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1、Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A学前活动学习内容:词汇学习热身激活已学过的与描述地点有关的词汇,如:beach, jungle, beautiful, relaxing, boring, interesting, dangerous等。教学活动设计意图:引出本单元话题,为学习本单元目标语做好准备。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 1可以利用图片,启发学生说出描述旅游地方的单词,并鼓励学生积极举手抢答。Ask students to look at the pictures and say what they can see.Look

2、 and say.根据教师展示的图片快速说出英语单词。Step 2利用PPT的遮盖部分词汇,让学生说出更多与单元话题相关的词汇,引发学习的欲望和兴趣。Show more pictures of the places of interest and help students to understand the words better.Tell the class more places you want to go and describe them.说出更多想去的地方并进行描述。Step 3采用Brainstorming(头脑风暴)的方式,让学生以小组为单位快速说出所学过的地名和有关描述旅

3、游胜地方面的词汇,说得快的一组为优胜组。Ask students to work in groups to say the places and description words about the places they have learned as quickly as they can.Chain-work.按照老师的要求以组为单位,快速说出描述旅游胜地的单词。学中活动一重点词汇学习:beautiful, exciting, relaxing, boring, interesting, dangerous, fun,tiring, educational, peaceful, thr

4、illing, fascinating, touristy学习内容:教材Section A的1a 教学活动设计意图:帮助学生学习本单元描述旅游胜地的重点词汇,为对话交流做好词语的准备。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 4播放动画,并按课本要求布置学习任务。Play the flash and ask students to do the exercise in 1a.Watch the flash. Match the words with the explanations.Open their books and turn to Unit 7, finish Section A 1a. 观看

5、动画,连线。打开书本,翻到第7单元,按照教师要求独立完成1a的练习。Step 5学生完成后,可以先让学生与同伴核对答案,再全班一起核对答案。利用PPT核对答案,关注学生的拼写是否正确。Ask students to have the pairs check first and then check in class. (Pay special attention to students spelling.)Check the answers with the partners. Try to correct the mistakes if there are any.与同伴讨论核对答案,如发现

6、问题,进行纠正。Step 6带读1a中的词语。Read the new words.Read after the teacher.跟读词语。Step 7播放PPT,让学生总结-ed形容词和-ing形容词的规律。Ask students to sum up.Sum up.感悟并总结形容词表达的规律。学中活动二重点词汇学习:在对话中学习和巩固词汇。学习内容:教材Section A的1b活动设计意图:帮助学生学习本单元表示地点和描写地点的重点词汇,为对话交流做好词语和句型的准备。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 8播放PPT,要求学生看图片并练习使用目标语和句型,为听力做好准备。Ask studen

7、ts to look at the pictures and talk about the places and the reasons.Look and say.看图练习。Step 9播放听力材料前,要求学生预测和了解所听内容,然后布置听力任务。Ask students to look at the chart in 1b, and think about what they will hear. Look and think.看表格预测听力内容。Step 10布置听力任务:听第一遍,将答案写在书上。播放第二遍后核对答案。After the first listening, ask stud

8、ents to write the answers. Play the tape again and ask students to check the answers. Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture in 1a. 听,并标出答案。Listen again and check the answers. 再听,核对答案。Step 11播放1b第三遍,让学生根据对话内容填词。Play the tape and ask students to fill in the blanks.Li

9、sten to 1b the third time and fill in the blanks. 根据所听的内容完成对话。A: Look at those _. Id love to _ a vacation.B: Where would you like to go, Sam?A: Id love to _ in the Amazon jungle in Brazil.B: You would?A: Sure. I like _.B: Wouldnt that be dangerous?A: No, not really. _ you, Gina? Where would you like

10、 to go?B: Oh, Im _. Id _ like to relax on a beach You know, a beautiful beach in Florida. A: That _ peaceful.Step 12演示动画资源核对答案,要求学生互查。Play the flash and ask students to check the answers in pairs.Watch the flash and check the answers in pairs.看动画,核对答案。学中活动三巩固词汇:目标语学习 Do you like vacations? Yes, I do

11、. Then where would you like to visit / go? Id like to visit / go to because I like vacations. How about you? Id love to visit / go to That sounds 学习内容:教材Section A的1c活动设计意图:在操练对话的过程中巩固目标语。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 13播放动画,让学生两人一组,练习1b中的对话,为学生进入句型练习做好准备。Play the flash and ask students to work in pairs to practi

12、ce the conversation in 1b. A: Where would you like to go?B: Id love to visit / go to Watch the flash and practice in pairs.看动画,练习1b中的对话,了解将要学习的重点句型。Step 14先对1b中的语言点进行讲解,然后利用PPT演示功能句,布置对话操练任务。Ask students to look at the key structures, and then make a conversation in pairs.Take notes and then look at

13、 the picture. Make conversations in pairs.两人一组看图操练句型。Step 15选择几组学生表演对话,适当关注目标语和句型的使用。Ask several pairs to present their conversations in front of the class and pay special attention to the target language.Listen to other pairs carefully and pay special attention to the words and sentence structures

14、they used. 倾听,关注重点句型和描写地点的形容词。学中活动四目标语学习 Where would you like to go on vacation? I would like to Why would you like to go there? Because I like the places where How about you? I hope to because I like vacations.学习内容:教材Section A的2a、2b、2c活动设计意图:通过听和写,学习并操练目标语。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 16播放听力音频,布置2a听力任务。Play th

15、e tape and ask students to number the statements in the order that they hear them.Listen and number.听,并且标出序号。Step 17利用PPT演示并核对答案。Ask students to check the answers. Listen and check.听,并且核对答案。Step 18布置2b任务,并再次播放听力材料。Ask students to listen to 2a again and match each place with a reason.Listen and match.听,并且配对。Step 19利用PPT演示核对答案。Check the answers in class.Check the



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