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1、一写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级形式1. small 2. high 3. nice 4. heavy 5. early 6. hot 7.big 8.low 9.expensive 10.difficult 11.many/much 12.old 13.little 14.far 15.good/well 16.bad/badly 17.beautiful 18.cheap 19. clean 20. cold 21. colorful 22.cool 23.crowded 24.dangerous 25. delicious 26. dirty 27. friendly 28. hard

2、29. late 30. lazy 31. quiet 32. tall 33. thin 34. ugly 35. few 36. creative 二 单项选择。1. -She is _ than her mother. A. beautifulB. beautifulerC. more beautifulD. most beautiful2. -The sick grandmother was gettingday by day. -I am sorry to hear that.A. worseB. badC. bestD. worst3. -Do you always get up

3、asas you brother?A. earliestB. earlierC. the earliestD. early4. -Mr. Baker says he is the busiest man in your office. Do you think so?-Yes. He is reallythan any other person in our office.A. busyB. busierC. busiestD. the busiest5. -How time flies! -Yes, she looks_ than before.A. the more older B. ve

4、ry older C. much older D. more older6. Would you please say it? I still cant follow you.A. more slowB. much slowC. more slowlyD. much slowly7.He is _more beautiful than I. A. tooB. enoughC. muchD. very8. This book is _ that one.A. as better as B. as good asC. as best asD. as well as9. -It looks like

5、 that he is as _ as you. -Oh, no. He is _ than I.A. tall, a little tallB. taller, a little tall C. tall, a little tallerD. taller, a little taller10.-Thanks for taking care of the garden, it is becoming _.A. more beautiful and more B. more beautiful and more beautifulC. more and more beautifulD. mor

6、e beautiful and beautiful11. The box is _ heavy .I cant move it. A. muchB. moreC. enoughD. too12. Her brother is _ than she.A. seven year olderB. seven year olderC. seven years oldD. seven years older13. The_you stand,the _ you can see.A. high; farB. higher; fartherC. highest; farthestD. more higher

7、; more farther14.You should study English hard, because its getting_ in our country .A. more and more importantB. more important and more importantC. importanter and importanterD. important and important15. -Can I help you? -Well, Im afraid the box isheavy for you.A. soB. muchC. veryD. too16. I will

8、 try to makemistakes in future. A. lessB. moreC. fewerD. much17. -I can play basketball asas my elder brother. A.good B.wellC.betterD.worse18. -I feel _ better today. A. anyB. a littleC. veryD. more19.-Things are getting _ every day. -Yes, thats great.A. good and goodB. well and wellC. more and more

9、D. better and better20. -_ you work for other people, _ you feel.A.The well; the happier B. The better; the happierC. The well; the much happier D. The better; the happy21. This question ismore difficult than that one. A. littleB. quiteC. veryD. a little22.-30,000 dollars is a lot of money. -But its

10、than we need. The house is too expensive.A. far moreB. very muchC. far lessD. very little三 完成句子。1.她看起来不如玛丽年轻。 She doesnt look _ _ _ Mary.2.杰克的父亲比母亲大一岁。 Jacks father is _ _ _ than her mother3.我们的教室比他们的大得多。Our classroom is _ _ than theirs.4.当心!这条路越来越危险。Look out! The mad is becoming _ and _ _.5.你喜欢哪种动物,猫还是狗? Which animal do you like _ , a cat or a dog?6.这本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book is _ that one.7.你游泳没有你弟弟好。You cant swim _ _ _ your brother.8.今天比昨天冷的多。It is _ _ today _it was yesterday.


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