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1、高考专题训练并列连词1It was _lovely weather_ we decided to spend the day on the beach.()Asuch a;thatBsuch;thatCsuch;asDso a;that2Describe your problems clearly,_other people can understand them easily.()AsoBbutCorDfor3_cutting out the food I enjoyed,I added healthy foods to my meals.()AOther thanBRather thanC

2、More thanDLess than4After cleaning up the classroom,I felt tired _ happy.()AnorBbutCorDso5Since these two countries are quite different in the social systems,it is _ necessary _ possible for the two sides to change each other.()Aeither;orBboth;andCnot;butDneither;nor6These activities can _help them

3、gain more skills,_teach them to care about others.()Aboth;andBnot only;but alsoCeither;orDneither;nor7Ive been away for only three years, I can hardly recognize my hometown()AsoBorCforDyet8_ he had spent years apart from home and endured extreme conditions,Deng Jiaxian refused to back down from his

4、responsibilities.()ABecauseBUnlessCWhileDSince9The desk is _ heavy _ carry.Atoo.toBtoo.tooCto.tooDto.to10In the accident,there was no person the woman described.()Asuch;likeBsuch;asCsuch a;asDsuch a;like11_ Jane_ her brother is going to the movies this weekend.One of them has to stay at home to look

5、 after their sick mother.()ANeither;norBEither;orCBoth;andDNot only;but also12Many countries are striving to get COVID19 vaccines, _ the supply can no longer meet the high demand at the moment.()AandBthoughCbutDif13Are you here for the activity of making,buying or selling things for money _ pleasure

6、?()AandBorCbutDfor14Take a taxi, youll miss your train.()AandBifCotherwiseDbut15_is there pine_ apple in pineapple.()AEither;orBNeither;norCEither;norDNeither;or16I know you want a bigger house,but thats neither here _ there;we cant afford it now.()AorBbut alsoCotherDnor17I think John will make a go

7、od monitor, _ Id like to vote for him()AbutBsoCorDfor18Emily,you are playing video games again!Study hard,_ you will fail in the coming exam.()AthenBsoCandDor19There were no buses then,_we had to walk home.()AsoBbutCorDyet20Encourage your child in his interests and hobbies _ theyre things that you k

8、now little about.()Aso thatBeven ifCin caseDas if21_ I like the color of that hat, I dont like its shape.()AThatBWhileCAsDSo22 Which drink would you like to choose,Marie? _ Coco Cola _ milk tea is OK,because Im losing weight.()ANeither;norBEither;orCNot only;but alsoDBoth;and23When English becomes t

9、he only language used in the classroom,students will have more opportunities to practice listening and speaking._,they will be able to learn English more quickly.()AHoweverBInsteadCSimilarlyDTherefore24Today,many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories focusing on Chinese traditions.

10、()Aother thanBrather thanCmore thanDwould rather than25_ Anna_ her brother like listening to soft music.()ABoth; andBNeither; norCEither; orDNot only; but also26He has never studied English before,and _we should give him more help.()AthereforeBsoCso thatDhowever27Jack,Im sorry to trouble you,_ could

11、 I ask you a question?()AsoBorCandDbut28Some people never seem to put on weight others are always on a diet.()AwhileBorCsinceDfor29Concentrate your mind on English,_ you wont master the language.()AorBandCsoDbut30We should take good care of our eyes, they will easily get hurt.()AandBbutCorDso31It is

12、 too cold outside,so we decided to watch television at home go for a walk.()Aother thanBmore thanCrather thanDor rather32Our English teacher is nice and patient _ she is very strict with us.()AifBasCalthough33 is lost.()AEither her driving license or her credit cardsBHer driving license,rather than

13、her credit cardsCBoth her driving license and her credit cardsDNot her driving license but her credit cards34It is a pity to see the US engage in a war of words _ jointly battle COVID19 with China when the world is suffering.()Aor ratherBrather thanCother thanDmore than35Ten minutes earlier _ we could have avoided the accident()AorBbutCsoDand36Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, _those in the south are relatively poor()AasBsinceCwhileDbecause37Do you think we are slow to adapt to change _



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