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1、have 的用法小结一、have作实意动词。 1.表示“有”的意思。 Look, I have wings, just like you. (JBL1)He had fair hair and blue eyes. (JBL2) 注1:其否定和疑问形式变化,在美国通常用助动词do。 注2:在英国口语中常用have got代替have. Look, cant you see Ive got teeth, too,(JBL1) I havent got any jewelry.(SBL5) 2.have和一些其他名词连用,表示: (1)一种活动。 We have no classes on Sun

2、day.(上课)(JBL11) theyre going to have a volleyball match.(举行比赛)(JBL11) Are we going to have a meeting this week?(开会)(JBL11) We are going to have a talk this afternoon.(听报告)(JBL11) (2)患病。 I have got a headache.(JBL8) I have a bad cold.(JBL3) (3)发生的情况。 Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all o

3、ver.(跌跤)(JBL10) (4)生育。 The queen ant may have tens of thousands of babies in one summer.(SBL14) 3.和一与动词同形的名词连用,表示一个动作(havea由动词转化和名词)。 Are you going to have a swim.(JBL1) I have a long talk with the teacher.(JBL10) 4.have on sth.或have sth. on,表示“穿着”、“戴着”(=to be wearing)。 I noticed he had on bedroom s

4、lippers.(SBL6) At the ball Motile had a diamond necklace on. 5.表示“吃”、“喝”。 I wanted to have a cup of tea and some eggs.(JBL10) Does she have lunch at home?(JBL11) 6.组成复合结构即“have宾语宾语补足语”。 (1)不加to的动词不定式作宾语补足语(have sb. do sth.),表示让、叫某人做某事。 The soldier had him stand with his back to his father.(SBL17) 注:

5、否定结构表示“不能让”或“从未有人”. We wont have you blame it on others. She had never had anybody speak to her that way before. (2)现在分词作宾语补足语(have sb.(sth.)doing),表示让(使)某人做某事。 the two men had their lights burning all night long. (3)过去分词作宾语补足语(have sb. (sth.)done),表示: 使(让,请)别人作某事,表示的动作是别人做的。 Emperor Qin Shi Huang h

6、ad all the walls joined up.(SBL10) he should have new clothes made of this splendid cloth for the coming great procession.(SB L8) 遭遇到某事。 Houses near airports sometimes have their windows broken.(SBL12) Workers in some industries have their hearing harmed by the noise of the machine.(SBL12) 二、have与to

7、一起构成情态动词,表示“不得不”、“必 须”,可用于各种时态。 I have to look after her at home.(JBL4) 三、have做助动词与动词的过去分词一起构成现在完成时 和过去完成时。 Great changes have taken place the last two years.(JBL3) They said that the Arab had stolen their camel.(JBL4) 四、have用于“情态动词have过去分词”的结构,有 推测、假设之意。 1.musthave过去分词,表示对过去时间发生的动作或存在的情况的推测,一般用于肯定句

8、。 Her father thought that she must have met a fairy.(SBL10) You must have left your bag in the theatre. 2.can(could)have过去分词,表示对过去发生事情的“不肯定”,常用于否定句和疑问句。 He cant have been to your home, he doesnt know your address. 3.shouldhave过去分词,表示“某事本该早做而实际未做”,用于肯定句。 You should have been here five minutes ago.(SB

9、L10) 五、have用于某些成语,表示固定的意思。 1.have a word(a few words)with sb.,表示和某人说一(几)句话。 Wheres Peter? I want to have a word with him.(SBL13) 2.had better不带to的动词不定式,表示“最好”。 Id better go and look for him now.(JBL2) 3.have nothing(something)to do with,表示“和无(有)”关系。 Most of questions had nothing to do with Edisons l

10、essons.动词have是中学英语课本中出现频率较高的一个普通单词。它既可以作及物动词,也可以用作助动词,其基本意义是“有、拿、受、取、吃、喝、让”。大多数同学对have表示某人或某物拥有某物的用法比较熟悉。例如: I have a new pencil-box. He has two coats. A desk has four lezs. 但对have的使役用法却知之甚少,或者说对这种用法掌握得还不太好。下面就让我们通过例句来阐明动词have的使役用法。请看下面的例句: 1.He had me mend his bike. 他请我给他修理自行车。 2.The old man had a

11、small house built, for him. 那位老人让人为他建一个小房子。 3.The naughty boy may have me hit. 那个调皮的男孩可能会让人打我。 4.The teacher had the naughty boy standing outside the classroom. 老师叫那位调皮的男孩站在教室外面。 5.I have my friend waiting for me. 我有朋友在等着我。 6.You should have her here. 你应该要她到这里来。 上述例句中的have表示“使、让、请”等意思。除例6中的have之外,其他

12、例句中的have都失去了它原来的“具有”、“拥有”之慈。便役动词have的这类用法可以大致归纳为如下几种句式: A.have sb do sth B.have sth or sb done C.have sb or sth doing D.have sb or sth+adv 以上四种句式有一个共同点,就是have后都接了一个复合宾语结构,而不同之处就在这个复合宾语结构的构成上,当然意义是各不相同的。句式A:have sb do sth,其意为“要(请)某人干某事”,宾语是人,宾语补足语是不带to的不定式。句式B:have sth or sb done,其意是:“使某事(由某人)来完成”,或“

13、使某人被”。宾语一般是物,也可以是人,宾语补足语是过去分词。句式c:have sb or sth doing,其意是“允许某人(物)做某事”,另外一层意思是“有某人(物)在干某事”。宾语可以是人,也可以是物,宾语补足语为现在分词。句式D:have sb or sth+adv,可以看作是句式A、B的变形,只是把动词原形或过去分词省略了。宾语可以是人,也可以是物,宾语补足语是副词(表示地点或方向的)。 句式A和句式B所表达的意思基本相同,只是前者强调的是人(让某人做某事),后者强调的是物(“使某事由某人来做”),此时行为者可以不出现。请分析并比较下面的例句: Please have the boy

14、s sweep the road. Please have the road swept (by the boys). 请让那些男孩打扫一下马路。 Mr Wang will have his students clean the desks in the classroom. Mr Warg will have the desks cleaned(by his students)in theclassroom. 王先生要他的学生来擦洗教室里的课桌。 句式A和句式B中的have都可以用get来代替,但是用get代替句式A中的have时,宾语补足语要用带t0的不定式,即get sb to do sth。例如上面两个例句可写成: Please get the .boys to fweep the road. Mr whng will get his students to clean thedesks in the classroom. 但在表示理发时要特别注意,应该是: You ought to have(get) your hair cut. 根据以上所述,句式C有两层意思:有人



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