptic neuron. secretory granules (larger vesicles, about 100 nm diameter) contain soluble protein (dark in EM, large dense-core vesicles) Membrane differentiations膜的分化: on either side of the synaptic cleft Active zone活性带:looks like pyramid角锥体, the sites of NT release postsynaptic density 突

8、触后密集区:contains receptors converting signal from intercellular to intracellular突触囊泡(synaptic vesicle)和分泌颗粒(secretory granule)的比较:突触囊泡(synaptic vesicle): synaptic vesicles (50 nm in diameter), store neurotransmitter used to communicate with the postsynaptic neuron. 分泌颗粒(secretory granule): secretory g

9、ranules (larger vesicles, about 100 nm diameter) contain soluble protein (dark in EM, large dense-core vesicles)突触前后组分的比较: Membrane differentiations Active zone活性带:looks like pyramid角锥体, the sites of NT release postsynaptic density 突触后密集区:contains receptors converting signal from intercellular to in

10、tracellular基于结构的突触分类:Two categories of CNS synaptic membrane differentiations. (a) A Grays type I synapse is asymmetrical and usually excitatory.(b) A Grays type II synapse is symmetrical and usually inhibitory.外周化学突触神经肌接头的结构特征及功能意义:相同之处:Neuromuscular junctions occur between the axons of motor neuro

11、ns of the spinal cord and skeletal muscle. NMJ has many of the structural features of chemical synapses in the CNS.特征结构:The neuromuscular junction: The postsynaptic membrane, known as the motor endplate, contains junctional folds with numerous neurotransmitter receptors.功能:Neuromuscular synaptic tra

12、nsmission is fast and reliable. An AP in the motor axon always causes an AP in the muscle cell it innervates (What structural features for this reliability)3.化学突触传递的基本原理(要点)Synthesis and package into vesicles of neurotransmitter (NT); 突触合成单胺类和氨基酸类: 酶运输到轴突终末,将前提物质合成神经递质 转运体蛋白浓缩神经递质入突触囊泡并存储.肽类: 肽链前提在胞

13、体合成 高尔基体中裂解合成活性肽链 出芽形成分泌囊泡 分泌颗粒运输到轴突终末存储Release of vesicle NT to cleft in response to a presynaptic AP; 突触前动作电位诱导递质释放动作电位突触前膜去极化 电压门控钙离子通道激活(Ca2+i0.0002 mM 0.1 mM)囊泡释放(胞吐)递质释放入突触间隙囊泡释放(胞吐):Ca2+i 增加诱发已经锚定的囊泡与突触前膜融合以及储备囊泡从细胞骨架释放并锚定到活性带。突触囊泡借助一系列囊泡膜蛋白和突触膜蛋白的相互作用完成入坞(docking)、启动(priming)、融合(fusion)过程,称作

14、SNARE假说。补充:SNARE: SNAP Receptor SNAP: Soluble NSF Attach Protein NSF: N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (N-乙基马来酰亚胺敏感的融合因子)Induction of an electrical or biochemical response to NT in the postsynaptic neuron 突触后面反应递质门控离子通道EPSP(Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)Ach- or Glutamate-gated channels)或I

15、PSP(Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)BABA- or Glycine-gated channels)G 蛋白耦联受体G-proteins效应分子“effector” proteins(两种:G-protein-gated ion channels和Enzymes that synthesize second messengers)Clearance of NT from the synaptic cleft 递质清除简单扩散(氨基酸类和单胺类递质)、重摄取:突触前膜特殊转运蛋白、降解:酶解4. 神经递质的类别和化学特征;神经递质在同一神经元的共存;化学和多肽类神经递质的合成和储存的基本特点;转运体概念; Three chemical categories Amine, amino acid, peptide Secretory granules and synaptic vesicles 神经递质在同一神经元的共存:amine + peptide;amino acid + peptide 化学和多肽类神经递质的合成和储存的基本特点:单胺类和氨基酸类: 酶运输到轴突终末,将前提物质合成神经递质 转运体蛋白浓


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