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1、 防止大脑退化阿兹海默氏症 (老人痴呆症、脑退化症)下面是美国加州大学老年中心主任G.Small博士写的文章。这篇文章通俗易懂,值得广为传阅。虽然我不是医学方面的人,但也曾参与阿兹海默氏症的研究,稍知皮屑(比毛小得多);为了方便不太熟悉专业名词的朋友们阅读,斗胆把文章译成中文,其中错误难免。收件人中有不少是资深医生,译错了请立即指正,以免误人。衷心致谢。阅后若觉得有用,请传送给你关心的所有亲友。UCLA ( University of California at Los Angeles ) ON ALZHEIMERS Food for Thought协助思维的食品 The idea that

2、Alzheimers is entirely genetic and unpreventable is perhaps the Greatest misconception about the disease, says Gary Small, M.D., director of The UCLA Center on Aging. Researchers now know that Alzheimers, like heart Disease and cancer, develops over decades and can be influenced by lifestyle Factors

3、 including cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity, depression, education, Nutrition, sleep and mental, physical and social activity.洛杉矶加州大学老年中心主任Gray Small 博士说:那种认为脑退化症(译注-阿兹海默氏症-过去亦称老人痴呆症,按香港医务卫生署建议改为脑退化症-下同)完全来自遗传的和不可预防的想法,是对这个病症的最大误解。研究人员现在已经明白,脑退化症就像心脏病和癌症,是经年累月发展起来的病症,是受生活方式因素所影响,这些因素包括胆固醇、血压、肥胖、

4、癌症、忧郁、教育、营养、睡眠、脑力、体力和社交活动等等。The big news: Mountains of research reveals that simple things you do every day might cut your odds of losing your mind to Alzheimers. 好消息:大量的研究指出,只要每日做一些简单小事就有可能把脑退化症发病机会降低。In search of scientific ways to delay and outlive Alzheimers and other Dementias, I tracked down t

5、housands of studies and interviewed dozens of Experts. The results in a new book: 100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimers and Age-Related Memory Loss (Little, Brown; $19.99). Here are 10 strategies I found most surprising.为了寻找可以推迟脑退化症和其它痴呆症发生的科学方法,我阅读了过千份报告及访谈了数十名专家。结论就在一本新书:你能做得到的100件简单事

6、情可以预防脑退化症和与老年有关的痴呆症。下面是我认最值得惊喜的10项策略。 1. Have coffee. In an amazing flip-flop, coffee is the new brain tonic. A large European study showed that drinking three to five cups of coffee a day in Midlife cut Alzheimers risk 65% in late life. University of South Florida Researcher Gary Arendash credits c

7、affeine: He says it reduces dementia-causing amyloid in animal brains. Others credit coffees antioxidants. So drink up, Arendash advises, unless your doctor says you shouldnt.1. 喝咖啡 咖啡得平反,现在认为咖啡是一种新的补脑品。根据欧洲大量研究表明,中年时每日饮3-5杯咖啡,晚年时出现脑退化症的风险可以下降65%。美国南佛罗里达研究人员Gary Arendash 赞许咖啡,他说咖啡可以减少动物脑中的导致失忆的类淀粉含量

8、。其它研究人员则因抗氧化剂的功用给咖啡加分。Arendash劝人多饮咖啡,除非你的医生认为你不宜饮咖啡。 2. Floss. Oddly, the health of your teeth and gums can help predict dementia. University of Southern California research found that having periodontal disease before age 35 quadrupled the odds of dementia years later. Older people with tooth and g

9、um disease score lower on memory and cognition tests, other studies show. Experts speculate that inflammation in diseased mouths migrates to the brain.2. 牙线 说来也怪,牙齿和牙龈的健康有助于预诊痴呆症。南加州大学研究表明,35岁之前有牙周病的人,老年时患痴呆症的机会比没有的人多四倍。其它研究亦有患牙齿及牙龈病患的长者在记忆力和认知能力测试上得分较低。专家们推测是由于口腔感染炎症向大脑迁移。3.Google. Doing an online

10、search can stimulate your aging brain even more than reading a book, says UCLAs Gary Small, who used brain MRIs to prove it. The biggest surprise: Novice Internet surfers, ages 55 to 78, activated key memory and learning centers in the brain after only a week of Web surfing for an hour a day.3. 使用谷歌

11、搜索 (译注- 上网) 加州大学的 Gary Small用核磁共振证实,上网搜索比阅读书本更能刺激长者的大脑。最令人惊讶的是:55-78岁的新手,只要一个星期每日上网一小时,便能活化大脑的主记忆和学习中心。4. Grow new brain cells. Impossible, scientists used to say. Now its believed that thousands of brain cells are born daily. The trick is to keep the newborns Alive. 4. What works: aerobic exercise

12、(such as a brisk 30-minute walk every day), strenuous mental activity, eating salmon and other fatty fish, and avoiding obesity, chronic stress, sleep deprivation, heavy drinking and vitamin B deficiency.4 新生大脑细胞 以前科学家们老是说大脑不可能产生新的细胞。现在却认为大脑每日产生万千个新细胞,关键是怎样使这些新细胞存活。方法是:带氧运动(例如每日急散步30分钟),紧张的脑力活动,进食沙文

13、鱼和其它含脂肪高的鱼,避免过胖、慢性应激、剥夺睡眠、酗酒和维生素 B缺乏。5. Drink apple juice. Apple juice can push production of the memory chemical acetylcholine; thats the way the popular Alzheimers drug Aricept works, says Thomas Shea, Ph.D., of the University of Massachusetts . He was surprised that old mice given apple juice did

14、 better on learning and memory tests than mice that received water. A dose for humans: 16 ounces, or two to three apples a day. (Important - apples are heavily sprayed so go for the organic juice)5. 饮苹果汁 麻萨诸萨斯大学的Thomas Shea博士这样说,苹果汁可以促进记忆化学物乙酰胆碱的产生。这也就是治疗脑退化症常用药 Aricept 的作用机理。他用苹果汁饲喂的老龄老鼠比用水饲养的老鼠,在学

15、习和记忆试验中表现得比较优胜。 人类的服食剂量:16安士或每日2-3个苹果。(注意 - 苹果通常喷大量农药,饮有机果汁较佳)6. Protect your head. Blows to the head, even mild ones early in life, increase odds of dementia years later. Pro football players have 19 times the typical rate of memory-related diseases. Alzheimers is four times more common in elderly

16、who suffer a head injury, Columbia University finds. Accidental falls doubled an older persons odds of dementia five years later in another study. Wear seat belts and helmets, fall-proof your house, and dont take risks.6. 保护头颅 若头颅受到撞击,那怕是年轻时期的轻度撞击,也会使晚年时痴呆症增加。职业美式足球运动员发生与记忆有关的疾病比常人高19倍。哥伦比亚大学发现,年轻时头部受伤的人得脑退化症的机会是常人的4倍。另一项研究表明意外跌倒受伤,五年后发生痴呆症的机会增加2


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