Unit 6 Whose dress is this?.docx

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《Unit 6 Whose dress is this?.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 6 Whose dress is this?.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Whose dress is this?一、教学内容 Story time二、教学目标(一)知识目标1. 能初步理解Story time 的故事大意。2. 能在课文情境中初步理解句型Whose is this/are these?及其应答Its/ Theyre s.以及日常交际用语The is/are too Try this/these. 3. 能在课文情境中初步听懂、会说单词dress, trousers, gloves(二) 能力目标1. 能用正确的语音语调朗读Story time课文。2. 能用Whose is this/are these?及其应答Its/Theyre

2、s.寻找物品的主人。 (三)情感目标 愉快地感知化妆舞会的文化三、教学重点1. 能初步理解Story time的故事大意。2. 能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。3. 能用Whose is this/are these?及其应答Its/Theyre s.寻找物体的主人。 4. 初步感知名词所有格的用法。四、教学难点1. 能初步理解Story time的故事大意。2. 能用Whose is this/are they?及其应答Its/Theyre s.寻找物体的主人。 五、教学准备Step 1 Pre-reading1. GuessWho is she? Miss Gu , your new Engl

3、ish teacher2.Watch a video about Fancy Dress Party.3. Guess: Whose dress is this?(揭题)Step 2 While-reading1. Watch and guess Where do they want to go?Before the party1. Listen and choose Which clothes do they choose at first? Do they fit them well? Why?2. Read and find3. Listen and repeatAt the party

4、1. Lets listen What are they talking about?2. Read and complete Clothes Whose? How?3. Read after the computer4. Happy readingStep3 Post reading1. Lets go the party Make a dialogue and act it out.2. Summary3. Enjoy a picture book.Homework1. Read after the tape.2. Try to use new words and sentences to

5、 talk about your friends clothes.教学反思:这一单元是本册的一个难点单元,本课时以化妆舞会为场景,呈现了服装的主题和名词所有格的语法知识。我围绕真学课堂的教学理念,预设了以下教学环节:课堂伊始,我通过猜测服装介绍我自己,然后通过一则短片带领学生认识Fancy Dress Party调动学生的学习热情;接着,通过寻找裙子的主人揭示并渗透本课重点句型Whose is this?处理文本时,我先组织学生看动画整体感知故事谈论的话题以及谈论的服饰;通过Before the party和At the party 设计教学过程,厘清文本脉络,培养了学生的听说读写能力。最后,我创设了Fancy Dress Party的真实情境,让学生穿上家人朋友的衣服创编一段对话并进行展示。学生在真实的情境中运用所学的句型进行交际,通过语言交流,以达到综合运用所学语言知识的目的,体现语言的学习价值。学习语言的目的就在于运用语言去和别人交流。再反思这节课,预设目标基本达成,而最大的亮点就在于真实情境的创设,给学生搭建了说英语、用英语的平台。学生穿上衣服创编对话来进行展示,将本课学习的重点句型反复运用。在语言训练的同时,注重情感目标的达成,培养学生观察能力,发现美、热爱美的意识,使故事教学达到更高的境界和高度。


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