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1、 新概念英语单词第3册Lesson38:The first calendar最早的日历【单词扩大】kalendar日历【单词搭配】solar calendar阳历 wall calendar挂历 lunar calenda阴历【单词例句】A: I like that color calendar.A:我喜爱那本彩色的日历。B: I”ll give it to you if you like.B:喜爱就送给你了。 historian h”strnn. 历史学家 unique ju”nik adj.无与伦比的,独特的【单词扩大】idiographic独特的【单词例句】A:This is our s

2、pecialty.A:这是本店的特色商品。B:Surely it is unique.B:这种商品的确很独特。 steadily adv.不断地 【单词例句】A:Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.A:我们对该产品的需求正在稳步地增长。B:How much to you order this time?B:你们这次预备订购多少呢? sole adj.的 【单词扩大】only的【单词搭配】sole one一个【单词例句】A: Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly a

3、ppoint you our sole agent.A:除非贵方增加交易额,否则我们无法指定贵方为我们的代理。B: I”ll consider it, and tell you my decision tomorrow.B:我考虑考虑,明天告知你我的打算。 video ”vdn. 录像 CD-ROM n.(只读)光盘驱动器bewilderb”wldv.令人眼花缭乱【派生词】bewilderment迷惑【单词例句】The traffic in big cities bewilders me.大城市的交通让我眼花缭乱。 dedude v. 推断,推理 【单词扩大】conclude推断出 forej

4、udge推断【单词搭配】deduce from从推断出【单词例句】A:I deduce from the large crowd that the speaker is very popular.A:从听众许多这一点,我可以推断,演讲者大受欢送。B: Yes,he is the professor who is the most popular among the students in our school.B:是的,他是我们学校学生欢送的教授。 scanty”skaanti adj缺乏的,贫乏的 【单词扩大】skimp缺乏的 lacking缺少的【单词例句】A:The rainfall w

5、as rather scanty this month.A:这个月的雨量缺乏。B: Yes. it rained only twice altogether.B:是的,总共只下了两场雨。 mammoth ”mm 长毛象 tusk tsk 獠牙,长牙,象牙correlate 使相互联系【派生词】correlation相互关系,关联【单词扩大】interrelate相关,相互关联【单词搭配】correlate with与相关联【单词例句】This doesn”t correlate with what we”ve known already.这同我们已经知道的没有关系。 clue n.线索 ins

6、ignificant nsg”nfk()nt adj. 不重要的【单词扩大】unimportant不重要的【单词例句】This problem was insignificant compared to others we faced.这一问题与我们面临的其他问题相比算不了什么。 shed ed 使流出,泻 advent ”dvnt n.消失,到来,降临【单词搭配】with the advent of随着的消失【单词例句】People are much better informed since the advent of the Internet.自从有了网络,人们的消息灵通多了。 agri

7、culture”grklt 农业 assumption ”sm(p)()n 假定,设想【单词例句】A:Ihe facts proved her assumption was wrong.A:事实证明她的设想是错的。B: But she doesn”t think that way.B:但她并不那么认为。 dot dt 小圆点 symbol ”smb()l 符号engrave in”greiv 雕刻【派生词】engraving雕刻印刷品【单词扩大】sculpture雕刻【单词例句】The stone was engraved with inscription in memory of him.石

8、碑上刻有纪念他的碑文。 ivory ”av()r 象牙制品 【单词例句】A: May I see that ivory horse?A:我可以看看那个象牙做的马吗?B:SureHere you areB:固然可以,给你。 phase n.月相,天相 primitive ”prmtv 原始人:adj.原始的【派生词】primitiveness原始【单词扩大】primordial原始的 aboriginal原始的,士着的【单词例句】Primitive made himself primitive tools from sharp stones and animal bones.原始人用尖石块和兽骨为自己制作原始的工具。 depict d”pktv.描画,描给



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