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1、Book 1Unit 1School life Unit 1School life1attend vt.出席,参加;上(学);到场;照料,护理归纳拓展(1)Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting.(2010四川,完形填空)最近,我飞往拉斯维加斯参加了一个会议。(2)The patients are well attended on in the hospital.病人在医院里得到很好的照料。(3)Could you attend to this matter immediately?你能不能立刻处理这件事?attend,join,joi

2、n in,take part in(1)attend表示出席或参加会议、仪式、典礼;也可表示上课、上学、听报告等。(2)join表示加入某一组织,并成为其中的一员,如:加入党派、组织、社团、俱乐部等。其宾语也可以是人。(3)join in表示参加正在进行的活动,也可用于join sb. in (doing) sth.表示加入某人一起做某事。(4)take part in表示参加活动,侧重说明主语参加并发挥一定的作用,part前若有修饰语,要用不定冠词。活学活用(1)用attend,join(in),take part in的适当形式填空He has attended all the lectu

3、res and joined the other members in taking_part_in all the activities given by the organization since he joined it.(2)When I got there,he was_a wedding party.Aattending Bjoining Cattending to Djoining in答案A解析句意为:当我到达那儿时,他正参加一个婚礼。attend表示出席或参加典礼、仪式等。(3)I always have so many things to _ when I come ba

4、ck to the company after a trip abroad.Aadd to Bcontribute to Cattend to Dappeal to答案C解析句意为:当我从国外旅游回到公司时,总有大量的事情要去处理。add to“增加”;contribute to“有助于,造成”;attend to“处理,对付,照料”;appeal to“吸引,呼吁”。 2inform v通知;告诉information n信息归纳拓展The Carbon Trust believes that it can help by informing customers about the good

5、 work companies are doing.(2010福建,阅读理解C)英国碳信托有限公司认为告知顾客有关公司正在进行的工作,可能会起作用。活学活用(1)He informed the company that the ship arrived safely.He informed_the_company_of the ships safe arrival.他报告公司轮船平安抵达。(2)I wasnt informed_of the decision until too late.等到我知道这项决定时,已经太迟了。(3)I hope you will keep us_ of how y

6、ou are getting on with your work.(2011岳阳统考)Ainformed Binforming Cto inform Dinform答案A解析keep sb.informed of.使某人知道,固定用法。3regret vt.遗憾;惋惜;n.遗憾;懊悔归纳拓展I have always regretted not having studied harder at school.我一直后悔在校期间没能努力学习。活学活用(1)I regret being unable to come today.I regret that_I_cant come today.今天我

7、不能前来,很遗憾。(2)You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.Well,now I regret_ that.Ato do Bto be doing Cto have been done Dhaving done答案D解析由句意可知,此处应是“后悔做了那件事”;regret doing sth.后悔做了某事。4approve v赞成,同意;批准approval n赞成,同意;批准归纳拓展The committee all approved the plan.委员会一致通过了该计划。活学活用(1)Do you appro

8、ve_of my idea?你同意我的想法吗?(2)Youd better cut your hair short.Our school does not_long hair.(2010南京金陵中学模拟)Aapprove of students wore Bapprove students to wearCapprove of students to wear Dapprove of students wearing答案D作of的宾语,而students为wearing的逻辑主语。5require vt.需要;要求;命令requirement n需求;需要;资格归纳拓展require sth.

9、of sb.向某人要求某物require do sth.要求某人做某事require that.要求(虚拟语气)requireneedwant +doing/to be done (主语为动作的承受者)+to do(主语为动作的发出者)This causes a serious problem because plants require these nutrients for growth.这会导致一个严重的问题,因为植物的生长需要这些营养物质。活学活用(1)The court required that he (should) pay the fine.The court re

10、quired_him_to pay the fine.法院下令让他缴纳罚款。(2)A large office requires the_employment_of many people.一个大事务所需要雇用许多人。(3)All the members_ the meeting.Arequired to attend Bare required to attendCare required to attending Drequired attending答案B解析sb. be required to do sth.为require do sth.的被动形式。6.for free免

11、费地,无偿地归纳拓展活学活用(1)Admission to the museum is_free_of_charge.这家博物馆可以免费进入。(2)He was finally freed_from/of a huge debt.他最终从巨额债务中解脱出来了。(3)Here,your new computer is ready.Thank you._ to call this number if you have any problems.(2011池州模拟)AYou are free BIt is free CFeel free DBe free答案C解析feel free to do st

12、h.无拘束地做某事。最后一句意为:如果你有什么问题,随时拨打这个号码。7pay attention to注意attentive adj.专心的;留心的;体贴的;亲切的归纳拓展So,its important to pay attention to every detail.(2010江苏,阅读理解D)因此,注意每一个细节是很重要的。活学活用(1)She turned_her_attention_to a new problem.她把注意力转移到一个新的问题上。(2)You must be_more_attentive_to what I say.你必须多留意我说的话。(3)Great atte

13、ntion must be paid _ education,especially in the countryside.Adevelop Bto develop Cto developing Ddeveloping答案C解析该题考查pay attention to 的被动形式。其中 to 为介词,故其后接 developing 作宾语,而不用动词原形。8more than多于,超过;不仅仅;非常,很归纳拓展(1)more.than.意为“与其倒不如”,此结构强调more后面的内容,表示同一个人或事物的两种特征对比,more和than后接形容词、副词的原级,名词或介词短语等两个并列成分。(2)

14、no more than仅仅;不过no more.than和一样不more and more+adj./adv.越来越(3)other than除了rather than.而不是It took more than building supplies to construct these energysaving houses.It took brains,too.(2009浙江,10)建造这些节能的房屋,不仅仅要花费建筑材料,还要付出智力。活学活用(1)Animals hibernation is more_than_sleep.动物的冬眠不只是睡眠。(2)Songs that are spoken rather_than sung are called rap.用来


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