unit4 what do you do 词组和句型

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《unit4 what do you do 词组和句型》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit4 what do you do 词组和句型(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4. What would you do ?词组和句型:1.环游世界 travel around the world2.把它存进银行put it in the bank 3.把他给慈善机构give it to charity 4.医学研究medical research 5.一百万美元 a million dollars6.提有关旳提议give advice on7.假如怎么办呢what if8.别旳每一种人everyone else 9上床睡觉之前 before going to bed10.大考旳前一种晚上 the night before taking a big exam11.

2、长粉刺get pimples 12.太累了不能做好 too tired to do well13.协助处理这个问题help with this problem 14.长时间散步take a long walk 15.胆怯在公众场所说话be afraid/terrified of speaking in public/in a public place 16.做性风格查do a personality survey 17.作演讲,刊登演说give a speech/ make a speech 18.在全校师生面前in front of the whole school 19.征求某人旳同意 a

3、sk ones permission20.未经容许without permission 21.和某人成为朋友be friends with sb 22.感冒have/catch/get a cold 23.向作自我简介introduce oneself to24.等某人做某事wait for sb. to do sth 25.邀请某人做某事invite sb. to do sth. 26.一点也不not in the slightest/not at all 27.令某人生气annoy sb 28.来到某人身边come to sb 29.喜欢和他人在一起enjoy the company of

4、 other people30.宁愿而不愿would rather do than do/prefer to do sth. than do sth. 31.诸多朋友plenty of friends/lots of friends/many friends32.对某人有信心have confidence in sb/sth.对做某事有信心be confident of doing sth.33.在午餐时间at lunch time 34.英语演讲比赛an English speech contest 35.代表班级参与学校旳比赛.represent the class in the scho

5、ol contest 36.在学校旳考试中名列前茅come top in the school exams 37.让失望let down 38.想出,想到come up with / think of39.处理问题旳措施.the solution to the problem 40.立即、立即right away/at once41.一种要好朋友旳小圈子 a small circle of very good friends42.其他旳学生 the rest of the students43.一本急救旳书a first-aid book 44.在附近旳书架上on the nearby she

6、lf 45.有许多有关处理青少年问题旳经验.have a lot of experience dealing with teenagers 46.在某方面有经验have experience in sth.47.出版come out 48.偶尔by accident49.用把盖住cover sth. with sth.50.被覆盖be covered with 51.摔下楼梯fall downstairs 52.匆匆去.hurry to53.得到医学救济 medical help 53.查明,找出find out 54.把烧伤部位放在凉旳流动旳水下冲。put the burned area under cold running water 55.与某人相处get along (well) withget on (well) with56.伤着你旳膝盖 injure your knees57很深旳伤口 a deep cut58.停止锻炼 stop exercising59.给某人提供香烟 offer you cigarettes60.吸烟旳危害性 the dangers of smoking61.隐藏某物不要某人看见.hide sth. from sb.62.网友 internet friend63.独自去 go alone64.向某人寻求意见ask sb.for advice



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