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1、四级传统阅读部分如何提高阅读读 解 细节推理题词汇 主旨题(大意,目的,标题)句法 猜词题篇章 态度题词汇:4500w常考词汇6000基本词汇2000 = 40004000不用背的词汇500 = 3500 如:oceanography,socialization,platypus等3500同词根重复词汇1000 = 2500 如:theory theoretical理论上的, effect effective effectively effectiveness ineffective ineffectiveness(17次), stable instable stability稳定性,vary

2、 various variety多样性 variation, create creative creativity creativeness创造力,等高频词汇700个怎么背1. 词根词缀:vis- = see 如:vision视力,视野;television电视;visible可视的;visibility可视性;invisible隐形的;visual视觉的;visit Go and see词根:单词最核心的含义词缀:单词的附属含义或词性2. 激情联想:worm蠕虫;swamp沼泽;reluctant勉强的,不情愿的(94年做过注释);apparent明显的;monologue自言自语;peep

3、偷窥;whimsy奇思怪想;meticulous小心谨慎3. 根源记忆:Destroy gorgon Achilles heel4. 阅读记忆:在做练习时遇到不认识的单词,查出并熟记5. 类比记忆:同义词分类不认识词汇怎么办?1.跳:adj. adv.若该词出现频率较高2.代:n. 人物,动物,学科 等若该词为重要词汇3.推:词根词缀推测法:如:Page 1 Paragraph 2 line 2:theoretical理论上的theory理论;Page 4 line 2:energetic精力充沛的energy能量;Page 10 line 1:mercilessly无情mercy同情,怜悯P

4、age 25 line 3:fishless没有鱼,birdless没有鸟Page 27 line 2:fridgeless没有冰箱连接词and / or / but推测法:and / or为顺接词;but为转接词。如: Page 1 line 2:few and far between极少 Page10 Paragraph 4 line 3:inconstancy and instability不稳定Page 90 the Last paragraph line 1:fun and rewarding有益的Page 91 Paragraph 1 line 1:practicality and

5、 rationality实用性 line 2:idealist and a fool傻瓜从句法:behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences.例子:there are many kinds of animals like crocodiles, wren and rats ;physiological needs such as thirst or hunger句法逗号原则:1. 两逗号间的句子可跳过注:跳过1 2之间,其后每隔一个逗号再跳过,以此类推。_(,_,)_._(,_,)_,_.

6、2. 逗号后出现的分词,短语,从句可跳过如:Page 25 line 3line 4:Man (, however much he may like to pretend the contrary,) is part of nature.破折号后为插入语,可以跳过如:Page 23 line 1line 2:Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do(especially in a tight job market).长难句分析:1.拆分:从关系词处拆开2.连接:自问自答3.整合:言语逻辑整合如:Page 4 line

7、 7:Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.1.拆分:Much family quarrelling endswhen husbands and wives realizewhat these energy cycles mean, andwhich cycle each of the family member has.2.连接:很多家庭争吵结束了什么时候就


9、 例:Page 2 第21题 The passage implies that the telegraph cable was built mainly _C_.A. for oceanographic studiesB. for military purposes 对应原文Paragraph 4 C. for business considerations 对应原文Paragraph 3D. for investigating the depths of the oceans二、主旨矛盾原则:正确选项不能与文章主旨或段落主旨相矛盾 例:Page 4 第31题 If a person find

10、s getting up early a problem, most probably _D_. A. he is a lazy person 与主题相矛盾 B. he refuses to follow his own energy cycle C. he is not sure when his energy is low D. he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening三、反义选项答案在其一:若两选项意义相反,则答案在其中产生例:Page 15 第35题Some people feel that _B_.A. artificial hear

11、ts are seldom effectiveB. the country should not spend so much money on artificial heartsC. the country is not spending enough money on artificial heartsD. Americas health-care programs are not doing enough for the nations health PS:“钱不够”原则Scientists:fund资金;finance财政;money钱四、同义选项同错:若两选项意义相近或相同,则同为错

12、例:Page 7 第23题 A primary nurse can propose a different approach of treatment when _C_. A. present one is refused by the patient B. the patient complains about the present one C. the present one proves to be ineffective D. the patient is found unwilling to cooperate五、未提及原则:文章未提及选项不选 例:Page 4 第31题 If a

13、 person finds getting up early a problem, most probably _D_. A. he is a lazy person B. he refuses to follow his own energy cycle C. he is not sure when his energy is low D. he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening B、C为未提及选项六、绝对词原则:选项中含有绝对词,如:only;never;every;each;all;ever等为错 例:Page 7 第21题 Which

14、 of the following best characterizes the main feature of the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospital? A A. The doctor gets more active professional support support from the primary nurse. B. Each patient is taken care of by a primary nurse day and night. C. The primary nurse writes care plants for every patient. D. The primary nurse keeps records of the patients health conditions every


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