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1、编号:Ying B1-001高中英语科导学案Book 1 Unit 1 Friendship一、学习目标:1、 必会词汇的词意及用法的准确掌握。 2、 重点短语&重点句型的记忆及理解。3、 语法结构的分析。4、 即学即练促进语境中的灵活运用,把知识转化为能力。二、学习重点与难点:培养“语法结构”的分析能力&提升其运用能力。1、with+O+OC ; 2、make+O+ OC; 3、Keep+O+OCI、 课前预习案:短语互译:1. _合计; 2. _ (使)平静下来;(使)镇静下来3._关心;挂念4._记下;放下5._一连串的;一系列;一套6._故意7._ 为了8._ 在黄昏时刻9._面对面1

2、0._不再11.suffer from _12.get tired of _13.pack (sth) up _14.get along with _15.fall in love (with) _16. join in _II、课中导学案:Section One : Warming up1. add vt. 增加;添加;补充说;add sth. / that 补充说Is there anything youd like to add? 翻译:_?He _ a week later.他补充说他们一周后回来。(1) add up 合计;加起来;_ these figures _, please.

3、请把这些数字加起来。(2) add to 增加The news added to his worry.这则消息增添了他的烦恼。The newly born baby _ the couples pleasure.这个新生的婴儿给夫妇俩增加了乐趣。The heavy snow _.这场大雪增加了我们的困难。(3) add to 把加到里Will you add more sugar to your coffee?Please_ some more water _ the soup. 请给汤再加点水。_?把我的名字加到名单上好吗?(4) add up to 总共有, 总计达The money he

4、 spent added up to more than $1000 .His whole school education _ no more than one year.他所受的全部学校教育加起来不过一年。2calm 1) v. 使平静;使镇静 calm ( sb. /oneself) down (使) 平静下来,镇静下来Eg. Have some wine. Itll calm you down. The excited football fans _at last .激动的球迷们最终平静了下来。He took a deep breath to _.他深吸了一口气,以使自己镇静下来。 2

5、) adj .(人)镇静的,沉着的;(天气、海洋等)风平浪静的 Her voice was surprisingly calm. 翻译:_.Now _ everyone, the police are on their way各位,请冷静,警察就要到了。After the storm, the sea became calm .3. 1). be concerned about/for =be worried about =show concern about/ for 关心,挂念She was concerned about the safety of the lost children.翻

6、译:_.Her parents _ her study.她的父母很关心她的学习。 2) be concerned with / in 关于 ;涉及_ the film stars childhood. 这个故事是关于这个影星的童年。 3)As/So far as be concerned 就而言; 在看来As far as Im concerned , it sounds like a great idea._, he isnt fit for the job.在我看来,他并不称职。 Section Two: Reading1. 1) go through (=suffer)经历;经受(不愉快

7、,痛苦的事)He has gone through a lot of hardships since his parents passed away .自从他父母去世后,他已受了很多苦。_during the war .这个老人在战争期间经历过很多苦难(sufferings)。_.这个国家经历了许多战争。 2) 仔细检查She went through her students papers.她仔细检查了学生们的试卷。_.警察搜查了小偷的衣袋。 3)完成,做完(= get through=finish)_.他在两天内完成了工作。 4) 穿过,通过(=get through)_to the vi

8、llage.那个人穿过森林来到了村子。2. set down 1) 记下,写下(=write down=take down=put down)_.他记下当时发生的每一件事。 2)放下(=put down)He entered the house,_ and asked for some water to drink.他进了屋子,放下沉重的书包,向人要了点水喝。3. a series of 一连串;一系列,一套 a series of events / accidents ; 一连串事件/ 事故 a series of books系列丛书; a TV series 电视连续剧 He saw _

9、on the road .他看见马路上有一连串得交通标志。_ .昨天我买了一套猴子邮票。4 on purpose =by design 故意地;有意地;特地 He _.他有意跟我说谎。5. in order to do sth. ; so as to do sth. ; to do sth 不定式做目的状语(注:so as to 不能放在句首。)He got up early in order to / so as to catch the first bus .=_ he got up early .=He got up early so that / in order that he co

10、uld catch the first bus.课文中的句子结构讲析:1. Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend .* make + O. + O.C. 1) make+ O.+ n._.我们选他为班长。2) make +O. +adj._.他的礼物令他非常快乐。3) make+ O. +doShe_ before eating.她要孩子们吃东西前洗手。4) make +O. +done I had to speak loudly to make myself heard .为了让人听见我不得不大声讲话。_ in English.我无法用英语清楚地表达自己的意思。2. She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered .“-之后才-; 还没等/ 还没来得及-就-; 趁-还没-He waited two weeks _.他等了两周后才知道结果。She was angry before I could explain to her .我还没来得


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