《Lesson 7 Homework》 教学设计与反思.doc

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1、Lesson 7 Homework 教学设计与反思教材分析:本课是四年级上册第二单元的第一课。在第二单元,学生将通过扩展自己对家庭所接触到的事物的理解,构建这方面的相关知识。他们将要学习如何谈论家庭作业,家里的科技产品,卧室、刷牙和玩玩具。本课所学的内容是如何谈论家庭作业。在本课的教学内容中,学生需要学习的知识有谈论家庭作业的句子What do you do in the evening? In the evening, I do my homework. I read a book. I write a story. I draw a picture for my story.和本课的歌曲T

2、his is the way I wash my clothes。学情分析:四年级学生处于小学有低年级到高年级的过度阶段。思维发展处于转折时期,抽象概括、分类、比较和推理能力开始形成。他们学习英语已有一年的时间,对英语的学习有一定的了解,正处于从被动学习向主动学习转变的阶段。因此对这一时期的孩子进行教学时应在直观、形象的教学中让学生有所思考,在课堂中给与孩子主动学习的机会。教学目标:1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:do, my, homework, read, book2. 学生能认读、理解并运用句型结构:In the evening,I3.学生能理解并口头运用下列用语和句子:What

3、do you do in the evening? In the evening, I do my homework. I read a book. I write a story. I draw a picture for my story.教学重难点:理解并运用本科所学句子进行说话和交流教学准备:课件、教学光盘、写有动词短语do my homework, read a book, write a story, draw a picture,作业,稿纸教学过程Step 1: Class opening 1. Greeting2. Warming up : Lets enjoy a song

4、Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.【设计意图:好的开端是成功的一半,课伊始,欢快的歌曲让孩子们一下子进入了学习英语的氛围,活跃了课堂气氛。】3. Show the title of this lesson. Step 2: New Concepts 1. 出示课件。Say: “ Listen the bell is ringing.Students will go home. This is my home.We have some homework.”Leads the words home and homework.Teaches the new word “homework

5、”. Then teacher uses the homework, teaches them to “my homework” ,“do my homework”, “I do my homework.”.并板书。 Students repeat one by one.2. Show Jenny. Ask “Who is she?” Students say “Jenny.” Say “Hello, Jenny! What do you do in the evening?”Play the Tape. Students listen and repeat. Teach them to sa

6、y “In the evening, I do my homework.” Repeat some times. Then show the question “ What do you do in the evening?” And teach them to learn.【设计意图:通过创设放学回家的情境引导学生理解homework的含义,在教授的过程中从单词到短语、到句子最后到对话逐步加深学生的学习难度,使学生不再出现畏难情绪,从而更好地学习本课知识。】3. Show a bag, Let students guess “ Whats in it?”Student says “ A bo

7、ok.” Teach the word “book” and write on the blackboard. Act and say “I read a book.”Let students pass and say the sentence.4. Open the book. Say “ There is an interesting story. Do you know the story? Look. This is a story book. There are many stories in it. Its write by Hans Christian Andersen. Act

8、, Say “write a story.” Teach the Phrases. Show the picture of Li Ming. Say hello to Li Ming. Ask Li Ming “ What do you do in the evening?” Play the tape. Teach the Sentence “I write a story.” Show the picture of the story.Say “ There is a picture.” Teach the word “picture”. Act, teach “draw a pictur

9、e”. Show Li Ming. Play the tape. Teach the sentence “I draw a picture for my story.”Step3 Practice and Produced1. Game. A. Act and say. B. Act and guess.2. Listen and match.3. Listen and imitate.4. Group work. Practice in group and perform.5. Sing a song. A. Listen. B. Teach them to sing the first p

10、air-graph.C. Try to sing.Step4Homework:Do a survey. (小调查)What homework do you like to do ? I like to _.教学反思:本课是本册书第二单元的第一课,其中教学重点是学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写单词:do, my, homework, read, book。学生能认读、理解和运用基本句型结构:In the evening, I . 学生能理解并口头运用下列用语和句子:In the evening, I do my homework. I read a book. I write a story. I

11、draw a picture for my story. 在备课时,我翻看了本单元其他课的教学内容,发现What do you do_? 的句型在本单元的课文中不断出现,因此进行本科的教学设计时我把这个句型也作为了本科教授的重点内容。另外由于本课内容较多在处理本科歌曲是我只对其第一段进行了细致的讲解并教学生学唱,并在以后的教学中让学生不断重复练习直到会唱。在教学时,我一放学铃声学生回家一幕导入新课,吸引学生注意力使之步入本课的教学情境之中。在对本课的句子进行教授时,我设计了从做家庭作业开始到家庭作业的种类这一顺序。在讲授write a story 时我先出示一本书并提示学生这是一本故事书,然后出示书的作者,揭示是谁写的,从而过渡到write a story这一短语,从而帮助学生理解write a story 有写作之意。通过本节课学习,学生在课堂中积极举手回答问题,他们能够初步运用所学知识谈论家庭作业。但课无完课,在本课的教授中学生书写的时间较少,在小组汇报时没能给更多的学生展示自己的时间。这些我会在以后的教学中加以改进。


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