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1、专业英语试卷1 一、英汉互译1. Behavior modeling 行为模拟 2. Employee leasing 员工租借3. Factor comparison system 因素比较法 4. Graphic rating-scale method 图式评估法5. Panel interview 小组面试 6. Replacement charts 替换表7. Selection 甄选 8. Vesting 既得利益9. Team leader training 团队领导培训 10. Profit sharing 利润分享11. Psychological support 心理支持 1

2、2. Skill-based pay 技能工资13. Web-based training 网上培训 14. Key jobs 关键工作15. Job enlargement 工作扩大化二、单项选择1. mentors 导师2. change the person, not the behavior 改变人的行为3. cultural trends 文化趋势4. job analysis 工作分析5. designed to help terminated employees find a job elsewhere 旨在帮助终止雇员到别处找工作6. effective delegatory

3、skills 有效的delegatory技能7. behavior method 行为方法8. skill-based pay plans 技能工资方案 9. use a classroom-oriented approach so employees learn by lectures 使用方法让员工学习课堂讲座10. They are free of most biases that other rating sources may have他们是自由最偏见,其他来源的评价可能有三、阅读理解1.Performance management for knowledge workers知识型员

4、工绩效管理2.Is reluctant to share knowledge with colleagues不愿与同事分享知识3. At Bain, partners are eager to share knowledge with colleagues. 贝恩的合作伙伴,渴望分享知识与同事。4.The cascading of corporate core values for knowledge-sharing to individuals could be one starting point for the performance management process. 连锁企业的核

5、心价值观的知识共享的个人可能是一个起点,在绩效管理的过程。5. by building networks which provide for knowledge sharing通过建立网络提供知识共享1.training and development 培训和发展2. on-the-job training 在职培训3. In a T-group, the trainer should provide a climate where the group members are sufficiently trusting of one another to discuss their own b

6、ehaviors. 在训练小组,教练应该提供一个环境,小组成员有足够的信任,彼此谈论他们自己的行4. poor effectiveness of the training design 可怜的有效性的培训设计5. If T-group laboratories are modified well, it has also valid uses. 如果训练小组实验室修改好,它也有效的利用。专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Career counseling 职业咨询 2. Cross-training 交叉培训3. Employee leasing 员工租借 4. Expat

7、riate 外派雇员5. On-the-job training, OJT. 在职培训 6. Pay grade 工资等级7. Perquisites 津贴 8. Reengineering 流程再造9. Spot bonus 即时奖金 11. Peer appraisal 同事评估 12. Situational interview 情景面试 13. Task analysis 任务分析 14. Job design 工作设计 15. Promotion 晋升二、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. trait, behavioral, results 性状,行为,结果2.internal l

8、abor market 内部劳动力市场3. on-the-job 在职4. increase their knowledge, skill, and ability level 增加他们的知识,技能,能力和水平5. technological 技术6. WIt has diminished the role of supervisors in managing employees. 机智减少了监事会的作用,在管理员工。7. the HR department 人力资源部8. rely on skill-based pay structures 依靠技能为基础的薪酬结构9. stable gro

9、wth in product demand产品需求稳定增长10. key jobs 关键工作三、阅读理解1. the future numbers and types of products 未来的数量和类型的产品2. The forecast cant be based on decisions on downsizing. 预测不能以决定“小型化3. Critical incident method 关键事件法4. When ratio-trend analysis is being carried out, we neednt consider changes in organizati

10、on.当ratio-trend分析正在进行,我们不必考虑组织的改变 5. human resource planning 人力资源规划(二)1901921. Organizations had been using the “one-benefit-plan-fits-all” programs for 50 years. 组织一直使用“one-benefit-plan-fits-all”项目为50年2. According to the passage, 1/4of todays employees are single and 1/3 are part of two-income fami

11、lies without any children. 根据这篇文章,1 / 4今天的员工是单一和1 / 3部分都没有孩子的双收入家庭3. expensive medical plans with high deductibles 昂贵的医疗计划高免赔额4. Flexible benefits turn the benefits expenditure into a motivator. 灵活的福利将福利支出为动力5. The domination of “one-benefit-plan-fits-all” programs has been replaced by flexible bene

12、fits.统治的“one-benefit-plan-fits-all”计划已取代了弹性福利专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Wage-rate compression 工资压缩 2. Vesting 既得利益3. Arbitrary 仲裁 4. Behavior-based program 行为改变计划15. Learning organization 学习型组织 6. Differential piece rate 差额计件工资 7. Functional job analysis, FJA职能工作分析 8. Group mentoring program 群体指导计划9

13、. Job ranking system 工作重要性排序法 10. Management forecasts 管理预测11. On-the-job training, OJT 在职培训 12. Pay level 工资水平13. Recruitment 招募 14. Task analysis 任务分析二、单项选择1. quantitative, simple to understand, and show a clear relationship between output and reward定量,简单易懂,并显示一个明确的关系,rewardbenefits输出2. profit sharing 利润分享3. obtain additional information from them or from their supervisors 获得更多的信息从他们或从他们的上司4. motivational concerns 动机问题5. mentors 导师6. Desk clerks are expected to check out approximately fifteen customers every half-hour接待人员应检查出大约十五个客户


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