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1、南汇一中2009年学度第一学期高三英语期中试卷 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分。满分150分 考试时间120分钟第I卷 (共105分)II. Grammar and VocabularySection A : GrammarDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. Few students could work out the pro

2、blem, as it was _ the abilities of most of the class.A. overB. off C. beyondD. above26. The lady was sure that one of the boys had broken the window, but _ of them had come to admit having done it.A. noneB. not anyone C. no oneD. nobody27. _ the first prize, the football team have practiced for a mo

3、nth. A. Having gotB. Got C. GettingD. To get28. _ is generally accepted, water resources wil be a problem of the most importance in the new century. A. What B. As C. Which D. That29. He must be waiting for me at school gate, _? A. mustnt heB. cant he C. isnt heD. is he30. It was only with the help o

4、f the local guide _.A. was the mountain climber rescued B. that the mountain climber was rescuedC. when the mountain climber was rescued D. then the mountain climber was rescued31. Since Bob has been dismissed from the office, _ he may do will have nothing to do with the office.A. no matter whatB. a

5、nything which C. whateverD. that32. _troubles me at the moment is _ I can hardly learn all these English idioms by heart. A. That; that B. What; what C. That; what D. What; that33. The tall building, _ down two decades ago, is now being rebuilt. A. to be burntB. burnt C. having burntD. being burnt34

6、. Last month, an earthquake _ six on the Richter scale (里氏) happened in the northern part of Indonesia. A. measured B. to measure C. to be measured D. measuring35. Have you ever been in a situation _ you are right yet no one else agrees with you?A. where B. that C. when D. in where36. _, and you wil

7、l settle the problems.A. If you double your efforts B. So long as you keep up your spiritsC. Making greater efforts D. A bit more efforts37. Lets go through the question _ we can take these measures at present.A. asB. that C. whatD. whether38. Youve agreed to go. So why arent you getting ready? But

8、I _ that you would have me start at once.A. dont realizeB. hadnt realized C. didnt realize D. am not realizing39. Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A. having finedB. to fine C. to have finedD. being fined40. I thought him a pleasant person to work with _ I met hi

9、m.A. the first timeB. for the first time C. first timeD. by the first timeSection B VocabularyDirections: Complete the passage with the words in the box. There is one extra word. * A. politics B. image C. applied D. failed AB. control AC. took AD. clear BC. recently BD. stepping CD. idealHe was once

10、 a secret agent. In Russia, girls think he is the _41_ boyfriend. Thousands of Japanese teenagers _42_ for just a few minutes to practice judo with him. His cool _43_ is on the front pages of newspapers and magazines around the world.This is not the new 007. He is the Russia President Vladimir Putin

11、, who has been _44_ named as Person of 2007 by TIME Magazine.When he _45_ over as President of Russia in 2000, he found a country on the verge (边缘) of becoming a _46_ state. Putin has put his country back on the map by having a _47_ idea of what Russia should become. And by using an iron fist he has

12、 helped to keep the people in his country under _48_.In 2008, after _49_ down from being president, he continues to lead the country as prime minister.III. ReadingSection A ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each b

13、lank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. * Everyone knows that taxation is necessary in a modern state. Without it, it would not be possible to pay the soldiers and _50_ who _51_ us, nor the office workers who look after our health, our water, and all the other things, nor also the m

14、inisters and the _52_ who govern the country for us. _53_ taxation, we pay things that we need just as we need _54_ to live and something to eat._55_everyone knows that taxation is necessary, different people have different _56_ about how taxation should be _57_. Should each person have to pay a certain _58_ of money each year or should there be a tax on things people buy and _59_? If t



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