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1、宜兴市桃溪中学师生共用导学案年级:初一 主备:宗玲玲 审核:吴蕴 时间:2012.02.20课题:7B welcome to the unit 课型:新授 课时安排 :一课时学生姓名_ 家长签名_学习目标:1 了解不同国家的标志性建筑2 了解不同国家及首都的英语表达方式。【课前热身】:一、跟磁带大声朗读P124单词和P6-7课文,并能默写下列单词、词组、句子。1.皇宫,宫殿 (n) 2.紧邻,在近旁(prep) _ _ 3. 城镇_ 4. 加拿大 _ _ 加拿大(人)的Canadian 英语_渥太华_5.法国 _ 法国(人)的 French 法语 French 巴黎_6.日本 _ 日本(人)的

2、_日语_东京_7.俄罗斯 _ 俄国(人)的 Russian 俄语 Russian 莫斯科_8.英国 England 英国(人)的_英语_伦敦_9.英国 =_ 10 国家_(复数)_11. 首都 _ 12梦想家园dream homes 13喜欢住在宫殿里吗?Would you like to live in a palace?14住在饭店隔壁live next to a restaurant 15城里有二十家饭店。There are twenty restaurants in town.16你最喜欢哪一个?Which is your favourite? 17第五大街最大的一个 the bigg

3、est one in Fifth Street 18法国的首都 the capital of France (.的首都 the capital of ) 19你想住哪里? Where would you like to live? 20了解不同国家的家园 learn about homes in different countries21富士山 Mount Fuji 白宫 the White House 埃菲尔铁塔 the Eiffel Tower 国家电视台 the CN Tower 大本钟 Big Ben 红场 Red Square22想了解其他国家want to learn about

4、other countries23国家的名称the names of the countries24 这张照片来自哪个国家? Which country is this photo from? 25 - - - 的首都是 - - - ? Whats the capital of ?通过预习,哪些方面你还存在疑问_【学海拾贝】一、请动脑想想下列知识点,好吗?1. would like to do sth 带有婉转的语气,可以用来征求意见、提出建议或发出邀请。你愿意和我一起去买东西吗?_ you _ _ _ _ with me ?肯定回答:_或_否定回答:_或_想要做某事_=_想要某物 _=_想要

5、某人做某事_=_(a)我想要去购物。_=_(b)她想要那本书。_=_(c) 他想要我和他一起去钓鱼。_2.big-_(比较级)-_(最高级) 注意:当使用形容词的最高级时,一般情况在最高级前要加_,有时也可能用形容词性物主代词(两者不能同时使用,只可用其一)。3.- - - 的首都是 - - - ?_?日本的首都是东京。_Tokyo.3. Which is your favourite? 你最喜欢哪一个?这个句子还可以这样说:Which do you like best? 例如:你最喜欢哪个城市?_=_我最喜欢的地方是厨房。_=_ 4 the biggest one 最大的一个 biggest

6、 是big的最高级,前面一定要加theone 指代上文所提到的restaurant 。it 也具有指代作用,但是one 指代的是同类异物,而it 指代的是同类同物。如:This tie does not match my shirt well. Would you please show me another _(it/one)? The book is very interesting. Would you like to have a look at _(it/one) ?【堂清巩固】一根据句意用所给词的正确形式填空.1.Moscow is the c_ of Russia.2.Jacks

7、 d_ home is a house with a garden.3.My f_ drink is black tea.4.We ate(吃) in a famous r_ last week. 5.Its one of the biggest _ in the world. (country)6.The boys come from _. They are _. They speak _.(Japan)7.This is the _ shopping mall in Jiangyin. (big)8._ is a beautiful country. (French)9.Their cla

8、ssroom is next to _.(we)10.Would you like to live in a _. (宫殿)二 完成句子1莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都。Moscow is the _ of _.2你想住在我家隔壁吗?_ _ _ to live _ _ my house?3最大的那个房间是我的。 _ _ room is _.4莫斯科有许多古老的宫殿。Moscow _ many old _.5. 海南是我梦想中的家园。Hainan is my _ _.三、( )1. Would you like _ more biscuits and tea ? A to B any C to some D some ( )2.Would you like to spend your holiday at the beach, Jim?_A No, Id love to B Yes, Id love to C No, please D Yes, youre right1



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