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1、复合句综合练习1. This depends on _ the weather will be fine. A. if B. whether C. that D. how2. _ John will go to attend the meeting remains a question. A. Whether B. If C. As D. What3. The manager asked me the question _ I would like to be his secretary. A. if B. that C. whether D. how4. I found _ strange

2、that she didnt show any interest in English. A. that B. what C. it D. which5. We all know the truth _ knowledge is power. A. as B. which C. if D. that6. _ is a fact _ English is being accepted as an international language. A. It; that B. That; that C. It; which D. As; that7. -Those bananas are very

3、expensive. -Do you know _ . A. how much they cost B. they cost how much C. how much do they cost D. how many they cost8. _ that an election will be soon called. A. The politicians are among common knowledgeB. Common knowledge among the politiciansC. Among the politicians common knowledgeD. Its commo

4、n knowledge among the politicians9. I couldnt understand _ with me. A. the matter was what B. what the matter wasC. what was the matter D. that was the matter10. I understand _ you have studied French, and _ you can speak it very well. A. that; 不填 B. 不填; thatC. 不填; 不填 D. how; that11. Although she wa

5、s listening, she didnt hear _ because there was so much noise. A. what did he say B. what was he sayingC. what he was saying D. that he was saying12. _ he really means is that he doesnt agree with us. A. That B. Why C. If D. What13. They had lost their way in the forest, and _ made matter worse was

6、that it began to snow. A. whatever B. it C. which D. what14. _ Wang Dong isnt good at maths is obvious. A. What B. That C. Whether D. 不填15. -Do you know _ he came here. -By plane. A. when B. why C. how D. that16. The problem is _ to take the place of Ted. A. who can we get B. what we can getC. whom

7、we can get D. that we can get17. Ill tell you _ I asked you to come. A. that B. whether C. how D. why18. He was deeply displeased by _ had occurred that day. A. that B. what C. which D. it19. _ breaks the law should be punished. A. Anyone B. Whoever C. He D. Whatever20. Go and get your umbrella. Its

8、 _ you left it. A. there B. where C. where there D. there were21.-Lucy took a job working nights. - _ it is a mystery to me. A. Why she did do B. Why she did C. Why did she D. Why did she do22. -Is Fred going to fix our TV for us. -Yes, _ he is here. A. thats for B. thats because C. thats why D. tha

9、ts reason23. -Can I help you. -Yes, do you know _ . A. when comes the bus B. when will come the busC. when does the bus come D. when the bus comes24. -I saw your neighbor break your window with a baseball. - _ it made me really mad. A. That he broke B. What he brokeC. He broke D. His break25. -I wis

10、h you would just forget about it. -I cant. I want to know _ she said about us. A. that B. when C. what D. it26. _ is interested in the job may apply for it. A. Who B. Whomever C. Whoever D. He that27. They found at last _ they had been looking for. A. that B. what C. where D. which28. -I dont like y

11、our attitude. -I dont care _ . A. if or not you like it B. whether you like it or notC. do you like it or not D. that you like it or not29. -Does Gina know where her guitar is. -She saw somebody walking off with one, but she doesnt know _ . A. it B. whose C. who D. whom30. Alex could not start his c

12、ar because _ . A. not knowing where to find his keyB. where his key was he did not knowC. he did not know where his key wasD. to find his key he did not know where31. _ is where he gets all his money from. A. What I cant understand it B. That I cant understandC. What I cant understand D. Which I can

13、t understand it32. Did the fact _ she was chosen make him very happy. A. what B. that C. which D. it33. _ is lost may be lost forever. A. That B. Everything C. All D. What34. _ your father wants to know is _ getting on with your studies. A. What; how are you B. That; how youre C. How; that youre D.

14、What; how youre35. This is _ they call the Bird Island and _ well stay. A. where; what B. what; where C. how; where D. why; the place where36. We have learned _ the rocks on the moon are 3500 million years old. A. how B. which C. what D. that 37. _ dictionary has not been found is still unknown. A. How B. Whether C. Whose D. That38. Long ag



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